This sucks...

College isn't something everyone does well at, especially not if the major that you choose isn't something you enjoy.

I went to a 4 year university right out of high school and started with teaching. The general courses I had to take were horrible and I had at least one breakdown like you described every semester, but I kept at it. I had a 2.3 GPA after 3 years and that summer I got a sales/marketing internship and LOVED it. The following year I switched my major to entrepreneurship with a minor in marketing with a sales focus. I graduated with a 2.7 (2 years of being on the dean's list still didn't make up for my 3 years of not
) and after I graduated I immediately found a high paying job.

Things aren't always easy, but it takes a certain amount of mental toughness to push through and make it happen. Don't let it break you, make it a goal to complete it and look back on your accomplishment with pride. You really can do anything you set your mind to. Good luck brother
Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by 23kidd

Ive talked to him, he said we can arrange something during office hours. Its more like his teaching style that affects me. Im more of a one on one type.

Growing up with a hearing loss affected me horribly in school.

Did you tell him about the hearing loss?
I did. Seems like he never dealt with a student with a disability. Once i told him, this was his response, "Uhh..uhh..Ok" and just looked at me with a puzzled face.
dude..go to your schools administration, and see if they have a disability office or officer.
You're probably eligible for special learning accommodations.
Dude if school really ain't for you, maybe take on an apprenticeship of some sort?

Mechanic, chef, carpenter...
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