To all my college NT'ers....Currently, what is your hardest class this semester/quarter?

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

industrial organizational psychology is the hardest right now, but it's not too bad.
I am bodying that class right now

Quantitative Methods is KILLING me though...i got a 75 now but good god I haven't had to try hard for a while(im a junior)
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

industrial organizational psychology is the hardest right now, but it's not too bad.
I am bodying that class right now

Quantitative Methods is KILLING me though...i got a 75 now but good god I haven't had to try hard for a while(im a junior)

I misread Quantitative Methods as Quantum Methods i was like omgwtfbbq
Finance. I got a C- for my progress report. That's basically a B in my book. Don't worry, I'm trying to actually get a real B/A
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