Todays TV ****ery.....

Jan 23, 2009
I dont have time to try and "educate"
But I will try to break this down in the best way I can...
And huge part of the reason Dave turn down an contract of Millions of dollars....was he saw how he was
becoming part of the ****ery that Black Entertainment has become to day.....
Its on TV everyday. Black People acting like FOOLS.
How do we expect to be takens seriously? When they got us killing and shooting each other...and now we are hurting.
Ourselves throughout the media....something shown through out the world. BET AWARDS prime example....
BET althogether pretty much is an big chuck and jive.
Its one channel away from CMT for a reason. So they can always stop by and laught at our ***.

These sterotypes want go away until we stop them.

Below is an Prime example of Dave making a good point of Todays great Minstrel Show.....


Daves Experience:


I wonder how black women feel about this ghetto hoodrat sterotype??

I have examples for depending on the response of this thread I will post more......Including the Famed Trasnformer 2...

P.S. I dont want this thread to be just about Dave but ****ery on TV period.
I thought this was common knowledge?

He felt bad about "promoting racial stereotypes." So he claims. Many close to him say he was simply stressed out.

I think he was just making people laugh.
I will disagree. Dave Chapelle's show was genius and that was more than apparent in the constant hilarity which would ensue upon viewing his program.
he was making people laugh at the expense of the black community. I used to watch the show and laugh ignorantly until i was enlightened by wisdom and maturity.****ERY is exactly what that show was
Originally Posted by urban turban 18

Mann you are late.

this has been established a few years ago.

You are a loser bro.

True this problem have been in existience for quite some while.
But to check on and see how people feel....see If our community has just given up or is still outraged as I am..and fighting.
Learn how to type an informative paragraph fam, I'm over here re-reading each sentence of yours b/c it just sounds like your stating a lot of randomopinions of yours.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by urban turban 18

Mann you are late.

this has been established a few years ago.

You are a loser bro.

True this problem have been in existience for quite some while.
But to check on and see how people feel....see If our community has just given up or is still outraged as I am..and fighting.

the vast majority of our fellow brethren are ignorantly blinded, and most will not agree with you. Stand up for you believe in though
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Learn how to type an informative paragraph fam, I'm over here re-reading each sentence of yours b/c it just sounds like your stating a lot of random opinions of yours.

My man was mad and was blogging his feelings.
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Learn how to type an informative paragraph fam, I'm over here re-reading each sentence of yours b/c it just sounds like your stating a lot of random opinions of yours.
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by urban turban 18

Mann you are late.

this has been established a few years ago.

You are a loser bro.

True this problem have been in existience for quite some while.
But to check on and see how people feel....see If our community has just given up or is still outraged as I am..and fighting.

the vast majority of our fellow brethren are ignorantly blinded, and most will not agree with you. Stand up for you believe in though
Why you sound like a cult leader speaking in some weird "elightened" code?
While it's nothing new, I do agree with all that the OP mentioned though I have a problem with this:
How do we expect to be takens seriously? When they got us killing and shooting each other...and now we are hurting.
Who's "they" you're talking about? Ain't no one forcing anyone to do anything they don't want. If dudes are out thereshucking and jiving in rap videos or whatever that's on them. If directors & producers on networks like BET or in movies are telling people you gottaplay out a certain image or lifestyle because it's what they think will sell or bring in ratings, it's the people who sell themselves out that need toquit.

A lot is always preached about "we gotta do this" and "we gotta do that," but that's just a lot of talk. People need to stop buyinginto those stereotypes and rejecting those who fulfill those roles just to make a quick buck. Most of the time it's one's own people doing it to theirown on some indentured servitude tip. Until then, you're gonna have people like Lil Wayne or whoever else is "hot" at the moment (I don'teven know anymore since I don't follow these cats) continuing that kind of stuff that is really counterproductive to people.
Then the media try to say Dave went crazy
...if anything it was the opposite...

they (CC) were trying to take creative control from him.

Thats why I prefer the internet, you have a lot more control over what type of information you receive.
Who's "they" you're talking about? Ain't no one forcing anyone to do anything they don't want. If dudes are out there shucking and jiving in rap videos or whatever that's on them. If directors & producers on networks like BET or in movies are telling people you gotta play out a certain image or lifestyle because it's what they think will sell or bring in ratings, it's the people who sell themselves out that need to quit.

A lot is always preached about "we gotta do this" and "we gotta do that," but that's just a lot of talk. People need to stop buying into those stereotypes and rejecting those who fulfill those roles just to make a quick buck. Most of the time it's one's own people doing it to their own on some indentured servitude tip. Until then, you're gonna have people like Lil Wayne or whoever else is "hot" at the moment (I don't even know anymore since I don't follow these cats) continuing that kind of stuff that is really counterproductive to people.
It doesn't have anything to do with Lil Wayne

It has a lot to do with the portrayal of the culture as a whole. Basically only one side of the story is told.
Originally Posted by thaisativa1

@ skank robbers
I've been waiting to see those two classic characterson-screen together. Both of those characters were classic before Chappelle was anybody to speak of.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

While it's nothing new, I do agree with all that the OP mentioned though I have a problem with this:
How do we expect to be takens seriously? When they got us killing and shooting each other...and now we are hurting.
Who's "they" you're talking about? Ain't no one forcing anyone to do anything they don't want. If dudes are out there shucking and jiving in rap videos or whatever that's on them. If directors & producers on networks like BET or in movies are telling people you gotta play out a certain image or lifestyle because it's what they think will sell or bring in ratings, it's the people who sell themselves out that need to quit.

A lot is always preached about "we gotta do this" and "we gotta do that," but that's just a lot of talk. People need to stop buying into those stereotypes and rejecting those who fulfill those roles just to make a quick buck. Most of the time it's one's own people doing it to their own on some indentured servitude tip. Until then, you're gonna have people like Lil Wayne or whoever else is "hot" at the moment (I don't even know anymore since I don't follow these cats) continuing that kind of stuff that is really counterproductive to people.

You have no idea.
Its like putting a rat in a maze and telling it not to get confused.
So when Comedy Central has white people acting like idiots for giggles its entertainment and all laughs. But O noez if the black folks try to be funny straightcoonery. My shut up its nothing but black folks who are ashamed of themselves. Its actually ****ery to be ashamed because the "white folks" islooking. You scared to eat chicken around white people aren't you?
Originally Posted by cartune

So when Comedy Central has white people acting like idiots for giggles its entertainment and all laughs. But O noez if the black folks try to be funny straight ****ery. My shut up its nothing but black folks who are ashamed of themselves. Its actually ****ery to be ashamed because the "white folks" is looking. You scared to eat chicken around white people aren't you?
Couldn't have said it better. Are there any white people who come out and say "white comedian" has embarassed our people? Weshouldn't care so much about what "other" races think of us. Do they care about how we think of them, not at all. Some of the "****ery"on BET is terrible but it wouldn't be made if there wasn't an audience eating it up. It's all about the money people. How come no one says anythingabout shows like Family Guy and South Park that go out of their way to offend all races. Yall give BET way too much power forreal.
Anything related to black entertainment is ****ery now and days?

To me its like a double edged sword I agree some of the stuff is
, but then again anything we ever do is never good enough its like we are the only raceliving under this invisible standard.

If a group of people came out and said the NBA was ****ery would you not support it, "its just a bunch of black men showing how good they can run and jumpso they can bring the boss a shiny trophy at the end of the year"

Almost anything can be flipped to ****ery, at first it was other races but they've trained us so well that we do it without their help.

I think we should show people that there are other aspects to black culture, and not labeling any person or thing that doesn't agree with you a +!*+,instead educate them.

While I don't like every rapper today I can agree that there are things 10 times worse that they could be out doing
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

he was making people laugh at the expense of the black community. I used to watch the show and laugh ignorantly until i was enlightened by wisdom and maturity. ****ERY is exactly what that show was
It's still funny though.
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