I take it they're playing on her strong anti-racism stance. That was morbid and incredibly distasteful. The 'artist' screaming in the vid....@!*.
Okay, so I understand what they were doing with the cake. They were bring more attention to the genital mutilation going on in some African countries.
But this cake really takes away from the issue that they were trying to raise awareness for.
Originally Posted by sreggie101

the cake is extremely gross but everyone smiling and laughing just makes the whole picture pretty disturbing
euro racism? idk...should i be surprised?

i just noticed the title...i see what u did there...


The story tho..
[h1]Swedish minister denies claims of racism over black woman cake stunt[/h1]
Calls for Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth to resign over role in art event supposedly highlighting female genital mutilation and racism

The 'cake' of a naked black woman made by an artist, Makode Aj Linde Link to this video
Sweden's minister of culture has been accused of racism after cutting a cake depicting a naked black woman.

Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth was taking part in an event at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, the capital's museum of modern art and home to works by Picasso and Dalí. She was invited to cut the cake, an art installation meant to highlight the issue of female genital mutilation. She began, as instructed, by taking a chunk from the cake's "clitoris".

The artist, Makode Aj Linde, who created the installation for World Art Day on 15 April, took part in the cake-cutting, with his blackened face and head sticking up next to the cake's stomach and arms. The cakes "insides" were a gruesome red. A video shows him screaming loudly every time a visitor hacks off another slice of the cake.

Linde posted photos of the "genital mutilation cake" on his Facebook page. But the images provoked a furious response, with Sweden's African-Swedish Association describing it as "a racist spectacle".

A spokesman for the association, Kitimbwa Sabuni, told Sweden's The Local newspaper: "In our view, this simply adds to the mockery of racism in Sweden."

The association has demanded her resignation. In a statement, Sabuni said the association doubted a cake party meant to highlight the issue of female genital mutilation had achieved its aim. Instead, the cake was just "a racist caricature of a black woman". He said the minister's decision to take part in a dubious event with cannibalistic overtones showed her "incompetence and lack of judgment".

Sabuni told the newspaper: "Her participation, as she laughs, drinks and eats cake, merely adds to the insult against people who suffer from racist taunts and against women affected by circumcision."

Adelsohn Liljeroth, however, said she sympathised with the association's criticisms but denied she had done anything wrong. Speaking to the TT news agency, she conceded the cake installation was provocative and rather bizarre, and said she had been invited to speak about artistic freedom and the right to offend.

She added: "They wanted me to cut the cake." Ultimately, the artist was to blame for any confusion, she said, arguing that the situation had been misinterpreted. "He claims that it challenges a romanticised and exoticised view from the west about something that is really about violence and racism," she said. "Art needs to be provocative."

Sabuni dismissed the remarks, according to Swedish media reports, and called the minister's comments "extremely insulting". He added: "Sweden thinks of itself as a place where racism is not a problem. That just provides cover for not discussing the issue, which leads to incidents like this.

"To participate in a racist manifestation masquerading as art is totally over the line and can only be interpreted as the culture minister supporting the Moderna Museet's racist prank," he said.

yea i'm thinking the artist was did this more for attention than for awareness... and it worked.
I'm not sure I'm seeing anywhere else other than the headline that it was a called a N----- cake...

I think it's certainly distasteful and a publicity stunt. His artwork actually reminds me of Mr. PoPo
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

The artist really needs to explain himself....

Artistic and edible interpretation of what was done to the mother continent?
...I'm just throwin' up whatever sticks here. *Yeezy shrug*
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

The artist really needs to explain himself....

Artistic and edible interpretation of what was done to the mother continent?
...I'm just throwin' up whatever sticks here. *Yeezy shrug*

Now that I think about it, that's my answer and I'm stickin' to it...
...Lord knows what that artist was really tryin' to convey, but that's what I took from it.

The video complete with the screaming and insensitive smiles makes it ring that much more true...

...from solely an artistic standpoint, that's pretty provactive - it get the people going.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Interesting.. Reminds me of when they used to hang us or riddle us with bullets and everyone would come out to see the body, smile, cheer and celebrate, like they were watching a baby take it's first steps.[/color]
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