Trailer for the new PTA film "The Master"

they will not give an oscar to him since the movie goes at scientology. i don't care how good he is. This movie almost didn't even happen because no studio wanted to take on the burdren
Really interested in this.

For those curious about the Scientology angle, I suggest checking out Lawrence Wright's 2011 article in The Atlantic.

THANK YOU for posting that article.
Very long, but a very good read
I would recommend everyone read it, but thinking about attention spans- here's a video

The BBC did a report on Scientology
The reporter was followed and harassed
Ish was straight out of a movie- creepy ****!

I have seen the trailer for this movie for the past 3 days on TV. What is this movie exactly about? Looks interesting :nerd:

I'm not quite sure what I just saw. I know I need to see this a few more times, but I loved it.

Fair warning, it won't let you in. There isn't a direct storyline to follow. Just very vivid pieces of one.

There's an emotional story that follows through though.

In my opinion, this is the modern A Clockwork Orange.
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