Transformers 4

The series has overall sucked. The damn movies are waaay to long, too many fillers and script is ******ed and repetitive. We don't need a new actor, we need a new director.
New transformers movie??? I'm ready to go ”ALL IN.” Anyone else nawmsayin?

Real talk though why does it seem like everybody in this thread is not too fond of transformers movies?
New transformers movie??? I'm ready to go ”ALL IN.” Anyone else nawmsayin?
Real talk though why does it seem like everybody in this thread is not too fond of transformers movies?

The same people who are saying "not interested" will be the first in line for the midnight showing.
I don't know how i feel about a new actor taking over the franchise. Need to see a trailer to make sense of this.
Fan of Wahlberg but passing on this.
They caught me with the last 2 horrible movies, not getting my money again
All shia did was yell "Optimus!" anyway. Not difficult to replace him.
As one of the biggest Transformer fans growing up, I'm not excited about the FOURTH movie...
...unless they're bringing out the Dinobots!!!
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I thought the franchise is heading towards a reboot.

Excited for the 4th one and I'm a fan of the series. ROTF is the weakest imo.

Since Megatron is dead, Galvatron perhaps?
Wahlberg?  :smh:

Dude is a horrible actor.  Granted, Transformers isn't going to require an award winning performance to be a decent movie, but still.  I mean, this is the dude that was the lead in The Happening, which is possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen (mainly thanks to Marky Mark).  

>D uhh i don't think even denzel could've saved that movie. mark is fun to watch. his movies are generally entertaining if not award winning (word to the fighter).

this franchise needs to die tho...i want to see another pirates of the carribean, not this robot v robot ****.
Wahlberg?  :smh:

Dude is a horrible actor.  Granted, Transformers isn't going to require an award winning performance to be a decent movie, but still.  I mean, this is the dude that was the lead in The Happening, which is possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen (mainly thanks to Marky Mark).  

>D uhh i don't think even denzel could've saved that movie. mark is fun to watch. his movies are generally entertaining if not award winning (word to the fighter).

this franchise needs to die tho...i want to see another pirates of the carribean, not this robot v robot ****.

Giant Robots > Pirates

Been a fact since 2005.
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