Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Isn't Christianity about forgiveness but doesn't the bible also say eye for an eye? That's a popular outlook of life in the black community but it's frowned upon. 

An eye for an eye means justice. Yes we forgive and don't hold onto the burden of grudges and vengeance, but that dont mean there are no consequences for your deeds. If there were no consequences, then anything would be permissible.
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How do you guys feel about Christian Bale being Moses? Even the bible description of Jesus doesn't fit a non colored man. Not cool the depiction of the Son of God is altered.  
Isn't Christianity about forgiveness but doesn't the bible also say eye for an eye? That's a popular outlook of life in the black community but it's frowned upon. 

Forgiveness and love. Jesus preached a great deal about love. Love covers a multitude of sins.

Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth

But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
OP are zombies real?

OP are we using enough force in non Christian parts of the world to bring the truth and light to them? Should we be using more since they seem to be so stuck in their Islam and Buddhism and whatnot?
Forcing someone into Christianity doesn't make them a Christian, it makes them prisoners of religion.

Christianity is the acceptance of Christ in your heart.

You can put a gun up to someones head and say "Hey, turn accept Christ or I'll shoot you."

but that would be a false conversion. Man sees lips, but God sees heart.

Its a simple choice, accept Christ in heart or not.
Is he black or white?

I don't know if I'd say BLACK as in the way we know it. I'd definitely say a tanned or darker complexion. Hair of wool, skin of bronze.

How do you guys feel about Christian Bale being Moses? Even the bible description of Jesus doesn't fit a non colored man. Not cool the depiction of the Son of God is altered.  

Meh It doesn't do much for me in terms of accuracy but just tell the truth. Hollywood will be Hollywood.

I will always view him as Batman.
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Catholicism isn't Christianity, its Catholicism.

I always laugh when I get asked that. First of all, what they do doesn't derail my relationship with God. Second point being Catholicism does things a bit differently. Quite a bit I think.
Real question: According to Christianity God created Adam and Eve as the first two humans correct? They had children, I assume. Did those kids (brothers and sisters) have children as well and so forth for the population to grow? What's the other religions of the book say about this (Islam and Judaism)? 
Could someone answer this for me? 

OP and others, since you say Christianity is the truth, that means, around 5 billion people right now will be going to hell. I'm sorry, not meant to offend, but that seems ridiculous to me. 
WHY act like free will when theres none, ask Judas.
He didnt have to snitch. Jesus knew he would tho. No one made that decision but Judas. And no one suffered the consequence for that but Judas. He made his bed....
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Real question: According to Christianity God created Adam and Eve as the first two humans correct? They had children, I assume. Did those kids (brothers and sisters) have children as well and so forth for the population to grow? What's the other religions of the book say about this (Islam and Judaism)? 
Yes, same with Noah after the flood.

Don't know. I haven't really looked into the doctrines of those religions

You have fallen victim to false teaching. That whole chapter, Jesus is making an argument against the Jewish tradition of washing of the hands. He wasn't going against the law that God ordained and Moses passed down. He talks about the Phairasees placing man made traditions oever Gods law. Believe it or not ( which many act like they dont) Jesus was a Jewish man, so discussing what is considered food (clean/ unclean) is like trying to review why the is blue. Its a forgone conclusion. Read the whole chapter, not just select verses. CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING.
False teaching? Im sorry but it seems like you fell to your own ego and ignorance. Your right, context is everything but so is meditating the word of God. Stop that act thinking you're some biblical scholar. I've prob. read the Bible more times than you can imagine. I'll simplify this for you. In this chapter, Jesus eats with unclean hands and the Jews are criticizing him because of Jesus breaking Jewish traditions. Thats when Jesus states that its not what comes inside of you that makes you unclean, but rather what comes out. From this, Jesus declared all food clean just like the verse states. But theres more to that which you are too blinded to see. From this, the word of God is also telling us that Jesus is above laws, customs and traditions. Jesus is the Son of the living God before he is a Jew. God gave him power. This is God's son. We are followers of Jesus before the law. You can't read the Bible and auto. think you know everything. You have to look and read deeper. You will always find something new.
By no means am I condemning you ach. Im challenging your knowledge of the word. Not outta hate or malice. I just feel you scratching the surface and I wanna encourage you digging deeper. Its all love, hope I aint sound too aggressive. I respect you at least saying you'll look into it.
Much respect man, I've read the scriptures before but that was before I was born again, so lots of the scriptures didn't stick or make real sense.

But, I'm putting work in.

Much love man. 
Could someone answer this for me? 

OP and others, since you say Christianity is the truth, that means, around 5 billion people right now will be going to hell. I'm sorry, not meant to offend, but that seems ridiculous to me. 

What seems ridiculous to us concerning God's will is really irrelevant.

When you say 5 billion, how did you come to this conclusion?
Real question: According to Christianity God created Adam and Eve as the first two humans correct? They had children, I assume. Did those kids (brothers and sisters) have children as well and so forth for the population to grow? What's the other religions of the book say about this (Islam and Judaism)? 
Could someone answer this for me? 

OP and others, since you say Christianity is the truth, that means, around 5 billion people right now will be going to hell. I'm sorry, not meant to offend, but that seems ridiculous to me. 
Adam and Eve had other children besides Cain and Abel. The bible doesn't really mention the daughters. Also in the bible Adam lives to be like 800 years old after they had Seth( after Abel was killed)So I'm guessing they didn't stop having kids
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Sure thing.  

According to OP god is both omniscient and omnipotent.  With this in mind, this means you either have a god that knowingly sends rapists/murders/thieves to rape/murder/steal, or you have a god that sits back, watches and says "you're in big trouble when you're done!"

If I had the ability to stop someone from raping, killing, or stealing I would.  That's the difference between me and your god.
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OP when should I take things literally, and when should I take things as metaphor?

Do metaphors exist in the Bible?

Could the story of Creation in six days be a metaphor for a 6 part process?
If you come to the word of God with a carnal heart, you'll only have doubt and misunderstanding.

Only through the Holy Spirit does it come alive.
I always laugh when I get asked that. First of all, what they do doesn't derail my relationship with God. Second point being Catholicism does things a bit differently. Quite a bit I think.
I asked to be silly, but the reason I can't mess with Christianity all the diff "sets". Some guy didn't like something with Christianity and poof new Christianity  i.e. Lutheranism. Sounds like religion is man made to me. What is stopping me from starting my own branch of Christianity? Another 1 won't hurt the current bunch. No higher power with that if you ask me, I would have a harder time starting my own Blood or Crip set. 
OP, I believe id God & Christ as you do

But there is one thing Ive learned along the years on the internet & message boards

Religious topics NEVER END WELL

Brave soul you are
Many Christians get persecuted every year around the world. 

Least I could do is spread the faith on the internet.

I'm not here to win any argument, Im here to represent.

God bless you brother.
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