Top prospect Terrelle Pryor commits to Ohio State


Jun 20, 2007
Ok so Pryor has announced that he is either going to Michigan or Ohio State.... This could effect the Big 10 for next few years depending on were he decides togo to school... Suppositly he is supposed to announce his decision tomorrow ... I am a Michigan fan so I hope he goes to Michigan but where do you think hewill end up???
Originally Posted by giantsytigers

Ok so Pryor has announced that he is either going to Michigan or Ohio State.... This could effect the Big 10 for next few years depending on were he decides to go to school... Suppositly he is supposed to announce his decision tomorrow ... I am a Michigan fan so I hope he goes to Michigan but where do you think he will end up???


but I think he will end up going to Michigan.
If it were me, I'd be going to Michigan for sure. The QB spot is wide open for him there, and the offense would fit his skill set well. At Ohio Statehe'll have to overtake Boeckman for the starting spot, but if he's up for some competition, I could see why he'd wanna go there.
First of all, he isn't deciding tomorrow according to Scout. He is "addressing the media", but not deciding. There have been some crazy rumors,some more believable than others... But anyways, he should go to Michigan if he's smart... the system and opportunity is better than any other program hehas in mind... but like tmay407 says, he might want to prove himself first.
rivals says that hes still got oregon on his mind and penn state...

heres hoping that he goes to oregon!
haha too bad for all those Duck fans getting their hopes up. Oregon State is about to roll them this coming season.
From what I hear:
1) Ohio State
2) Michigan

3) Oregon

The Ducks have an outside chance at landing Pryor.

Supposedly he really likes Rich Rodriguez which is creating the dilemma between Ohio State and Michigan. I think the kid's gonna be a Buckeye though.We'll see.
His QBs coach says he really likes OState and was hanging with a lot of OSU commits @ the All-American game.

Last I heard - the order went OSU, Michigan, Penn State (in a distant third)... but i can't see why he'd go anywhere but michigan at this point.. idon't know.
Michigan!!.. Did he just say he's not signing by the deadline or something.. How do you not sign on National Signing day???
who guys treat HS Football talent just like HS basketball talent. Football is a whole other animal.

But w/ Him not deciding today.....I really dunno....

Maybe he just wants all of the attention....
Terrelle Pryor, the most coveted high school football player in America, has decided not to announce his college choice today.
"I'm 100 percent sure I'm not signing," Pryor told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. "It's a tough decision and I'm still trying to decide between Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State."

That news will make the coaches at all three schools sweat, but especially at Michigan, where we've been told by a reliable source that the coaching staff thinks Pryor is coming and thought yesterday that Pryor would make it official today.

Pryor said he has told Oregon's coaches that he has eliminated Oregon because he wants to stay closer to home.

In this age of big-time recruits becoming celebrities, it's noteworthy that Pryor has not canceled today's press conference. He had been scheduled to announce the decision at noon today; he will still meet with the media and answer questions, but the question everyone wants to ask, "Where will you go to college?" won't be answered.
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