Tips on buying a phone on craigslist? Vol. Hammer stay tucked.

Aug 26, 2005
I do a lot of craigslist transactions but I've never purchased a phone before. The reason I'm asking for tips is because my cousin bought a phone on craigslist and it turned out to be stolen and was shut off within a week or so. Insight please :nerd:
If it's one of those phone. Have the person meet you at that cell carriers store so they can do the swap. I had all good experiences selling/ buying GSM phones on craigslist.
I do a lot of craigslist transactions but I've never purchased a phone before. The reason I'm asking for tips is because my cousin bought a phone on craigslist and it turned out to be stolen and was shut off within a week or so. Insight please :nerd:

If the phone is for Verizon or sprint meet them at a retail store so they can check weather it's been stolen or not. As for tmobile and AT&T.. I don't think it matters. They can restore the phone and put their own sim card in and start using it.
just buy a beeper, no reason to live in fear.
I can only send them photos of a hammer :smh: As well, the phone is gonna be T-Mobile. Since that's the case, I shouldn't be worried? This phone will not be for me, it is a gift.
I can only send them photos of a hammer :smh: As well, the phone is gonna be T-Mobile. Since that's the case, I shouldn't be worried? This phone will not be for me, it is a gift.

IMEI can still be blocked for Tmobile. Like others have said, have em meet you at a retail store so they can check it out to see if there's still payments on the phone or not. Tmo also has a checker

just make sure to double check if it's the right one when you get it in person.
I can only send them photos of a hammer :smh: As well, the phone is gonna be T-Mobile. Since that's the case, I shouldn't be worried? This phone will not be for me, it is a gift.

IMEI can still be blocked for Tmobile. Like others have said, have em meet you at a retail store so they can check it out to see if there's still payments on the phone or not. Tmo also has a checker

just make sure to double check if it's the right one when you get it in person.
thata not gonna do ****. they can block the imei afterwards. :lol:
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