Trade: Chicago 1s for Knick 1s.

Oct 11, 2008
Friend offered me his Knicks for my pair of Chicagos (Which I have another pair of) and he wants me to add $20 on top of it. Pretty even deal since the Knicks retailed for more? Both are DS of course.
Well.. It rly comes down to wether or not u want the Knicks pair. I don't like em.
The chicagos will hold a higher value down the way tho cause it's a OG colorway.
I would rock one and keep the other on ice.
The last time they retroed was 94. So it's very possible u won't see em again for a long time.
But again, if u want the Knicks then go for it.
I def woudnt put any extra cash tho.straight trade.
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