Tiger Woods put a ring on it but can't stop sexting


gotta look for nothing fishy to be involved.

tiger's been a great role model for youth tp look up to and it would be sad to see his character tarnished by something like a dui.
Damn...details are sketchy...kinda like how Brian Griese broke his face or whatever it was when he "slipped" in his driveway a few yearsback...can't help but to think alcohol was involved...
damn hope dudes ok, but there had to at least be an escort in the vehicle if no drugs or alcohol were involved. she must have taken off runnin after the crash.another thought i had were penny and jaleel were with him but im hopin not
. more details will come out
Whatever it was, it will more than likely be covered up and some story will be fed to the media.
ESPN News - Authorities say Tiger Woods seriously injured in car crash in Florida

are they saying on espn how serious it is?
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by theconditioner

Woods was apparently traveling under 33 mph because the Cadillac Escalade's airbags didn't inflate, the FHP told the Sentinel.
If this is true, and GM is gonna take another L.

Very strange situation indeed.
Why would GM take an L? Deploying airbags under 33mph would do more harm than good.

They're supposed to deploy at barrier collisions when the vehicle is going between 10-14 mph. 33 mph can really do some major damage. Whether or not the airbag would have hurt him more is irrelevant. Tiger is seriously hurt, and the airbags didn'tdeploy when they should have. This will not look good for GM (assuming this is what happened).
YO Tiger! Just be like I was texting.

Thats more dangerous then driving drunk and high...
and he did hit two different things
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I mean, the only way I can see alcohol not being involved is if he was crazy tired behind the wheel. I know you've all been there before.
when you try to roll the window down and that only make it worse
yea i been there
Hope Tiger recovers from this.

Why dude driving an Escalade though? What happened to all those free Buicks he used to get from his sponsorship? Was he going out for Black Friday sales? Sike.

Get better Tiger.
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