Thor: The Dark World (Movie Thread) 11/08/13

Malekith is a wasted villain... him and earth scenes were weak part of the movie. Sif>Jane
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But I assume they go the bigger picture route and have thanos, the collector or someone else of that nature so they can set up avengers 3

Cause the avengers are all going take some losses leading up to avengers 3

I don't think they'll go that route, Thanos will be a waste in Thor 3 to be honest, he needs to be saved for the absolute last as he is what it is all building to. Putting him in Thor 3 where he loses or has to retreat or whatever will simply diminish the build of Thanos.

And I seriously cannot see Marvel/Disney ending a comic book film on a sad note, so a Thor 3 ending with a defeat or loss is just far fetch to me. I just don't see it, it's that Disney association that will always try to make it a happy ending for kids and it works for them, look at how much money these films are making. They simply will not end it by killing a nemesis in a darker tone (MoS) or the hero being viewed as a villain in the end (TDK).

Never knew this is the guy that played Thanos in Avengers.



I think they set the stage for avengers 3, with all the invidual movies.. Demonstrating that there is no way in hell that these guys can handle thanos on their own

With ultron being the main bad guy in avengers 2.. They then get to add vision to the team.. Then they'll have a dr strange introductory movie along with the ant-man movie

We'll see if they do an ironman 4, since I THINK it was reported rdj was only signed for the next 2 avenger films.. Then you got gotg..

So cap and thor will be the 3rd films prior to avengers 3

I mean they could go the route of having thor defeat the perceived villain, while the real threat uses thor being distracted to escape with the gem(s).. But at some point they will have to show how much of a force thanos is and why all of these guys are needed

So I would rather them go "the empire strikes back" route.. Where the good guys take couple Ls
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^ they learned from the first hulk that a full CGI is horrible.

Having an actor have real life movements makes it so much better
Seen it twice. The two cameos were pretty funny. I like how Marvel is putting these together. I think Cap 2 will be amazing and Avengers will be next level. DC needs to hit a home run with Bat and Supes or it could be disastrous.
Malekith is a wasted villain... him and earth scenes were weak part of the movie. Sif>Jane

did chris eccles even promote the movie?

seems like he knew he was gettin the short end of the stick and was like fuudge it

reminds me of when mickey rourke was saying how he felt they shoulda gave whiplash alot more chatacterization

what if in another movie they bring malekith,red skull, abomination,etc all in one movie
Makekith a waste? Ok
yea.. i dont get that..

introduce the aether (which will be used as one of the infinity gems.. thus setting up future movies while telling a good present story) and you use one of thor's more well known villians.. only other villians of his i think they HAVE to add is the enchantress and executioner, and they can be secondary characters (to say surtur)
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I think Malekith's intentions were to return the universe to being dark, not necessarily to destroy it. If he destroyed it, then where would he exist? The dark elves, according to the little prologue, ruled the universe in the time before light existed. So I'm guessing they are most powerful in darkness and maybe their tech thrives on dark matter?

I'm leaning toward Malekith wanting to alter reality. Ether (sounds a lot like Aether) is used to turn solids into liquid or change their state. I don't know if Marvel is sticking with the color scheme of the gems or "stones", as they're called in Thor, from the comics.

In the comics, the space gem is purple and in the movies it's neither purple nor a gem. It's the Tesseract, a cube. It seems like Marvel is taking some liberty with the interpretation of the source material.
Whoa wait a sec...I thought they were staying consistent with the Cosmic Cube being renamed the Tesseract? No...SO the cosmic cube is now the tesseract which is now the space gem but its not a gem its a cube that will be modified to fit into the infinity gauntlet at some point????

They just said F the original meaning. Hollywood 
 So confusing..
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The gems seem to be much stronger and more powerful when used in combination. Wielders of the gem have increased powers depending on their skill and the amount of experience they have with the gems. The gems are also sentient. Its power is known to exceed that of abstract entities like Eternity, it seems that the only being more powerful than the Gems is the Living Tribunal.
Power Gem – Increased strength and durability, enhances virtually any known superhuman ability, energy manipulation.
Time Gem – Time travel; stop, slow down or speed up flow of time; accelerate or slow down aging; see into past/future.
Space Gem – Travel through space, mostly through teleportation. Able to interfere with the motion of other objects.
Soul Gem – Observe, attack or even steal a being's soul or spirit. Also used to revert individuals to their natural state.
Reality Gem – Alters all of reality; similar to the effects of a Cosmic Cube, but much, much higher.
Mind Gem – Near-limitless psionic/psychic abilities including empathy, telepathy and telekinesis.
Gem Protectors
The gems were protected by the Illuminati.[2] The use of the Infinity Gauntlet to prevent the collision of Earth-616 with another Earth caused all the gems but the Time Gem, which just vanished, to be accidentally destroyed.[5]
Power Gem – Formerly protected by Namor, destroyed.
Space Gem – Formerly protected by Iron Man, destroyed.
Soul Gem – Formerly protected by Doctor Strange, destroyed.
Reality Gem – Formerly protected by Mr. Fantastic, destroyed.
Time Gem – Formerly protected by Captain America, vanished.
Mind Gem – Formerly protected by Beast, destroyed.

Before being called the Infinity Gems, they were called Soul Gems. The first soul gems was the one which first appeared on the forehead of Adam Warlock which was given to him by the High Evolutionary.
Thanos was the first to use the six soul gems in unison. He intended to destroy the universe by using the soul gems to destroy the stars but he was stopped by the Avengers, Adam Warlock and Captain Marvel.

The Elders of the Universe was the second to use the gems in unison. Connecting the six soul gems to a device, they were able to use its beams to absorb the life energy of Galactus and transfer it to a barren planet, giving it life. However, the Silver Surfer interfered and destroyed the machine, and the gems were lost in a black hole.

After Thanos' resurrection, he began collecting all the soul gems (now Infinity Gems). There it was revealed that the Infinity Gems are the remnants of one of the earliest beings from the time of the universe's creation. Feeling lonely, it split itself into six different fragments. Under unknown reasons each individual gem became associated with a particular facet– power, space, time, mind, soul and reality.

The Infinity Gems were kept by the In-Betweener and by members of the Elders of the Universe. The mad Titan Thanos gathered these gems into the Infinity Gauntlet.

Green Infinity Gem - Soul Gem - taken from the In-Betweener

Red Infinity Gem - Power Gem - taken from the Champion

Orange Infinity Gem - Time Gem - taken from the Gardener

Yellow Infinity Gem - Reality Gem - taken from the Collector

Purple Infinity Gem - Space Gem - taken from the Runner

Blue Infinity Gem - Mind Gem - taken from the Grandmaster

During the Infinity Gauntlet saga, Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to remove from existence half of the population of the universe in order to gain Death's love. However, in the end, Thanos was defeated when Adam Warlock was able to gain possession of the Infinity Gauntlet.

However, Adam Warlock was brought before the Living Tribunal because of the danger posed by the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand. After being shown that Adam Warlock is too mentally unpredictable, he was required to surrender it. Since it was too dangerous for it to be possessed by anyone, the Living Tribunal decreed that it cannot be used together again. Warlock then formed the Infinity Watch.

During the Infinity War, Magus tricked the Galactus in helping Eternity (Earth-616) to agree to the activation of the Infinity Gauntlet. Magus defeated the heroes using the activated Infinity Gauntlet. Still Adam was able to defeat the Magus when it was revealed that the Reality Gem is a fake and Adam, taking advantage of this distraction, was able to trap the Magus in his Soul Gem.

When the gems were transported into the Ultraverse along with several heroes and villains, Adam Warlock pursued them. In that universe, another gem, the Ego gem, was found. It claimed that it was the original being and was now ready to reclaim itself. The gems gestalted as Nemesis, but were defeated by the Avengers and Ultraforce (alongside several alternate reality versions of the same teams). With its defeat, the Ego Gem was apparently destroyed.

The gems were found to be back in the universe by Galactus. Warlock regained his Soul Gem and Champion, the Power Gem. The Power Gem later fell into the hands of Titania and She-Hulk.

She-Hulk turned the Power Gem over to Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards). The Illuminati gathered the gems so they could not be used to attack Earth. Once the gems were all brought together in the Infinity Gauntlet, Reed tried to will them out of existence, but failed. Uatu the Watcher then appeared to the Illuminati and expressed his disappointment in Reed and the Illuminati. The Illuminati then divided the gems amongst themselves. Iron Man received the Reality, Prof. Xavier the Mind, Namor the Time, Black Bolt the Space, Dr. Strange the Soul and Reed Richards the Power gems. Due to the events following the gathering of the Gems, the Illuminati disbanded for a time.[1]

After The Hood stole three of the Gems, and while looking for the fourth one, the Illuminati gathered once more and, with the Avengers' help, stopped him. After recovering once more the six Infinity Gems, they once more divided the Gems among themselves (this time, Namor received the Power; Mister Fantastic, the Reality; Professor Xavier, the Mind; Captain America, the Time; Iron Man, the Space; and Dr. Strange, the Soul gems) and disbanded once more.[2]

The group assembled after Black Panther discovered that another Earth was colliding with Earth-616. Reluctantly he called the Illuminati together to stop the collision.[3] After long debate they decided that the only way to do so was to destroy the other Earth with the Infinity Gems, but had to find the Mind Gem that was in the possession of Charles Xavier before he died.[4] Beast eventually recovered a memory implant put in his mind by Xavier, which asked him to take his place in the Illuminati, and where the gem was. As soon as Hank retrieved it, Namor, Black Bolt, and Captain America showed up and recruited him into their team.

They went to the location where the other Earth would hit and formed the Infinity Gauntlet, which got the attention of Uatu the Watcher, Galactus, and Thanos. The group decided Captain America should wield it. Cap fired the power at the other Earth, but something went wrong and caused all the Infinity Gems to shatter except the Time Gem, which suddenly vanished.[5]
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Makekith a waste? Ok :lol:

yea.. i dont get that..

introduce the aether (which will be used as one of the infinity gems.. thus setting up future movies while telling a good present story) and you use one of thor's more well known villians.. only other villians of his i think they HAVE to add is the enchantress and executioner, and they can be secondary characters (to say surtur)

Because he was. In o way shape or form do you even remotely relate to him or feel bad or compassion for him. His presence and role was somewhat small that you do not get a grasp of Ecclestons performance. I mean you also did not relate or feel compassion for the Ledgers Joker but you were compelled by the performance and you felt his presence. Why do you think everyone loves Loki? You know where he is coming from and you want to see more of him because he was so good, I wanted to see more of Malekith because he was barely there.

It's not Ecclestons fault though, his character was not written well and he really felt like a throw away character. He isn't the worst villain to be ever portrayed this genre but he isn't going to crack the top ranks like Ledger, Hiddleston, etc... Malekith was mediocre at most in this film, hell I like Kurse much better and not just because dude is strong and bad*ss but because he felt like he did much, much more for his kind than Malekith and his acting was also a bit better in the shorter screen time he had.
Because he was. In o way shape or form do you even remotely relate to him or feel bad or compassion for him. His presence and role was somewhat small that you do not get a grasp of Ecclestons performance. I mean you also did not relate or feel compassion for the Ledgers Joker but you were compelled by the performance and you felt his presence. Why do you think everyone loves Loki? You know where he is coming from and you want to see more of him because he was so good, I wanted to see more of Malekith because he was barely there.

It's not Ecclestons fault though, his character was not written well and he really felt like a throw away character. He isn't the worst villain to be ever portrayed this genre but he isn't going to crack the top ranks like Ledger, Hiddleston, etc... Malekith was mediocre at most in this film, hell I like Kurse much better and not just because dude is strong and bad*ss but because he felt like he did much, much more for his kind than Malekith and his acting was also a bit better in the shorter screen time he had.

Don't think it's been posted yet. but reminds me of this article i came across. '

Loki Is The Only Good Villain In Marvel Movies-- And That's A Big Problem


At San Diego Comic Con this summer, there was no Q&A panel with the cast of Thor: The Dark World. There was only Loki, as Tom Hiddleston took the stage in full costume, demanded that the crowd "Say my name" and earn the kind of screams we associate with rock concerts that devolve into riots. It wasn't that they were trying to hide the Thor cast or shrug off the Comic Con crowd; it was that no combination of director Alan Taylor, star Chris Hemsworth or new footage could match the electric jolt of Loki on a rhetorical tear.

The movie itself, which is now out in theaters this Friday, is no different. Christopher Eccleston, a former Doctor Who and very memorable actor in his own right, is cast as the villainous dark elf Malekith, but under prosthetics and a digitally altered voice he's essentially background decoration. Loki, though not the main villain and actually working alongside Thor for much of the film, is not supposed to be the main focus, but he inevitably takes over anyway; the film picks up steam the moment the plot turns back to him, the dialogue crackles with extra verve when he and Thor spar together, and he gets every single one of the best jokes-- even the film's fantastic surprise cameo is thanks to Loki's trickery.

It's clear that Marvel realized they had something special in Hiddleston after the first Thor, bending over backwards to make him the primary antagonist in The Avengers (he needed a huge army of poorly defined CGI aliens to be a half-decent foe) and adding extra scenes with the trickster god during reshoots for Thor: The Dark World. It probably took all the restraint they had not to bring him back for Avengers: The Age of Ultron, but that restraint may be the only thing that saves them going forward. Loki is the best antagonist the Marvel Cinematic Universe has by far. He's also the only antagonist who's worth a damn. And that's going to be a problem if it doesn't change.

The caliber of the actors who have come and gone as Marvel villains is staggering-- Jeff Bridges won an Oscar after playing Obadiah Stane in Iron Man, Mickey Rourke nearly got one while shooting Iron Man 2, and Hugo Weaving, Guy Pearce, Tim Roth, Sam Rockwell and Ben mother-f'ing Kingsley (an Oscar winner too, of course) are all treasures in their own right. But every single one of them has gotten lost in the chaos of a movie that barely seemed like it needed them, the villains existing to wind up the action, pop up once in a while to provide a new threat, and get whaled on by the hero in the very end. You can make an argument for any of these actors in minor moments-- Sam Rockwell's suits as Justin Hammer, the phenomenal reveal of Kingsley's Mandarin-- but not a single one of them had motivations, or a story, that actually mattered to the plot. By the end of the movie all of them are sent on their way, either killed or out of power, and the deck is shuffled to allow the next Avenger to take on the next classy actor looking to build a vacation home.

Loki is the shrimpiest and in some ways least prepared of all the Marvel villains. His plot to take over the world in The Avengers, as everyone repeatedly tells him, is never going to succeed, and at heart he's motivated by the childish desire to get as much attention as his blond, heroic brother. But it's his puniness that gives him both his appeal and his staying power. He's power-mad, sure, but only in the way we all think we deserve a little bit better in life. And he can't really be taken out of the story, both because Thor would never allow it and because, as a god, he's pretty damn hard to kill off. Loki's proven appeal and immense powers means he could honestly be part of every single other Marvel movie going forward. But it's resisting that urge that's going to be the challenge for Marvel for many years to come.

Look only at Jack Sparrow or Mater the tow truck to see what happens when a side character gets too popular and gets exhausted by his franchise. Marvel clearly knows this, and they're bringing in Winter Soldier-- another villain with a personal connection to the hero, it's worth noting-- for the next Captain America movie, and really outdoing themselves hiring James Spader to play a robot for the next Avengers adventure. Spader has been stealing scenes with malevolent charm literally since Hiddleston was born, and stands the best chance of making an actual impact-- that is, if playing a robot doesn't hamstring him the way Dark Elf prosthetics doomed Eccleston. Casting Spader suggests that Marvel realizes they need a new Loki, not just a villain who conveys a threat, but who makes it personal and sympathetic and a little sad. Marvel is banking hard on its heroes for the foreseeable future, but they know they need to bolster their roster of villains too. Loki will be capable of bringing down the house at Comic Con forever… but not if he has to do it every year
jeff bridges was good as stane.. and weaving was good as red skull.. also liked roth as abomination

it's just ironman 2 and 3 left ALOT to be desired, which encompasses most of those names listed in that article.. and that person must not know the thor character well to know how much loki is involved
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jeff bridges was good as stane.. and weaving was good as red skull.. also liked roth as abomination

it's just ironman 2 and 3 left ALOT to be desired, which encompasses most of those names listed in that article.. and that person must not know the thor character well to know how much loki is involved
Coming from a site like Cinemablend, I'm willing to bet that person doesn't like most Hollywood critics. After all, they thought Iron Man 3 was a superior movie to The Dark World. Thor and Loki are intertwined. Just look at Thor's rogues gallery and see how much Loki has to do with them.
thor felt like a marvel version of star wars and gi joe (the movie). lol loki going zartan and thor getting his anakin sky walker on.
The movie was a solid 7/10. It was better than the first Thor and all of the Ironman movies.

Loki is that dude!

I'm hyped for the Winter Soldier now!
I felt that the strongest part of the Thor movies has been the sections with Thor on Earth. It's got a nice tone with the humor and dynamic of having him on a foreign planet, plus the usual action.
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