Toyota's Response to the SmartCar: Toyota IQ 2010 (Pics & Vids)

Apr 21, 2004
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Toyota is out to get Smart with a clever new microcar. Though designed for Europe and Japan, the iQ could come stateside with Scion badges to help us cope with soaring fuel prices and growing urban congestion.

[/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Europe and Japan are the intended markets, but the iQ is being whispered for U.S. sale as a 2010 model.

[/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]We'd guesstimate a $13,000 floor, with a ceiling of maybe $17,500, depending on the number and type of options available.[/font]

Please...Automakers stop.

Is this a race to see who can make the smallest and ugliest death-trap? Everytime I see a Smart, Yaris, etc. i want to hit it in my SUV at 50mph.
Seriously, these cars are an eyesore. The look like toys. To hit another vehicle over 20mph in that car is certain death. I've seen crash test of mini carson youtube and the results were ugly.

I'd rather drop 50 bucks to fill a full sized sedan, sports car or SUV than be seen in one of these toys. I could careless about mpg as long as i lookfresh driving or my car is fast.

Dear American Auto Industry,

If congress grants you the money, do not follow the foreign trend of building toy cars with engines that sound like lawn mowers.

Sincerely, a man who enjoys real cars.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Please...Automakers stop.

Is this a race to see who can make the smallest and ugliest death-trap? Everytime I see a Smart, Yaris, etc. i want to hit it in my SUV at 50mph.

Seriously, these cars are an eyesore. The look like toys. To hit another vehicle over 20mph in that car is certain death. I've seen crash test of mini cars on youtube and the results were ugly.

I'd rather drop 50 bucks to fill a full sized sedan, sports car or SUV than be seen in one of these toys.

The amount of ignorance in your post is almost mind boggling. You should also know the US's regulation when it comes to crash testing is a lot higher thenother countries.
Don't like = Don't cop ...its pretty simple if you ask me, if anything all toyota is doing is providing an option to consumers
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Who made these style of cars cool?
i don't think the intention to buy these cars is to be cool

the original plan was to only sell this car in Europe and Japan where space is limited and the price of gas is at a high cost

this car is more practical than cool
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Who made these style of cars cool?

Exxon-Mobile. European popularity grew due to €1.50/LITER prices for gas (benzine/petrol).

And it was crazy to see how they get parked sometimes downtown (when I was staying in Germany). Not sure I'd get one. But for someone who is all aboutliving the city-life but can't get down with public transportation, it seems to do the trick. Could work for anyone how has short commutes or will be intraffic jams to and from work. I'm not sure I would take them on the open highway, but I've seen them on the autobahn (in right lane; they actually getthat concept in Europe).
Originally Posted by endemic415

Originally Posted by kingofny04

Who made these style of cars cool?
i don't think the intention to buy these cars is to be cool

the original plan was to only sell this car in Europe and Japan where space is limited and the price of gas is at a high cost

this car is more practical than cool
Got you

I wonder what would be a current fill up for these things right now..8$?
i drove a smart car once, those things are fun as hell to drive. but realistically, those things are a death wish.
Originally Posted by Black Racer X

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Please...Automakers stop.

Is this a race to see who can make the smallest and ugliest death-trap? Everytime I see a Smart, Yaris, etc. i want to hit it in my SUV at 50mph.

Seriously, these cars are an eyesore. The look like toys. To hit another vehicle over 20mph in that car is certain death. I've seen crash test of mini cars on youtube and the results were ugly.

I'd rather drop 50 bucks to fill a full sized sedan, sports car or SUV than be seen in one of these toys.

The amount of ignorance in your post is almost mind boggling. You should also know the US's regulation when it comes to crash testing is a lot higher then other countries.

My mind is officialy boggled. This whole suv= saftey aurgument is beyond stupid. small cars ftw
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Originally Posted by endemic415

Originally Posted by kingofny04

Who made these style of cars cool?
i don't think the intention to buy these cars is to be cool

the original plan was to only sell this car in Europe and Japan where space is limited and the price of gas is at a high cost

this car is more practical than cool
Got you

I wonder what would be a current fill up for these things right now..8$?

and that's with premium gas too
Second video OP posted was pretty cool/funny.

I'm 6'1-2 weigh 195+ lbs. Would I be able to fit in this car?
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