Toasted PB&J >>> Reg PB&J

Mar 21, 2005
Anybody else do this? Adding a banana or sliced strawberries to the middle is good too.
i use to always eat toasted pbj..then i tried the reg pbj and never went back.

reg pbj > toasted
toasted pb&j is

it's the only way I've eaten pb&j for years....
i was raised on pb and j. besides donuts its my favorite food because as a whole it counts as a food
Peanut butter and honey > Peanut butter and jelly.

Jelly is a disgrace, the fact that its more popular than honey is saddening and is a true travesty to the sandwich world.
It's not worth the wait that it takes to toast the bread.

Therefore, regular it is.
I wish i had some bread right now, havnt had bread in a while during this recession

o ya...

Reg PB&J > Toasted PB&J.
I never stopped eating peanut butter. Matter of fact the day they said it's unsafe to eat I went and ate 4 PB&J sandwiches on purpose. I didn't dieso I kept eating ever since. lol
Toasted all the way!!!

Add some pickles in it its so good................then again i was drunk
Originally Posted by abernja

I never stopped eating peanut butter. Matter of fact the day they said it's unsafe to eat I went and ate 4 PB&J sandwiches on purpose. I didn't die so I kept eating ever since. lol

Certified gangster right here folks.
I refuse to toast my bread or put fruit on my PB&J sandwich, no no no. Soft bread only and no milk, I prefer fruit drink.
Not juice, but drink.

If ya'll aint using Peter Pan you're doing yourself a disservice.
I always toast my PB&J. I think it makes it taste better and youre right get a glass of milk and thats the perfect snack right there
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