Those of you with a wife or serious girlfriend, would you leave her right now for this girl?

Jul 3, 2010
This girl wants absolutely, positively wants to date you, that's all you know. But you have to decide if you want to leave your current woman for her. If you choose to do so, you would have to tell your girl immediately face to face that you are leaving her for this girl. You literally have ten seconds after viewing this thread to make a decision. Would you have the heart to do it?
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Girl with a career and a dime (by vote)??

I'll throw my girl off a cliff.

Could we possibly see what it smells like first before making a decsion? Thats a make or break point for me.

-The Juice
I dont even know her personality. dont know if she takes it in the butt, dont know if she likes girls, dont know if she swallows, dont know if we'd even get along.
So pass.
Originally Posted by Dropten

I dont even know her personality. dont know if she takes it in the butt, dont know if she likes girls, dont know if she swallows, dont know if we'd even get along.
So pass.
You can't get her to do any of those things? At least try them?

BTW it is much more attractive when you can understand what she is saying.
I'm young so I can say yes I would for all three mane when that camera zoomed out I was like damn and the video buffered right when it zoomed out so I stared at all three of them.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


Exactly.  Leave someone who I'm building a life with. Someone I have chemistry with, for someone I don't know that could just be a one night thing? 
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Originally Posted by Dropten

I dont even know her personality. dont know if she takes it in the butt, dont know if she likes girls, dont know if she swallows, dont know if we'd even get along.
So pass.
You can't get her to do any of those things? At least try them?

BTW it is much more attractive when you can understand what she is saying.

Cant get who to try? The hispanic chick?Im saying, why take a chance with the next chick if I get what I want at home. Putting in that hard work for years aint worth dropping over a pretty face with a booty.
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