To: jordanforever08

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

Humpty dumpys ol malnourished lookin butt wouldn't do a damn thing.

Child services will be notified about him tomorrow though. He's an unfit parent
We don't know that 
don't even bother replying
they just want a show, they could care less
Originally Posted by Michael Kelso

ksteezy, jordanforever08 in disguise???

I knew that was coming
Seth = explain to me under what grounds is a police officer will come knocking on Jordanforever's door demanding anything...your joke is overdone and played.
real life...

although im pretty sure jordanforever08 wont do anything at alll... i think what leo should have done is just do it then post...

major props though leo...

more people needa be helping like that...
This is my old neighborhood. im not just going to sit and watch.
 im out though ill post pics tomorrow im going straight from school probably wont post until 4-5 when i get back with the update.

follow me on twitter ill probably tweet about it tomorrow.

im not going over there with any negative intentions.
Originally Posted by leothegod

This is my old neighborhood. im not just going to sit and watch.
 im out though ill post pics tomorrow im going straight from school probably wont post until 4-5 when i get back with the update.

follow me on twitter ill probably tweet about it tomorrow.

Bueno....we shall see how things unfold, you a wild boy.
Originally Posted by leothegod

i swear some of you guys man. soft like tissue. 
Cus we don't put ourselves into sticky situations?..for strangers at that 

I dunno, man...if someone came to my door about someone else's isn't gonna be pretty. Cop friend or not. 
ksteezy i commend you for trying to knock sense into people who may be getting themselves into situations they shouldnt be in, but if you've warned the man...explained yourself...and the guy is calmly going about his business with no intentions to cause any harm, why not let the guy live?
No point in tryna act like dudes dad...he wants to go, and hes trying to go responsibly to see if he can resolve this dispute peacefully in person. If it doesnt work, it doesnt aint like hes wasting your time or your money. Other NT'ers wanna chip in to see one of their fellow NT brothers have a chance of getting this situation sorted, so they want to volunteer their own hard-earned money to help see what comes of it. 

Don't see why its such a big deal. He heard your concerns loud and clear my man, now sit back and wait and see what comes of it. No reason in constantly arguing over how foolish it is. Let the man live.

I can tell dude is a stand up dude, and he aint gonna do anything foolish. If his time is wasted then so be it, at least he tried somethin...he clearly ain't trippin so why should we?
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by leothegod

i swear some of you guys man. soft like tissue. 
Cus we don't put ourselves into sticky situations?..for strangers at that 

I dunno, man...if someone came to my door about someone else's isn't gonna be pretty. Cop friend or not. 

Dudes judge a book by its cover, not knowing what anyone is capable of, specially if they have a family and feel threatened in anyway
Emailed jordanforever08 to give leothegod the shoes or money.

leothegod- again, if its a hassle dont do it. It's not worth all the troubles.

Thank NTfam
Originally Posted by Michael Kelso

ksteezy, jordanforever08 in disguise???


that explains why Ksteezy never posts any pics!


and for what it's worth Mr. Niketalk aka William Rivera told me he was a scammer a few years back.

I didn't put too much faith in it but 
, seems he was right.

I also have seen JordanForever around a few times
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by Angryostrich

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

@ sending polorico out like a predator drone



Originally Posted by choy30

Update: jordanforever08 emailed me and said he’ll be back in the US Thursday and that he will fix this problem. I will get my money back or get my shoes. He said that his mom reached out to him again and that people are still calling and threatening her and looking for him. He told me that the day he emailed me he also sent a copy to his mom to send to my NT account cause he is not sure if I can get the one he sent in yahoo (I guess he didn’t know that it was his post that was traced). He said someone hacked his FB account and sending messages to his friends and family that are not true and very serious. He also wanted me to tell NT to please stay out as this is being (meaning not yet fixed) fixed. He doesn’t want any of his family member to get hurt over a misunderstanding.

I will definitely let NT know what happens come Thursday (Friday for me).

The add and number posted above is also what he gave me to use for the westernunion form.

Servechilled81 – it’s really hard for me to do anything cause I’m from overseas. Every call I make would cost money (on top of the 300usd) just to know where this dude is. Besides I called/sms/email him a hundred times but he didn’t reply. Thanks to this thread and NTfam who gave their time and effort to help, this dude suddenly emailed me and clarifying things. I’m thinking if not for this he wouldn’t reply to me at all. 

I’ll update this thread every time he hit me up (to be fair to him as well). 

What I don’t get is how come he is asking for my info again. Phone number, add and shipping add. Did he really even bother about my info in the first place? Cause I would keep that email if I’m doing a transaction with that person.

Again, thank you so much NTfam. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much

Stilln729- Nter of the year!!!!!
You just gonna ignore my Crux tweet? 
Originally Posted by leothegod

i swear some of you guys man. soft like tissue. 

Props to you for helping a member. Buncha community college drop outs who watched an ep of law and order think they hold a J.D. You already know what homey is most concerned about..his mom answering the door and realizing she failed as a parent and raised some scheming live at home while making $8 an hour slanging kenneth cole loafers loser of a son. Hope you guys are reaching out to the rest of this clowns family. put that @#&! on blast to his family
This thread is too much he has stated time and time again that he isnt going there to start trouble he is going to help settle the dispute due to the fact that op is from over seas the officer will be there just to make sure that nothing out of hand happens and taking a badge #? you know cops beat peoples face into the ground on camera and nothing happens what the hell is a badge number gonna do. smh people need to get out more this guy is a family man i dont think he is gonna be waiting at the door with a shotgun to a guy with an office of his city
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by leothegod

i swear some of you guys man. soft like tissue. 
Cus we don't put ourselves into sticky situations?..for strangers at that 

I dunno, man...if someone came to my door about someone else's isn't gonna be pretty. Cop friend or not. 
ya'll acting this dude jordanforever has a choppa on deck or something 

if leo is genuine in just talking to dude, there should be no altercation
Didn't some kid get scammed for his Pharrel dunks and some Nter went to the scammers house, retrieved the kicks, and kept them? It was also in NYC...
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

ksteezy i commend you for trying to knock sense into people who may be getting themselves into situations they shouldnt be in, but if you've warned the man...explained yourself...and the guy is calmly going about his business with no intentions to cause any harm, why not let the guy live?
No point in tryna act like dudes dad...he wants to go, and hes trying to go responsibly to see if he can resolve this dispute peacefully in person. If it doesnt work, it doesnt aint like hes wasting your time or your money. Other NT'ers wanna chip in to see one of their fellow NT brothers have a chance of getting this situation sorted, so they want to volunteer their own hard-earned money to help see what comes of it. 

Don't see why its such a big deal. He heard your concerns loud and clear my man, now sit back and wait and see what comes of it. No reason in constantly arguing over how foolish it is. Let the man live.

I can tell dude is a stand up dude, and he aint gonna do anything foolish. If his time is wasted then so be it, at least he tried somethin...he clearly ain't trippin so why should we?

I know man, I just don't know what is there to talk about, OP already got in touch with Jordanforever, and he agreed to have the problem resolved by Thursday, what is Leo showing up to his door or his job going to do, Leo knows damn well hea just trying to put fear in dudes heart and getting e-props from NTers who just want a show, NOT WORTH IT.Whatever happens to OP, Jordanforever or Leo won't affect my life one bit, just speaking my mind and trying to give some good advice....I thought of actually asking OP fr dudes addy and talking to him myself since I've spoken to him before, but then I thought, what the hell I'm I supposed to tell dude??
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by leothegod

i swear some of you guys man. soft like tissue. 
Cus we don't put ourselves into sticky situations?..for strangers at that 

I dunno, man...if someone came to my door about someone else's isn't gonna be pretty. Cop friend or not. 
ya'll acting this dude jordanforever has a choppa on deck or something 
How do you know he doesn't? cus he's frail? Those are the ones with the most to prove. Like i said, y'all got zero street smarts. 
It ain't even about all that anyway..

The point is, IF something happens to that falls on leo. 

This ain't some @%#+ to talk about out in public. 
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by leothegod

i swear some of you guys man. soft like tissue. 
Cus we don't put ourselves into sticky situations?..for strangers at that 

I dunno, man...if someone came to my door about someone else's isn't gonna be pretty. Cop friend or not. 

Dudes judge a book by its cover, not knowing what anyone is capable of, specially if they have a family and feel threatened in anyway
Although I can't wait to see this confrontation unfold I cannot agree more. In all honesty if I was in the scammers shoes and someone came to my home where my daughter lives I would sitting on my couch with my .380 loaded and ready to go HAM.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Didn't some kid get scammed for his Pharrel dunks and some Nter went to the scammers house, retrieved the kicks, and kept them? It was also in NYC...

That was an Xibit steez scam
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Didn't some kid get scammed for his Pharrel dunks and some Nter went to the scammers house, retrieved the kicks, and kept them? It was also in NYC...
 Leo gonna be posting up some sweet new kicks in the pick up post 
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Cus we don't put ourselves into sticky situations?..for strangers at that 

I dunno, man...if someone came to my door about someone else's isn't gonna be pretty. Cop friend or not. 
ya'll acting this dude jordanforever has a choppa on deck or something 
How do you know he doesn't? cus he's frail? Those are the ones with the most to prove. Like i said, y'all got zero street smarts. 
It ain't even about all that anyway..

The point is, IF something happens to that falls on leo. 

This ain't some @%#+ to talk about out in public. 

It's all about the props bro, Leo wants to help, no doubt...but he also wants that e-rep...reason why he's telling everyone in here exactly what he plans on doing and when and how he plans on taking pics....the smart way to go about it, would have been to contact OP and kept things under wraps, showed up to dudes door and had whatever convo he thinks he's gonna have
something goes down there is no trace back.
jordanforever08 replied:

wait what do u mean "visit" me how does he even know where i live ? i won't be back till tomorrow afternoon also i don't have the shoes, it was shipped and i have to find out where it is... and when i give you a refund its directly to u the same way you paid me , not to anyone once else, you will get your shoes or know where it is thursday or you will get your money thursday...if that guys shows up at my old address, i hope he be safe...i will call you tomorrow evening first thing when i get home, this is crazy and has completely gotten out of hand.. i am no out to scam you in any way regauardless if you think so or all of NT think so i now i did not communacate well with you but it was not that i was trying to scam u, just had a lot of personal serious things to deal with out side of the sates, , just lot of unfourtunate things has happen to me the last 2 1/2 weeks but anyhow you will get your shoes/money thursday
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