Those who live a christian life, how do you feel?

What are some of things you don’t rock w/, and do you read your bible in order?

What’s this supposed to me?
I am not feeling some of the far / near east period views that are reflected in the text relative to the treatment of people. The Gilgamesh epic is loosely littered throughout Genesis and Exodus. I was heavy into ancient Mesopotamia at one point and think we have evolved as humans a bit.

I picked it up and started from Genesis 1.
I don't know how you define general/secular, but I suppose your question reflects that fact that our society was founded on Christian values and morals?

Generally speaking, treat people with respect.

Basically what I was getting at is treating humans with fairness/respect isn't a "Christian" thing.
Basically what I was getting at is treating humans with fairness/respect isn't a "Christian" thing.
That's fine. I am not saying Christianity has cornered the market on how to act lol. I am simply stating that Christian values as described are something that I try to adhere to.

If Christian values were derived from a golden rock in the middle of the ocean, I would also be trying to abide by a golden rock in the middle of the ocean.

This brings up another great point about Christianity in general - it is a loving religion that doesn't seek to destroy other belief systems or perspectives. I appreciate this aspect as well.
Is this true?
In my study of it, yes. I must admit that I am not a religious scholar. I just started reading the bible a few months ago. I can only give you what I have experienced and read and it seems to be a docile religion. The polytheistic nature of the ancient far east was not condemned with the introduction of Yahweh, but rather offered as an alternative. There is certainly some strong language and times you kind of scratch your head when reading, but in totality it seems to be a tolerant religion based on its core foundational document.
In my study of it, yes. I must admit that I am not a religious scholar. I just started reading the bible a few months ago. I can only give you what I have experienced and read and it seems to be a docile religion. The polytheistic nature of the ancient far east was not condemned with the introduction of Yahweh, but rather offered as an alternative. There is certainly some strong language and times you kind of scratch your head when reading, but in totality it seems to be a tolerant religion based on its core foundational document.

KHUFU KHUFU blastercombo blastercombo
You know exactly what thread to direct him to DC, the last few pages will suffice.

‘What Christ would want me to do’: Ex-White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany says her faith moved her to defend Trump after Capitol riot

What would Kayleigh McEnany would do? The same thing all over again.

The former White House spokeswoman said Tuesday that she was moved by “Christ” to defend President Trump’s administration after his supporters stormed the Capitol.

McEnany spent her first extensive interview since leaving the White House offering an odd spiritual explanation for her controversial two-minute statement the day after the Jan. 6 riot.

“I knew I needed to go to the podium,” McEnany said on Fox News. “I knew that’s what Christ would want me to do. I knew it’s what, as a woman of faith, I needed to do.”

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Thoughts on this?

I think there is a difference between actively persecuting others for their beliefs and not respecting them. If you offer an avenue for salvation and people refuse, so be it. Let them do what they do but don't dwell on their preference.
I think there is a difference between actively persecuting others for their beliefs and not respecting them. If you offer an avenue for salvation and people refuse, so be it. Let them do what they do but don't dwell on their preference.

You understand that Christianity also promotes the idea that anyone that is "offered an avenue for salvation and people refuses" is sent to hell right?

Even if that person grew up in a culture/society in which Christianity is NOT the dominant belief system.

How is this not considered a form of persecution?
You understand that Christianity also promotes the idea that anyone that is "offered an avenue for salvation and people refuses" is sent to hell right?

Even if that person grew up in a culture/society in which Christianity is NOT the dominant belief system.

How is this not considered a form of persecution?
I’m read it thinking what? God himself kills people for touching the wrong thing or calling something by certain names. Bible also says if you mingle with non believers you’re done. Did we also forget burning forever if you’re not Christian by the time you die? :lol:
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And why are YOU correct and they’re not?
I believe I am correct. I dont really care how anyone feels about me. Someone else can think I'm wrong and it has no bearing on my life. I couldn't care less if you don't believe in what I believe in. Hope you find peace with whatever it is you believe in.
I believe I am correct. I dont really care how anyone feels about me. Someone else can think I'm wrong and it has no bearing on my life. I couldn't care less if you don't believe in what I believe in. Hope you find peace with whatever it is you believe in.
So do you think you’re better than everyone that doesn’t believe in what you do? You say you don’t care yet your Bible tells you your ultimate mission is to bring people to god. Remember that whole bit about being the “light of the world” and “spreading the gospel”? Doesn’t that mean you’re going to hell based on what you believe?
You understand that Christianity also promotes the idea that anyone that is "offered an avenue for salvation and people refuses" is sent to hell right?

Even if that person grew up in a culture/society in which Christianity is NOT the dominant belief system.

How is this not considered a form of persecution?
So wait wait wait - let me laugh for a second.

You obviously dont believe in Christianity and think it is nonsense. Yet you are in your feelings because it "promotes the idea" that non-believers are sent to hell, a fictitious fiery abyss. LOL.

Just do you fam. I'm not knocking whatever it is you believe in. But I would ask that you compare it to religions who actively persecute people ON EARTH, and consider your dilemma.
I believe I am correct. I dont really care how anyone feels about me. Someone else can think I'm wrong and it has no bearing on my life. I couldn't care less if you don't believe in what I believe in. Hope you find peace with whatever it is you believe in.
Translation: I can’t defend my beliefs and your questions are making that evident, so I’m gonna act like you’re the one who is upset right now and run away from having to justify my thoughts.
So do you think you’re better than everyone that doesn’t believe in what you do? You say you don’t care yet your Bible tells you your ultimate mission is to bring people to god. Doesn’t that mean you’re going to hell based on what you believe?
Huh? I share my beliefs with people and advocate for them. I literally did that in this thread. I can't help if you disagree. I'm not going to devote my entire life to making sure you believe in my God lol. Again, do what you want. I hope you find Christ whenever your time comes but if not, o well. I will move on to informing the next man.
So wait wait wait - let me laugh for a second.

You obviously dont believe in Christianity and think it is nonsense. Yet you are in your feelings because it "promotes the idea" that non-believers are sent to hell, a fictitious fiery abyss. LOL.

Just do you fam. I'm not knocking whatever it is you believe in. But I would ask that you compare it to religions who actively persecute people ON EARTH, and consider your dilemma.

Am I in my feelings or are we having a discussion like adults?
Huh? I share my beliefs with people and advocate for them. I literally did that in this thread. I can't help if you disagree. I'm not going to devote my entire life to making sure you believe in my God lol. Again, do what you want. I hope you find Christ whenever your time comes but if not, o well. I will move on to informing the next man.
So you share your belief one time and if you get anything but complete agreement you resort to
I believe I am correct. I dont really care how anyone feels about me. Someone else can think I'm wrong and it has no bearing on my life. I couldn't care less if you don't believe in what I believe in. Hope you find peace with whatever it is you believe in
Again, why are YOU right and EVERYONE else is wrong? Why are you better than them?
So you share your belief one time and if you get anything but complete agreement you resort to

Again, why are YOU right and EVERYONE else is wrong? Why are you better than them?
My actions show just the opposite of what you are suggesting. If I believe I was better than everyone, I would dismiss your beliefs and convey a message of unwillingness to allow your beliefs. That just seems silly to me. I believe people have free will. If you want to believe frogs created earth or it spontaneously combust, so be it.

As I've said, I question my own faith. I still believe in it at the end of the day.
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