Traffic court experiences. Please share. *update*

Mister Meaner

formerly super producer j
Mar 24, 2007

Tomorrow, I report for my first (& hopefully last) traffic violation appearance. Aside from expired meter & alternate side tickets, my record is clean. About 5 months ago, the cop "caught" me turning from the wrong lane. What sucks is they don't even write down the ticket amount & I've been wondering ever since, should I lose the case. I've got my alibi down though which states that I had re-entered the turn lane before making the actual turn because the taxi driver at the front of the line hesitated to let me in.

Also, if the cop doesn't show up, do I automatically win?


The dude showed up, indeed. I should have came better prepared with a diagram or something. The judge (or whatever he is called) was sitting behind a big desk with a computer screen to his left, occasionally glancing at it. For some reason, I thought there might be video surveillance
, it had me a little shook since the violation was back in January.

Anyway, I have to pay $110. Surcharge (whatever that is) is more than the damn ticket. $80 vs $30.

Womp womp.
Not sure about NYC, but if the cop doesn't show you do automatically win if you choose to fight it. As far as the fee, I'm pretty sure you can go online to the city's website, and pull up your ticket with the citation number, and it will show how much the fee is. Good luck fam!
its better to pay the fine and try not not to get the points all they care about is the $$$$$$$$$$$$
you should of try to talk to the officer after he gave you a ticket. What i mean is every cop has a certain area in which they patrol. you should of scouted out the area for him and try to negotiate the ticket out of court before it reached the court room. or the officers name is on the ticket along with the state or in ny im asuming you guys have sections. you should of headed to that section or location where he work and arranged an appointment with him/her and tell him your issue maybe hell be compasionate and let it slide. most likely he/she is going to show up for court, if you got money higher a lawyer or take the L and im asuming youre insurance is gonna go up.
In NYC the law is the judge has to give the cop one hour to show if he/she isnt there. After that hour if the police officer isnt there then it is up to the judge to find you guilty or not guilty. Happened to me a year or so ago.

And that fine is 130 bucks and as far as points go its 2 points.

I dont even waste my time anymore with NYC courts. You always lose no matter what. I threw the towel in with the courts after my last attempt at fighting a ticket from a NYPD traffic agent (you go to a different court if they give you a ticket. Its not the same if a PO gives you a ticket). I received a "improperly parked" ticket in front of 111 8th Ave a while ago because the traffic cop had an attitude and he didnt like it when I barked back at him when he asked me where is your munimeter ticket with an attitude. I told him to go take his attitude and shove it up his !@$. Then he wrote me up for that ticket and not only did the idiot give me an unjustified ticket but he wrote the wrong color down for my truck. He wrote Lavender instead of Silver. And I took a picture how I was parked at that very moment (bc he said I was parked on the line, not true) and had it on my phone and took the munimeter ticket I had and went to court. I showed the judge the pics and showed the properties of the pics so it showed it was just 2 mins after the ticket was written, and judge sent me outside for the decision and some clerk hands me a paper saying I was found guilty because I didnt show enough evidence. $%+ MAN?!

And they changed it too at the court where you fight NYPD traffic division tickets because before the judge would hand you the decision but now they send you outside. Guard told me it was because people would explode on the judges if they were found guilty. lol

So now I made up my mind I'm not fighting anymore tickets its simply isnt worth it.

Good luck though!
Damn, Air Spider.

Well, I guess its worth fighting if they reduce the fine.
^Not really. If they reduce it 40 bucks lets say, you have to take a half day from work. No thanks!
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