Tide® The New Underground Currency. The dollar is done.

When I was in college me and the other dudes on my floor that sold weed would keep our packs inside tide bottles(or any other detergent) at the top in the cap.

It deads the smell and we would have random room checks and campus police that would come through with the dogs from time to time.

It was the best solution to avoid getting jammed up while away from our rooms, but you have to quadruple wrap and vaseline everything or its going to smell and smoke like detergent(got a funny story about that.) They already knew the deal with the coffee beans, so we needed something else.

Not proud of my past, but that's what it was, the past.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

glad to see these thieves cleaning themselves up a bit

Originally Posted by Lubu1

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

yup been known about this, at my flea market they sell tide for the low low...why would spend 12$ for the regular one when you can get the oversized jug for 8$

all these household items move fast

how do u even know its all tide?
its sealed...its pure 
anything to do with cleaning or grooming sells very well...dove soaps and irish springs 
Yo! I saw this on KCAL9 (Los Angeles) News last night!


MISSION VIEJO (CBS) â€“ A dirty trend has hit Orange County – inexplicably large thefts of Tide.

Orange County Sheriff’s officials say 54-year-old Ronald Ledesma was under the influence of methamphetamine when he stole nine large bottles of the laundry detergent at a Vons in Mission Viejo on Feb. 7, the latest in a wave of similar thefts across the country.

The most notable Tide theft happened in West St. Paul, Minn., where police say the thief stole $25,000 worth of the product over 15 months before he was arrested last year.

“Law enforcement is somewhat baffled by these thefts,â€
I use to work at a grocery store and tide was the third most common thing stolen right after condoms and pregnacy test
This is a new one to me.  I do know in certain CVS stores they keep the soap (body wash) locked up in a glass case becuase folks would steal and flip it on the streets.

cap1229 wrote:
spacerace wrote:
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT




it most def. is. Lmao they stay losing.
Prince George's County definitely has its share of issues,  most notably the PG County public school system IMO. However as America's most wealthy black community we are FAR from "losing"...

Originally Posted by Madman4life

cap1229 wrote:
spacerace wrote:

it most def. is. Lmao they stay losing.
Prince George's County definitely has its share of issues,  most notably the PG County public school system IMO. However as America's most wealthy black community we are FAR from "losing"...


Who cares about that if the community doesn't show it. Terrible roads, bad police department, how many hospitals y'all got? Like one for a whole county. Terrible schools. For the taxes that y'all have to pay you should have better.
Tide is cheaper here, but there are just some things I wouldn't buy outside of the store almost completely regardless of the price. You could easily be diluting it with water or dish detergent. Then not only am I getting ripped off and my money stolen, I smell because my Tide I bought from a crackhead on the corner, and my clothes that I paid good money for are potentially getting ruined.

What's next, deodorant? vacuums?
cap1229 wrote:
Originally Posted by Madman4life

cap1229 wrote:

it most def. is. Lmao they stay losing.
Prince George's County definitely has its share of issues,  most notably the PG County public school system IMO. However as America's most wealthy black community we are FAR from "losing"...


Who cares about that if the community doesn't show it. Terrible roads, bad police department, how many hospitals y'all got? Like one for a whole county. Terrible schools. For the taxes that y'all have to pay you should have better.
Terrible roads...I believe that is primarily a state issue. One hospital??? There are several hospitals in PG County my friend. Bad police department, I don't think I recall anyone saying any police department was particularly good.    I will admit I do not think the school system is where it should be but I would not go as far as calling it "terrible".   Please clarify which taxes you speak of?    Let me reiterate once again that the county is far from perfect and has its share "bad" parts as well as its "good" parts.

May I ask what is your experience with PG County that has given you such a negative view of the community?
This is a good household item to hustle. Everyone does laundry.

I actually searched craigslist for detergent, and cats are selling the big 5 gallon buckets for 35. I'm copping on my next day off! No joke
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