TNT to Have H-O-R-S-E game during All-Star Weekend

FINALLY they implement HORSE.. it's a much better game than that stupid 2 ball competition.. we already have a shooting competition with the 3pt comp.. dowe really need a competition with mid range jumpers? HORSE FTW!
More I think about this, it'll get lame... think of all the boring games of HORSE you've been in where none of your shots are falling and by the endyou just want it to be over.
I'm SOOOOO excited for this it's not even funny. I saw this on Inside the NBA last week but when i went to look it up, i couldn't find no info onit. Man i'm glad they are really including this in the evening.

I think this will be DOPE! With the talent some of these players should be fun.

The participants i'd like to see in this is Sheed, Kobe, Arenas(even if he's injured), and Steve Nash
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

More I think about this, it'll get lame... think of all the boring games of HORSE you've been in where none of your shots are falling and by the end you just want it to be over.

but this is the NBA. i think the opposite is more likely.

Damn, I haven't played that game in years.

A game of knockout could get ugly with the right guys

HORSE could go either way.
My early requests for players to be in this:

Gilbert (injury or not)
Kevin Love... youtube it

Mo Pete used to do some crazy stuff before MSU games, not sure if he still can do that, since he's forgot how to do pretty much everything else with abasketball...
Kobe - shoots with his left

Kevin Love - youtube that

Sam Cassell - need a vet to talk nonsense

Antawn Jamison - dude hits the weirdest shots
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

This has be either entertaining or disastrous.
That's what I'm thinking. I hope they get some big names to participate in this, but i have a feeling its gonna end up being Ernie, Kenny,GP, and Webber. They really need to bring Charles back for this.
i work for turner far the only participant confirmed is OJ Mayo...and as i said in another post Chuck will be back for all star weekend
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Potential to be awesome.

Do y'all play 'Knockout'? How 'bout 'Three in the Bucket'? I'd like to see some NBA stars play those two.

I love Knockout!
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