Tidal Streaming!!

Ya'll hate over everything. As you get older, you start looking older. Hopefully it will happen to some of you.
I went to the Tidal concert, all I can say is Nicki *** is fat I don't care if it's fake
We dont either 
I'm still on my free trial. The exclusives were enough for me to switch from spotify. I'm on hifi now and i literally hear no difference (i just upgraded a few minutes ago). I'm about to downgrade before I forget.
Bout to give Tidal another chance now that my Spotify subscription is about to end on the 7th. 

The only real plus to it for me is being able to watch Money & Violence early. Only artist under Tidal that I want to hear exclusives from is J Cole.
I signed up for Tidal, because they have Prince's catalog, even though I have his entire catalog uploaded to Google Play, but still. :lol:

I thought I would try it out since the first month was free.

and wow :lol:

Has it improved or something? is it a lot better than it used to be?

because some of the hate is really unfounded. And I have Apple, Spotify and Tidal. I'll probably get rid of Spotify now
A lot of the backlash is unwarranted, also A LOT of Tidal's misteps become stories in the hiphop community. Where an apple music/ spotify business movements are kept quiet and not thrown in the face of the consumer.

But as far as the actual product it works just as well if not better than the other platforms. I also noticed that they have a significant amount of artist mixtapes that aren't really on spotify. They also do a great job of updating their playlist, & the Tidal Rising section does spotlight some pretty dope new artist.
I have no problems with Tidal.. I prefer it to the other platforms.. I use my wife's Tidal (she's a huge Beyonce fan) and i went on ahead and got Apple music so we have both big players in the streaming war lol.. I only use Apple Music when its and Apple exclusive honestly. Both are good tho.
I also would say Tidal seems to highlight hiphop more & makes it easier to find lesser known songs/artist
Tidal is cool the only thing I don't like is their playlist format

Way easier on Apple and Spotify to find a playlist for any occasion
I also would say Tidal seems to highlight hiphop more & makes it easier to find lesser known songs/artist

I'm actually using Tidal now for the free trial.

I'm feeling it........can't say I would take it over Apple Music yet though.

They have some awesome playlist though!
People be sleepin on Google Play Music.  Probably Google's fault cause I don't think they really promote it hard.  Unlimited Streaming/Upload your own 50,000+ tracks/Web App if you're at work which Apple Music doesn't have/ Songza Radio features since they bought them out/Free membership to Youtube Red.  You get the most bang for your buck for them.
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