Torn between two phases of my life

I feel you. I have that same problem. I have to dress business casual to work Monday-Thursday, jeans on Friday. I feel like my shoes are just sitting there. i don't have 230 pairs, I'm around 55 pairs of Js. Even then, it seems like it gets to be too much, and my closet is getting full. However that feeling I get when I know I got a pair that I have wanted for a minute is the best. Or that moment when the store employee opens the gate, or the countdown hits 00:00 on Eastbay still gives me butterflies in my stomach.
I feel you. I have that same problem. I have to dress business casual to work Monday-Thursday, jeans on Friday. I feel like my shoes are just sitting there. i don't have 230 pairs, I'm around 55 pairs of Js. Even then, it seems like it gets to be too much, and my closet is getting full. However that feeling I get when I know I got a pair that I have wanted for a minute is the best. Or that moment when the store employee opens the gate, or the countdown hits 00:00 on Eastbay still gives me butterflies in my stomach.
Thanks alot fellas! Another problem is I work with Nike during the summer lol, Well anyway I have made my decison after reading this thread, talking to facebook friends and of course the woman in my life. I have decided to begin selling off some of my sneakers, because I would be a new seller on Ebay i'm going to start off selling a pair of Nikes that Nike gave me last summer and some of my old basketball Jordans just to begin to establish a rep and then that's when the "HEAT" begins to go.
Thanks alot fellas! Another problem is I work with Nike during the summer lol, Well anyway I have made my decison after reading this thread, talking to facebook friends and of course the woman in my life. I have decided to begin selling off some of my sneakers, because I would be a new seller on Ebay i'm going to start off selling a pair of Nikes that Nike gave me last summer and some of my old basketball Jordans just to begin to establish a rep and then that's when the "HEAT" begins to go.
Also I realize that Nike & Brand Jordan keeps coming back out with the same sneakers so so stuff. at My age (30) buying a pair of Jordans like the Air Jordan 11 Concords is not too special for me because I had them 2001 and the DMP in 2006 and now there back in 2011. I can't honestly say i couldn't have afforded them back in 2001 because I was 20 years old not 16. so it's different compared to youngsters that say I couldn't afford this and that when they first retroed.
Also I realize that Nike & Brand Jordan keeps coming back out with the same sneakers so so stuff. at My age (30) buying a pair of Jordans like the Air Jordan 11 Concords is not too special for me because I had them 2001 and the DMP in 2006 and now there back in 2011. I can't honestly say i couldn't have afforded them back in 2001 because I was 20 years old not 16. so it's different compared to youngsters that say I couldn't afford this and that when they first retroed.
Plus I know im getting old when I hear a member of Nike Talk talking about there first pair of Jordans was a retro and that's there "HOLY GRAILS"
Plus I know im getting old when I hear a member of Nike Talk talking about there first pair of Jordans was a retro and that's there "HOLY GRAILS"
Originally Posted by Peay21

Thanks alot fellas! Another problem is I work with Nike during the summer lol, Well anyway I have made my decison after reading this thread, talking to facebook friends and of course the woman in my life. I have decided to begin selling off some of my sneakers, because I would be a new seller on Ebay i'm going to start off selling a pair of Nikes that Nike gave me last summer and some of my old basketball Jordans just to begin to establish a rep and then that's when the "HEAT" begins to go.
You could also try craigslist, since Oct 2009, I have sold over 200+ pairs of my collection over craigslist.  I ran into the problem of being a new seller on ebay also, but I was able to sell cdp 11s and cdp 6 on ebay for good prices but after ebay fees, paypal fees, going to the post office, that knocks off a nice chunk.  So that's when it turned to craigslist, all you have to do is stay up with your post every several days, be firm on your prices(because you will get some bs offers) and take precautions when do meet ups(do them on your terms, if it seems shady just pass it up and wait for the next one).  Trust me you can move a lot of shoes on Craigslist and you get straight cash, no bs fees from several parties=you lose less money.

Well anyway, good luck on your future sales I hope you are able to sell what you want

And good luck with struggle of the "addiction", trust we all struggle with it everyday, even though we may grow up and move on to bigger and better things we all still keep returning to NT for a little fix of that high.
Originally Posted by Peay21

Thanks alot fellas! Another problem is I work with Nike during the summer lol, Well anyway I have made my decison after reading this thread, talking to facebook friends and of course the woman in my life. I have decided to begin selling off some of my sneakers, because I would be a new seller on Ebay i'm going to start off selling a pair of Nikes that Nike gave me last summer and some of my old basketball Jordans just to begin to establish a rep and then that's when the "HEAT" begins to go.
You could also try craigslist, since Oct 2009, I have sold over 200+ pairs of my collection over craigslist.  I ran into the problem of being a new seller on ebay also, but I was able to sell cdp 11s and cdp 6 on ebay for good prices but after ebay fees, paypal fees, going to the post office, that knocks off a nice chunk.  So that's when it turned to craigslist, all you have to do is stay up with your post every several days, be firm on your prices(because you will get some bs offers) and take precautions when do meet ups(do them on your terms, if it seems shady just pass it up and wait for the next one).  Trust me you can move a lot of shoes on Craigslist and you get straight cash, no bs fees from several parties=you lose less money.

Well anyway, good luck on your future sales I hope you are able to sell what you want

And good luck with struggle of the "addiction", trust we all struggle with it everyday, even though we may grow up and move on to bigger and better things we all still keep returning to NT for a little fix of that high.
I know how you feel OP. I'm around your age and I don't have nearly as much as you do (but I got some fire). With my job, I alternate between my playoff 8's and shoes, but I still don't get to wear everything because I wear slacks and a shirt to work. Like you, my shoes are a part of me. There is a story behind practically every shoe I own. My advice is to keep em, but don't have a set amount to stop collecting, you'll never stop. I tried
. But for now, I'm done except for the concords, I need an extra pair. I'm good with my collection now.
I know how you feel OP. I'm around your age and I don't have nearly as much as you do (but I got some fire). With my job, I alternate between my playoff 8's and shoes, but I still don't get to wear everything because I wear slacks and a shirt to work. Like you, my shoes are a part of me. There is a story behind practically every shoe I own. My advice is to keep em, but don't have a set amount to stop collecting, you'll never stop. I tried
. But for now, I'm done except for the concords, I need an extra pair. I'm good with my collection now.
Wow a lot of good stories and words of wisdom in here!!!
My collection is approaching the 300 range and I know its time for me to bow out. I am 25 years old been collecting for about 11 years now and like what most people say your life and priorities change. I have a very good job and love my career, but there are so many other things I would like to do. Life is so short, something I learned the hard way this year(Lost my mom) and owning that many pairs of shoes  is do OD because when will i ever wear them all. Yes I have doubles and triples on shoes, but I am an Engineer so my work attire is steel toe boots M-F. I look in my sneaker closet and realize I will never wear all these sneakers and its pretty dumb I blew my money on it. My GF is supportive of it but she loves me for me, but I have started this use to be fun now its a bit dumb to do. The sneaker culture as a whole has changed which is another reason I am ready to bow out, I mean some people think that the DTRT Jordan IIIs is an original colorway its become a trendy thing to do. So readying all these post makes me realize maybe its time for me to sell most. Thanks NT fam for the support
Wow a lot of good stories and words of wisdom in here!!!
My collection is approaching the 300 range and I know its time for me to bow out. I am 25 years old been collecting for about 11 years now and like what most people say your life and priorities change. I have a very good job and love my career, but there are so many other things I would like to do. Life is so short, something I learned the hard way this year(Lost my mom) and owning that many pairs of shoes  is do OD because when will i ever wear them all. Yes I have doubles and triples on shoes, but I am an Engineer so my work attire is steel toe boots M-F. I look in my sneaker closet and realize I will never wear all these sneakers and its pretty dumb I blew my money on it. My GF is supportive of it but she loves me for me, but I have started this use to be fun now its a bit dumb to do. The sneaker culture as a whole has changed which is another reason I am ready to bow out, I mean some people think that the DTRT Jordan IIIs is an original colorway its become a trendy thing to do. So readying all these post makes me realize maybe its time for me to sell most. Thanks NT fam for the support
I just started in 2007 with the Fire Red III's.  I used to own just about every pair as a kid and eventually grew out of them or trashed them.  Now that I've started i feel like I want to owe 1 of each of the legacy series (and all the III's).  At this point I own more than that but I don't have each model.  (missing the VIII's, XVI's, XX's).  Once I get those I will probably be done other than the one "new"  model each year. I will sell each of the extera's and only have the 25 or so pairs.  This is and expensive hobby but as a person who has had much worse addictions you could be doing much worse.
I just started in 2007 with the Fire Red III's.  I used to own just about every pair as a kid and eventually grew out of them or trashed them.  Now that I've started i feel like I want to owe 1 of each of the legacy series (and all the III's).  At this point I own more than that but I don't have each model.  (missing the VIII's, XVI's, XX's).  Once I get those I will probably be done other than the one "new"  model each year. I will sell each of the extera's and only have the 25 or so pairs.  This is and expensive hobby but as a person who has had much worse addictions you could be doing much worse.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Sell them. You can't bring them to your grave.

i concur, u cant take your shoes to your grave...sell the ones you know your not going to wear and wear the ones u really love...230 pairs is a boat load
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Sell them. You can't bring them to your grave.

i concur, u cant take your shoes to your grave...sell the ones you know your not going to wear and wear the ones u really love...230 pairs is a boat load
Originally Posted by roly2345

I feel you my friend, I have been collecting since the 90s, and a couple years back at the peak my collection was 260+pairs. I went thru the same thing a few years ago when I turned 30 myself, I just felt like my priorities started to change and I started selling my collection back in 09, when I first started it was hard because I had some heat that I was letting go and I didn't want to part with certain pairs, but after realizing that I could go a year or two before getting around to the same pair in my rotation and years of ongoing quality issues with JB I just thought it would be wise of me to sell my whole collection(while the shoes were still in one piece) and take that money and actually invest it in something that will be beneficial for me in the long run. After I saw all the money that I had put into my "collection" I could not believe it and could not justify the 260+ pairs I had. I now have about 60 pairs left and counting down. I have officially retired and once I sell or donate the last 60 pairs I have left, I will never own more than 5 pairs of sneakers at a time. I was very naive about finances in my late teens and early 20s, and would spend most of my disposal income on shoes and other crap never thinking about the future, now that I am 30+ I have to think about the future and how I am going to prepare myself for retirement. Looking back on it now I wish I would have take the tens of thousands of dollars that I gave to Nike and Phil Knight and used it to start investing back in the 90s and I probably would be looking at retirement in a few years instead of still having to work later into my life. I now have a couple pairs that I wear on my casual days and thats it for me. I'll leave this "shoe game" to all you all out there, good luck and hopefully one day you will all see this just another addiction like smoking and drinking that wastes you time and money. The only good thing is some Nike's are sought after and if DS or well cared for you may have a hope of reselling it. That's the only thing that has kept me half way sane is that I have been able to recoup at least more than 60-70% of what I paid for most of my collection and reinvest into actually securities.

So If I can leave you with one last thought, stop throwing your money away and making the CEO's and Millionaire Athlete's even richer than the are, just buy ONE pair of shoes because you need them not because you want them, and if you need something to do with that money thats burning a whole in your pocket then put it in a saving acct or invest it, trust me you'll thank me later.
what he said...
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