Traveling to Mexico...Is it safe?

Apr 22, 2014
I am planning a vacation with my wife to Mexico in June and wanted to get some insight on how the situation is out there. Specifically Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo, Guerrero.

Anyone been to Guerrero recently who can give me some info?
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Lol not scared been to far worse parts of the world, just doing some research brah
Just ******* with you

If you scared to go on vacation then you don't need to be going on vacation, fam. Cats get kidnapped everyday, and that's everywhere. If you wanna have fun, there's some risks you gotta run. Just be aware of your surroundings. Otherwise, take a day trip to Disney world or something
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Feel like the same thread about Mexico was made some time late last year so I'll repeat myself.

If you stick to the tourist spots you should be fine but any other out there places you'd be lucky to not end up dead, a drug mule or worse.
had a guy i use to play ball with shot and robbed in brazil. he survived
know some friends that vaca in mexico and was fine and a couple that got robbed

dont be a hero, give up the wallet and watch. stay in the touristsy spots
if you scared, just go to san diego
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if u look foreign or an easy target, dont bother going. but why u wanna go there? find an alternative. your there for a vacay, not to worry. unless u doing culuneros POV movie shooot. jk
my family doesn't go anymore. We used to own a house down there and then would rent every 4th of july, just not worth the risk
Just dont look like you got money b.
go to the hood and grab shoes of wires and go to walmart and grab some non name brand clothes u should be good
fam. No jewlery
i went and ive got a story to tell

so i went with some friends, and we decided to rent a car, because renting is cheaper than taxi(we became friends with the taxi guy at the airport and he told us this) and its safer, make sure you do this at the airport and do not get the gps/all the special add-ons, all cars already come with them, they are all under 1 company even though there's different rental companies, basically its just a scam, and besides you can use your phone

so the night life is sketch, im hispanic, but im sort of tallish for the people there and dont look mexican, my 2 friends are white, so they stood out as a sore thumb, you dont want that ... taxi's are sketch, make sure they have the ID and is certified before you get in a taxi, if you wont rent, it'll have like a poster of the driver's ID and stamp of verification from the state... dont speak english loudly in public, unless you really need to

if youre going clubbing/bars, its better to pregame, most of the bartenders like to spike their drinks in price if youre a foreigner, i havent had an issue of having my drink spiked, from what i hear its women/prostitutes that do that, most bartenders are legit since theyve worked there for a while and everyone knows him/her.. again at night its pretty sketchy, people may start following you, this didnt happen to us but it may, so you want to have a car with you, trains are also always packed, and at night there's run and grab robberies(guy takes your phone/bag and runs) theres so many people you'll never find him, overall public transportation sucks and i wouldnt recommend it

street food, its mostly alright, it does give you the *****, and they make spike the prices again, almost no one has their prices like the do here on the wall or on a menu, its basically point and choose, and then they charge you, but the food is great, but again be prepared to have the *****

hotels/motels my friend knew someone from college who was working down there so we pretty much stayed at his place for a week and then rented a hostel, you dont want a motel/hotel, just go to a hostel it has a bed/shower/toilet, all you basically need and its cheap

now here comes the ****** up part, so i didnt know how to drive stick, i knew automatic but not stick, of course there was an option of automatic but they didnt want it, so i didnt get to drive, the traffic.. is a ************, im talking NYC traffic x 10, these people dont give a flying **** and you can literally stick your hand out and touch the other car, its so tightly packed, you need to be an aggressive driver and know how to read spanish, the street-system in mexico is absolute ****

we went out 1 night and my friend was driving, i was pretty lit up, so somehow we get out of the garage where we put our car and we somehow ended up going doing a wrong-way, my friend was not drunk but we were, this cop comes out of nowhere, i **** you not he is in a motorcycle and just flares up his sirens, this is where **** got real... he literally just walked over, asked for his license, once you rent a car at the airport, you get sort of a paper qualifying you to drive in Mexico, after you shown them your american license/papers/etc.. this guy literally says 'que es esto?' meaning what is this, my friend knew spanish, and was talking with the guy explained the situation, and after hes done he says 'youre going the wrong way in a 1 way... what are we going to do'... we **** bricks

long story short we paid him 300 US dollars, he brought his friend over too, and after they took the money they just spoke him from his motorcycle and the other cop in his cruiser for like 10minutes, finally let us go, and the guy in his motorcycle escorted us out of the wrong way and into the highway

the corruption is real, its best not even to claim youre american if you can, just say brazil or argentina if youre white

**** i wrote alot i hope it helps, goodluck
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Rent cars, get the basic because it has all the amenities of a full-priced rental anyways.

Get a hostel instead of a hotel/motel if you're not ball status, comes with everything you need for the low.

Food is great, pick and buy, will give you bubble guts.

Public and private transportation is on L(N)YC levels, get the rental.

Pregame, if obvious foreigner prices spike. Watch out for nightly run-and-go thefts.

If you end up in legal trouble, just pay off the cop.
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They tell you
-Don't drink the water.

But they forget to mention.
-Don't get ice in your drink.
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