Today marks a decade on NT for me! Who else tenured or better? Vol: Roll call for the elderly


formerly m4riol
Sep 24, 2008
“come for the shoes, stay for general”

-People who’ve come thru our ranks and became famous
-PS Threads
-The inception of TAN
-Appreciation threads

Practically my homepage still.

Nothing major to say. Getting to know people on the board thru their posts. Scanning threads and knowing Anton will show up sooner or later for example:lol:. Meeting NTers in real life, adding them on social media, getting to know the face behind the avy and seeing all of us leading healthy and successful lives:pimp:. Some of us dated each other or still are. Revealing our life stories and gotten ridicule and advice. But we’re still here.

Big ups, let’s keep it going:nthat:

And of course, without question
I've been around for a minute. There's been all kinds of classic stuff over the years. I lurked for quite awhile before I actually made an account in 2003. I got word of this site through Slam/Kicks magazine when I was in Middle School. I don't recall what year, maybe 96-97?

What was the kid's name that scanned a pic of his face?!?

I had my "Neek" t-shirt up until last year as well.

I remember when Ekin would post all the leaked heat back in the day.
It's gonna be 10 years for me as well next month. My join date is wrong though from the move NT made from Yuku.

I lurked for like a year prior to joining. Pretty wild back then.

I remember the "Late Night NT crew"
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I tip my hat to the OGs
I came here looking for tips on how to custom paint shoes. Me and my boy would reald Methamphibian's post like the bible. :lol:
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