Toronto Raptors Off-Season Post: Home of the Red, White, and BLACK

seriously...we gotta pickup someone decent in this draft because bringing over all these Euro guys isn't getting us where we want to be. As for Bargnani, Idon't know anymore. It's really frustrating to see a guy who appeared to have so much potential last year turn into hot garbage. I still see somepotential but whether he is the right guy to be teamed up with Bosh is what I'm not sure about. We need a serious upgrade this summer because the rest ofthe East isn't sitting idly anymore. Heck, the Sixers and Hawks managed to stay alive longer than we could and have the potential to upset the top 2Eastern teams. Please BC, give us something to cheer about next season.

For now GTA IV should occupy my mind from this frustrating season...
I'd do a T.J. for Nocioni or a Calderon sign and trade for Outlaw anyday. Apparently the Blazers are big on Caldy and want to make a serious run at himthis off-season.

I think Rasho and Parker will be shipped to a legit contender eventually.

I'm certain Colangelo won't keep both point guards.

I think we need to aim for Corey Maggette. We shoot the least foul shots in the league. He shoots the most. He knows how to drive and make contact. He'lladd some toughness to the team and be a legit 2nd option.

Bargnani will be re-signed after his rookie contract. That's BC's baby right there. He'll hold onto him just to save face.

If we could pick up Roy Hibbert that'd be great, but I wouldn't mind it at all if BC packaged Joey Graham + our pick for a lottery pick.
Roy Hibbert is GARBAGE he will not help us any more then Primo Brezec or Rasho Will help us, he is a stiff even at a young age he only averaged 6.4 rebounds onthe college level.


He's not athletic enough to block or rebound on the next level.
but I wouldn't mind it at all if BC packaged Joey Graham + our pick for a lottery pick.
That wouldn't even get us a WNBA lottery pick.

I agree on drafting Hibbert and Lopez, from what I've seen of Hibbert, dude has bust written all over him.

2008 Free agents

Josh Childress, Mickael Pietrus, Kelenna Azebuke, Magette, etc. are a few possibilities.

There's not many big men that'll be available this summer, a guy like Kurt Thomas could help us a lot for 2 years or so and he's probably lookingfor the mid-level exception ($6 mill). We might have to acquire a big man through a trade or through the draft.

BTW, I know Bargnani gets criticized a lot, and many people feel its still too early to judge him, but he's going to have to average more than the 1.4 rpghe did in the playoffs if this team is going to have any legitimate success. At 7 feet tall you should be able to average at the very least, 6-7 rebounds pergame automatically.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Do you think Ford for Outlaw would be a beneficial trade for both teams?

Raps get an athletic forward, Blazers get a starting PG.

Blazers are going to be nasty next season, luckily I jumped on the bandwagon last summer after they drafted Oden. Super Sonics are another team with unlimited upside.

Get a point guard

1st round pick in June, $20 mill in cap room next summer, the Blazers are going to be unbelievable. Only problem is the West is ultra competitive.
I like TJ Ford a lot, but i think his injuries will hurt his trade value. So the raps may not get fair value for him. I know the blazers are very highon calderon and made a push for him at the trade deadline.
We need to get a true second option from the perimeter. Trade, TJ and some expiring contract to get O.J., Artest, or Maggette.

Pargo seems like a good change of pace point guard when we get rid of Ford.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

We need to get a true second option from the perimeter. Trade, TJ and some expiring contract to get a lottery pick and draft O.J., or sign Artest, or Maggette.

Pargo seems like a good change of pace point guard when we get rid of Ford.

You Raps fans crack me up. And before I get bashed by you guys, I watched tons of your games this year. Here are my thoughts.

-Calderon is very good. But he doesnt have enough talent around him to be the franchise PG. If Calderon is the second best player on the team, that team isgoing no where.

-You need a scorer. A legit scoring option. I know Bosh gets his points, but you need a 2 or a 3 that can put in bucket after bucket. Im not saying you need aKobe/Iverson/McGrady, but someone who can consistantly put in 20 a game. (Jason Richardson, Joe Johnson, Monta Ellis, Caron Butler, Josh Howard...someone likethis)

-You need bigs....Bosh is great but he needs help. Plus Bosh may never be a 10rpg guy, and thats what you need.

-Heart and Desire!! The Raptors are soft and play without passion. They need a player who can fire up their team at any moment.

The Raptors are a lot further away from being a legit contender than most of you fans think. They are a work in progress that have the potential of being goodsomeday. But you are NOT a player or two away.
Originally Posted by dland24

-You need bigs....Bosh is great but he needs help. Plus Bosh may never be a 10rpg guy, and thats what you need.

-Heart and Desire!! The Raptors are soft and play without passion. They need a player who can fire up their team at any moment.

Bosh has averaged 10 before.

We have heart and desire...We're just soft PHYSICALLY.

But I do agree with you about getting a legit 2nd scoring option.
Originally Posted by dland24

You Raps fans crack me up. And before I get bashed by you guys, I watched tons of your games this year. Here are my thoughts.

-Calderon is very good. But he doesnt have enough talent around him to be the franchise PG. If Calderon is the second best player on the team, that team is going no where.

-You need a scorer. A legit scoring option. I know Bosh gets his points, but you need a 2 or a 3 that can put in bucket after bucket. Im not saying you need a Kobe/Iverson/McGrady, but someone who can consistantly put in 20 a game. (Jason Richardson, Joe Johnson, Monta Ellis, Caron Butler, Josh Howard...someone like this)

-You need bigs....Bosh is great but he needs help. Plus Bosh may never be a 10rpg guy, and thats what you need.

-Heart and Desire!! The Raptors are soft and play without passion. They need a player who can fire up their team at any moment.

The Raptors are a lot further away from being a legit contender than most of you fans think. They are a work in progress that have the potential of being good someday. But you are NOT a player or two away.

Did you even bother to read some of the posts in this thread before replying? Way to make an of yourself.
damn it...Raptors elminated on Monday and Barcelona on team to cheer for and watch this summer.

oh and here's a summary of BC's press conference:

• It's too early for knee-jerk reactions. The process of assembling the roster began at training camp and will be done sometime around mid-July or a little later when the final pieces to the puzzle are put into place for the following season.

•Where are we? The things that need to be addressed have been accentuated by what happened in the playoffs, but it was apparent all season long. "It starts and probably ends with the loss of Garbajosa". Not having that component, the saavy, and grittiness and experience was missed, and it was difficult to overcome.

•They will sit down with final interviews with all the players and now is not the time to make final decisions on who will stay or go, but they already have something of a basis towards completing that decision-making process. They need to address defense and rebounding, the development of of a young Bargnani, find a 20 point scorer to facilitate some of the scoring load, and in the sum of it all they need to get more help for Bosh.

•They set the bar pretty high and there was disappointment. There was a lot made of Sam being excited as opposed to him being disappointed, and he thinks those things have to be taken into context, and if you truly got down to it Sam would express disappointment as well. BC's biggest disappointment is that they didn't get better, that they didn't deliver up to the fan's expectations. "THe fans deserve more. This organization deserves more. And it's incumbent upon us to continue to get better to the point where we satisfy those expectations".

•There's been a lot of talk about a coaching change involving two active playoff coaches, which he finds "absolutely ludicrous". "All things should be put to rest when I say I have absolutely no intention to make a coaching change at this time." All the stories are speculation and storytelling. Sam put himself in the position to get a contract extension and go forward, and even though there have been disappointments, nobody is putting it all on Sam. It's everybody's fault. Everything works on a consensus basis, the makeup of the roster and the weaknesses therein are all worked on together, and he (Colangelo) is the guy who then shoulders the responsibility at the end and he will do that. Nobody should look at Sam Mitchell and think that he is facing a firing or buyout or anything of the sort.

•Re: TJ - not a new issue with the two pgs. He does not blame TJ for wanting and expecting to be the starting pg on any team that he plays on, and he applauds him for taking that position. "I would want nothing else". At the end of the day though - how do the two co-exist? It's a very safe assumption that Jose will be back in a Raptor uniform next season. After today, when some time passes, and the contract situation is worked out there will be conversations with players and agents and all involved to see if they can possibly make it work, and if it becomes obvious that it can't, then there will have to be some changes made. It's something that will have to be resolved and it will be resolved in time. There are things that will have to transpire yet though regarding the draft and have things play out, but he wants to explore every option in order to make it work with the two of them.

•He still thinks the nature of the team is not much different than when there was excitement about the team, and he still sees the core in the same way. Last year they made great strides and there was no blowing up that team. Now they can take a step back and see that things have changed a bit, but they need to do a better job of nurturing what they have - Bargnani most of all.

•Can't answer if Garbo will ever be able to play. The quicker they can figure that out and straighten out the litigation the better. As long as he is under contract with the Raps he will not play in the olympics for Spain - he realizes he is not making fans in Spain happy with that stand.

•Next year they will be over the cap but under the tax threshold, and the first thing to take care of will be Jose, and then they will figure out what kind of flexibility they will have going forward, or how much they can muster through trades. The expiring contracts should be helpful.

•Getting a player through trade this year will have to be weighed against keeping the flexibility for a strong FA year the following year. They will have to decide if it is worth advancing the process they have in mind in terms of flexibility, by one year.
Yeah, I caught most of those points from BC.

Sam SHOULD be fired. We need a defensive minded coach. The O will come.
TJ should be shipped for a slasher. Possibly try and get something together like TJ + Joey + 1st round pick for Magette (I know it wouldnt happen, but still).We need someone that can slash, and consistantly score every night.

If were looking for a big in the free agent market, there isnt really anybody out there. There are athletic guards in Pietrus and Azibukie, but we need a bigthat can rebound, and be a threat down low on both ends of the floor.
Sign Calderon
Sign Moon and humphires for dirt cheap.
Sign Parker short term.
Move TJ (Tj for Noc sounds like a solid trade)
Add a clause to Kapono's contract that only allows him to shoot 3's no matter what.
Delfino can walk
Sign rasho because well,.......he's rasho.
graham, brezec, baston, totally expendable.
Sign a banger. This team needs toughness. Someone who will actually do something if a teammate gets tackled. Someone can be a bully and anintimidator down low.

Finally, let's cut this Garbajosa ordeal short before it becomes an alvin williams situation shall we?

oh, one more thing.

MOVE BARGNANI holy gravy move him now before it's too late!!!!!!!!!

i feel like im some sort of profit who can see the impending doom, and eventhough im warning everyone, no one believes me and i get looked at like im nuts!


Yes, he's got an impressive stroke for a 7 footer. Yes, he's mobile. Yes, every once in a while he will pull out a jawdropping play.

BUT, he's also soft, unmotivated, inconsistent. Things that over history we've seen are, the majority of the time, hard for players to shake.

He's going to nothing more than a set shooter A LOT sooner than people think.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

T.J. for Nocioni

lol great trade the only guy with heart on our team for another soft euro...... we need tj


Have you seen Nocioni play? There is nothing soft about his game, he's one of the most fearless players in the L. He's probably the 2nd best NBAplayer to ever come out of Argentina.

P.S. Last time I checked, Argentina wasn't even close to Europe.
BTW, I'm officially declaring this off-season a great success. Chuck Swirsky has stepped down as announcer of the Raptors and he's moving backto Chicago for personal reasons. He was one of the biggest reasons why I stopped watching Raptor games. He was a homer and provided little insight for theviewers at home.
BTW, I'm officially declaring this off-season a great success. Chuck Swirsky has stepped down as announcer of the Raptors and he's moving back to Chicago for personal reasons. He was one of the biggest reasons why I stopped watching Raptor games. He was a homer and provided little insight for the viewers at home.



Butch Carter FTW? One can only hope...
Why would Chuck move? Dude just got his citizenship this year too.

I will miss him as a Raptor fan, even though dude was the true definition of a "homer".

No more "Raptors Win" x3.

I think Leo Rautins may step up as Play-by-play. It would suit him.
He was actually salty that people on forums would rip on him, especially those RealGM clowns. I wonder if that was a reason for his departure.

Honestly, Leo just needs to go. He is pretty bipartisan but Jack is way better than him. I hope we pick up a quality play by play guy.
@ all the conspiracy theories.

Chuck probably felt it was better for his family, this was obviously a spur of the moment decision. Going from tv to radio is a demotion, and he'sprobably going to get less money. I doubt it has anything to do with the team, something personal came up.

I'm guessing one of the radio guys will fill the void.
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