To those w/ peanut allergies, no need to click this thread...

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by amel223

Where I'm from... everyone pronounces it Ree - Siz
as it should be, I will fight to the death over this!
As far as peanut butter goes, I can only f with Skippy. The 2 pack at Costco keeps the pantry stocked at all times.
Dislike the chalky texture of the PB in reeses.

Dislike creamy peanut butter.

LOVE super chunky peanut butter <333

Along with peanuts in shells, salted, flavored, in a tin can, in a jar, etc...
wait, ispy white chocolate peanut butter....

Anyone just slap a spread of peanut butter over a bowl of ice cream..mann.
Imma say it now for all you bammas. BE CLEAR AND GET IT UNDERSTOOD.

SKIPPY > that Jif crap. It's a poor substitute. I'd rather eat Reese's brand of peanut-butter before I let that vile Jif garbage enter my body.


^^^ you riding solo homie. Get your tongue checked out cause it dont work right.
Originally Posted by Heshua

^^^ you riding solo homie. Get your tongue checked out cause it dont work right.
Skippy got the consistency of gravel. 

%#!% is basura. 
Ive been eating straight grilled whitechocolate peanut butter/nutella sandwiches for breakfast like 2 weeks now. so damn good
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Heshua

^^^ you riding solo homie. Get your tongue checked out cause it dont work right.
Skippy got the consistency of gravel. 

%#!% is basura. 
Quite the opposite. Don't know how yall can eat Jif and say Skippy taste like gravel and I need to get my tongue checked. I'm beginning to think just like with Burger King your parents made the mistake of feeding yall that and now your taste buds are forever damaged and conditioned to like that crap so when you do taste the ambrosia that is Skippy you can't recognize the real when it's right before you.

It's cool though. I'll ride solo. More skippy for me.
What is the recipe for that shake you posted? Please and thank you.
I don't really like peanut butter, but reeses/butter fingers/actual peanuts are

Confession: I've never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, ever.
@DC's recommendation.
@myself for not ever buying vanilla almond milk.
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