To my religious NT folks vol. justification for premarital sex?

I don't think the world is worse now than it was before. If you look back over the course of history, there was wide scale uncivilized, barbaric behavior that we don't really see as much anymore.

We're going to ignore people strapping bombs to themselves and killing hundreds of people.

We're also going to ignore the sky rocketing of STD's and single parents.

well, seeing how priests are abusing children.. don't think they can really look down on you for having sex before marriage.
Originally Posted by Cz7

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by McCree23

I think I answered this question on here before. There is NO SUCH THING as Pre-Marital Sex according to the Bible. According to the Bible SEX=MARRAIGE.

Genesis 24:67 - And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.

s Deuteronomy 22:28] If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;
[29] Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days

According to the bible. When a man lays with a woman. He is supposed to stay with her and take care of her and she has to perform her duties as a woman to the man.

St Mark 10: - [6] But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
[7] For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
[8] And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
[9] What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder

Yeah, that's the same conclusion I reached, at least from the Old Testament.

I don't mind if religious people do or don't. What does bother me is people who make excuses for it.... Like, "I know the Bible says not to but we're inherently weak" or "why is it so tempting if it's wrong?" If you're gonna do it, just do it. Don't try to justify it by saying you're weak. We're +#%#%#% men. Control your own decisions. Otherwise don't claim to be a man.
How do you come that conclusion ? It doesn't follow at all.

Genesis 24:67 - And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.

That verse doesn't say anything at all about sex equaling marriage.

Deuteronomy 22:28] If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;
[29] Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days

This verse seems to say if man has sex with a girl, then only after he pays a dowry to her father do they become married. NOT after they have sex.

That is such a horrible misinterpretation on your part.

..When You read Genesis 24:67....When Isaac took Rebekah inside. What did they go do that she became his wife? It seems as if you dont have any Understanding. Bottom line. If you have sex with a woman you;re supposed to stay  with that woman. Not be a one night stand or slam bam thank you Ma'am.

Furthermore I ain't no Christian.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I don't think the world is worse now than it was before. If you look back over the course of history, there was wide scale uncivilized, barbaric behavior that we don't really see as much anymore.

We're going to ignore people strapping bombs to themselves and killing hundreds of people.

We're also going to ignore the sky rocketing of STD's and single parents.


There was much more killing in the name of religion back in the old days...
Single parents is enh. Single parenting is likely more due to a change in times.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by McCree23

DCAllAmerican . I agree 100% that certain things are outdated . Dont get me wrong. All Im saying is "According to The Bible." But that is why The World is messed up anyway Because we have strayed from The ways of GOD!
Why does God have "ways"? Isn't most of the stuff we do above him?

His ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts, his thoughts are above ours and his ways are above ours.  We do stuff IN-Spite of his Will.

No there is no justification and no biblical loopholes saying yes to premarital sex.  We finds ways again IN-Spite of what he planned out.

Why you think divorce rate is high?  Why you think Christians have a high divorce rate, porn purchase, and sex scandel rate?  Premarital sex is why and when you don' t wait for that one woman you want to spend the rest of your life with to do ANY sexual activity with, you will lust and it will be a fight daily to do the right thing.

Trust me I know though I been married 10 years at 29 years old, it's a daily fight to do the right thing.  I am blessed God redeemed my marriage through some troubles through my 10 years but I can honestly say, if no premarital sex or any activity my 10 years would be a lot different and for the better.
btw my pastor's wife is an ex seahawks cheerleader and they met in a bar

I know an actress who used to act in R-Rated films who married a pastor.

this dude said no sex before marriage
  and they actually followed it.

they're married now though
Hrmm... I think it's cause people realized how "powerful" sex can be, this is just my reasoning, not exactly backed by the Bible... Anyways, having premarital sex with various partners can leave you wanting more? Errr, when you finally do get married to "the one", and she's not as satisfying as previous women, I imagine this could lead to extra-marital relations? Would a man break his vow to get better box? I would hate to think so, but it happens. This also applies to females.

I'm not too sure if this is feasable at all, but yea, just a thought. Also, there's the whole deal about sex being for procreation between a married man and woman, but I think other people have covered that aspect.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I don't think the world is worse now than it was before. If you look back over the course of history, there was wide scale uncivilized, barbaric behavior that we don't really see as much anymore.

We're going to ignore people strapping bombs to themselves and killing hundreds of people.

We're also going to ignore the sky rocketing of STD's and single parents.


try praying and see if that cures STD
Originally Posted by McCree23

..When You read Genesis 24:67....When Isaac took Rebekah inside. What did they go do that she became his wife? It seems as if you dont have any Understanding. Bottom line. If you have sex with a woman you;re supposed to stay  with that woman. Not be a one night stand or slam bam thank you Ma'am.

Furthermore I ain't no Christian.

Now you're changing your tune. First you say sex=marriage therefore premarital doesn't even exist. Now you say when have sex you're supposed to marry her. Those two mutually exclusive statements.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Nah, If you really a Christian then you should be bout dat chastity. If you get to walk around talking all high and mighty, then you gotta be willing to sacrifce.  

I don't know why cats talk about it's impossible. If a guy really wants to wait til marriage, what's stopping him? Does he have Beyonce buck naked in his bedroom begging for the D or something? Maybe it's just me, but I have to make at least some minimal effort for the bunz I get. I could see a dude like Tebow not being able to hold out, but he got 9's and 10's throwing their panties at him. If you're a regular dude with a lowkey life style then it shouldn't be a problem if that is what you believe in.

Best post in here, great way to sum it up, props.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

As far as your second question goes, Jesus clearly states in the Bible "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That's not one of those antiquated rules like giving 50 sheckels to your wife's dad, it's pretty cut and dry
And I would argue that being a Christian is far from a country club, it's probably the most readily accessible club there is. You don't have to pay a fee, you don't have to go to church every Sunday for the rest of your life, you just have to have a personal relationship with Jesus. I think a lot of non Christians see Christians as this sort of holier-than-thou elitist set that think they are the chosen ones or something. Some DO fit that stereotype, but that is not how they're supposed to act.
As I said, I can't understand why someone who is born on the other side of the world in a non-Christian culture will burn for eternity. Can't understand how people can support a God that sends that type of message.

That is a part of Christianity that makes ZERO sense to me. ZERO, How unfair is that? Seriously think about it.
Originally Posted by hellomarco

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I don't think the world is worse now than it was before. If you look back over the course of history, there was wide scale uncivilized, barbaric behavior that we don't really see as much anymore.

We're going to ignore people strapping bombs to themselves and killing hundreds of people.

We're also going to ignore the sky rocketing of STD's and single parents.


try praying and see if that cures STD

what are you shaking your head at?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

As far as your second question goes, Jesus clearly states in the Bible "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That's not one of those antiquated rules like giving 50 sheckels to your wife's dad, it's pretty cut and dry
And I would argue that being a Christian is far from a country club, it's probably the most readily accessible club there is. You don't have to pay a fee, you don't have to go to church every Sunday for the rest of your life, you just have to have a personal relationship with Jesus. I think a lot of non Christians see Christians as this sort of holier-than-thou elitist set that think they are the chosen ones or something. Some DO fit that stereotype, but that is not how they're supposed to act.
As I said, I can't understand why someone who is born on the other side of the world in a non-Christian culture will burn for eternity. Can't understand how people can support a God that sends that type of message.

That is a part of Christianity that makes ZERO sense to me. ZERO, How unfair is that? Seriously think about it.
You sound as if God is walking around dressed like a king, pointing out peasants and damning them to Hell. That's not how it is/works ...
Originally Posted by illfrozn

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

As far as your second question goes, Jesus clearly states in the Bible "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That's not one of those antiquated rules like giving 50 sheckels to your wife's dad, it's pretty cut and dry
And I would argue that being a Christian is far from a country club, it's probably the most readily accessible club there is. You don't have to pay a fee, you don't have to go to church every Sunday for the rest of your life, you just have to have a personal relationship with Jesus. I think a lot of non Christians see Christians as this sort of holier-than-thou elitist set that think they are the chosen ones or something. Some DO fit that stereotype, but that is not how they're supposed to act.
As I said, I can't understand why someone who is born on the other side of the world in a non-Christian culture will burn for eternity. Can't understand how people can support a God that sends that type of message.

That is a part of Christianity that makes ZERO sense to me. ZERO, How unfair is that? Seriously think about it.
You sound as if God is walking around dressed like a king, pointing out peasants and damning them to Hell. That's not how it is/works ...
Well,according to the bible if they have no accepted his son as savior, that is exactly what he does.
So what if a female(or male in some cases) actually waits til' marriage, has sex, and later on gets divorced? Would it be any better than smashing a bf/gf?
DCAllAmerican wrote:
As I said, I can't understand why someone who is born on the other side of the world in a non-Christian culture will burn for eternity. Can't understand how people can support a God that sends that type of message.

That is a part of Christianity that makes ZERO sense to me. ZERO, How unfair is that? Seriously think about it.

I question this all the time.

I'm Catholic btw.
justification for premarital sex

here it is

religion was created by man and we can bend it to however we like and still go to heaven.
People saying its not possible to hold it now a days? I agree I look at all my Mormon cousins ALL married by 22-23

I remember going to a christian church camp and hearing the church's acceptance for homosexuals

I don't mind homosexuals, but I could no longer follow a religion that does anything to keep its followers from leaving. Aka they want your donations.
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