Thoughts on working overnights?


Nov 13, 2009
The hours will be from 10PM - 6:30AM; I'm currently working 12:30PM - 9PM

It's a customer service position working in a call center.

The overnights intrigue me but my body is so used to sleeping at night. Being an owl would definitely be different.

Those that have done it, what advice can you impart?
I did 11pm-7am for 3 years. I would never do it again. It completly killed my social life. I would have to go to work when all my friends were planning on going out and such. Your sleep schedule is totally messed up. Even on your days off you want to sleep during the day and end up awake all night.
I haven't worked overnight before but I heard its not good cuz when your friends arent working, you work or other way around. But if the money is good then it's up to you.
first time i worked nights was at chevron gas station for 1 week straight we got robbed , i was robbed 5 times in 1 week all for 32.00 total and a couple packs of newports
It worked 3rd shift (10-6) at Wal-Mart last summer. I hated it. it really does take all the fun out of life.
I think Ill be doing it this summer for the first time. Call Center too, its just something to help me break into a different field so hopefully I wont be there more than 9months
What kind of call center? Are you getting a shift diff? Worked in a few call centers, but only did the overnight shift for OT. Most of the time that overnight shift is the slowest, so you'll be able to make up for the sleep.

I did work overnight at a Valero(gas statrion) for a while. It only took 3 weeks for me to see some boobies.
it is really tough especially if you have a family. My wife has to do it and deal with our 5yr old son for most of the day until he goes to school. It is very draining on the body. For a single person I guess it is easier but you will spend most of your off days sleeping the day away and feel bad about it when you get up. If you have no choice then do what you have to do, if not avoid it like the plague
Originally Posted by jumpman0217

I did 11pm-7am for 3 years. I would never do it again. It completly killed my social life. I would have to go to work when all my friends were planning on going out and such. Your sleep schedule is totally messed up. Even on your days off you want to sleep during the day and end up awake all night.

this except i only worked that schedule for like 4 months, NO social life at all
I personally worked night shifts for 8 yrs and loved it.

The plus side is that you can stack a lot of paper from doing nights -whilst your friends are out blowing their paychecks, you are at work saving yours. It's also cool to have the daytime to yourself and do stuff like shopping etc during the week when it's quieter.

But on the downside, you can kiss your social life goodbye -especially if you have to do weekend shifts.

As far as your position goes, most night time call center workers I know have it easy, they spend their nights playing computer games/watching TV or catching up on their sleep.
I assume you would see a pay raise, correct? Otherwise, no.. don't do it.

My body adjusted to it in a week or so. For me, I would go to sleep as soon as I got out of work and wake up 2-3pm. I don't think I could do it for years, but short term it wasn't bad.
Scientists suspect that night shift work is dangerous because it disrupts the circadian rhythm, the body's biological clock. The hormone melatonin, which can suppress tumor development, is normally produced at night.
Light shuts down melatonin production, so people working in artificial light at night may have lower melatonin levels, which scientists think can raise their chances of developing cancer.

Sleep deprivation may also be a factor. People who work at night are not usually able to completely reverse their day and night cycles. "Night shift people tend to be day shift people who are trying to stay awake at night," said Mark Rea, director of the Light Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, who is not connected to IARC or its expert panel.

Not getting enough sleep makes your immune system vulnerable to attack, and less able to fight off potentially cancerous cells.

Confusing your body's natural rhythm can also lead to a breakdown of other essential tasks. "Timing is very important," Rea said. Certain processes like cell division and DNA repair happen at regular times.

But if the body needs to do something at an unusual time — like produce insulin in the middle of the night to help digest food — that can set off a chain reaction of biological mistakes.
If you're working graveyard shift and have steadily gained a few extra pounds in the course of months, don't wonder where that extra weight is coming from. Recent study by the Harvard University (recently published in the online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) showed the increased risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity among graveyard shifters.

Blood levels of leptin (the hormone released by adipose tissue or stored fat) decreases at night which subsequently increases obesity risk in the long term.

Previous studies show convincing evidence that shift work increase the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular complications. Lowered blood level of cortisol (the stress hormone that stimulates heart rate, digestive system, breathing, and other functions during the day), is tagged as the cause of this.

Studies found that cortisol production did not adjust to nighttime work even when the mind is fooled into thinking it's daytime with very bright lights. This could mean that the heart goes unprepared for the stress associated with working on a graveyard shift. This explains why cardiovascular disease increases among people who work on shifts.
did a couple of overnights for Nike a couple of times messes up your sleep schedule if you go from mid-shift, morning etc to doing a overnight
also RIP to your social life. It was kinda cool no distraction from customers had my ipod rocking the whole shift not that bad
If you're working retail, its the greatest thing ever. Just try not to get weekend overnight shifts for obvious reasons.
Ive done it. Its not too bad, but I wouldnt want to do it for a long period of time.
i've picked up overnight shifts before, i wouldn't do it on the regular though. 
did it before. not something i could get used to. our bodies are made to be awake in the daytime and sleep at night.
you would pretty much work, eat, sleep, commute. that is your life......literally
Originally Posted by jumpman0217

I did 11pm-7am for 3 years. I would never do it again. It completly killed my social life. I would have to go to work when all my friends were planning on going out and such. Your sleep schedule is totally messed up. Even on your days off you want to sleep during the day and end up awake all night.

This sounds like my life from 09'-11' I worked 11pm-7:30am and the only people I would hang out with were my co-workers(after work mostly). The days off are like jumpman said you just want to sleep and end up waking up at midnight and stay up all night and just sleep throughout the next day also

EDIT: Like mrkane said work, eat, sleep, commute.. I lost a lot of weight working nights though
.. since going back to a regular job I feel a lot better as does my body. But gained like 25lbs in the past year and a half or so 
ah well
ive worked overnights. its fun when you're so tired you dont know if its real life or if you're dreaming.
I worked overnight at Gap over the summer (11pm-8am). Wasnt that bad since I only worked mon-thurs.. Actually was my favorite job ever
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