Tough Mudder

Jul 29, 2004
Suppose to be taking on the tough mudder race this Sunday and have no idea what to expect. Anybody ever did this or any other extreme styled obstacle course race 
Some friends of mine including myself are thinking about doing this next year. Looking at the videos it looks like it'll def challenge you. I think pacing yourself and having good stamina helps out alot. Do not gun ho it at the beginning.
While it isnt as hardcore as the tough mudder my friends and I did the Warrior Dash back in August. It was a 5k with obstacles. That felt challenging enough but it was addicting cause now I just want to keep doing these kinds of races

Where will you be participating?
my cousin does it.

looks like i'd regret it 1/4 through.

i cant swim though so im out of the question.

you must feel like a bauce after completing it though.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

i cant swim though so im out of the question.
I can't swim either but  I read you can bypass water obstacles.

I'm doing it this Sunday in NJ and while I haven't "trained" for this event I've been active btwn the gym, jogging/biking, flag football & ultimate.
Shady are you in NYCSSC
Originally Posted by cbass625

Some friends of mine including myself are thinking about doing this next year. Looking at the videos it looks like it'll def challenge you. I think pacing yourself and having good stamina helps out alot. Do not gun ho it at the beginning.
While it isnt as hardcore as the tough mudder my friends and I did the Warrior Dash back in August. It was a 5k with obstacles. That felt challenging enough but it was addicting cause now I just want to keep doing these kinds of races

Where will you be participating?
I'm running with this queerfellow right here.

If anyone is down for the NJ race for NOV12 hit us up. Maybe get a Massive team going.

@mycoldyourdone, I can't swim either but i'm willing to take lessons this spring/summer... or else i'm taking someone down w me

My friend is doing it for the second time this Saturday. i was thinking about it but missed the deadline. anyway he says it's insane, but doable. just take your time and if you workout regularly it shouldn't be that bad.
I ran a 10K Mud Run last will definitely test your endurance and if you are not in shape, it will show.  Finished in about an hour flat, and had a decent steady pace for the team I was on.  It  was a lot of fun and I definitely recommend it.  Good luck....and train a little if you have time.
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