Trillest Coaches In Sports

Originally Posted by heirjordan15

feels good to have some of these people discussed in this thread, apart of my teams. 

My teams are filled w/ nothing but trillness. 
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

ozzie doesnt deserve a

nothing "trill" about him
Explain why? Castro is not the evil guy Americans paint him out to be...

I've tried to refrain from posting on this topic but this is absolutely right. Luckily, my pops had some books on Castro that I was able to read while I was younger. People here will just hate who America tells you to hate.
any of you ever met any actual Cuban people or Families who have actually dealt with or felt the wrath of Castro's regime?
Buzz Williams earned his Trill status after this season.

Not a single damb was given that game against WVU

doc rivers

hubie brown


-all coaches who would i run through a wall for and make sure i am in tip top shape year around....
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

ozzie doesnt deserve a

nothing "trill" about him
Explain why? Castro is not the evil guy Americans paint him out to be...

I've tried to refrain from posting on this topic but this is absolutely right. Luckily, my pops had some books on Castro that I was able to read while I was younger. People here will just hate who America tells you to hate.

I don't really care what books you've read; I have cousins in Cuba and I've gotten a good enough picture of how they live life down there to know that Castro is not a good dude and that political/economic system is a total failure. My dad's cousin is an engineer and makes $30/ a month and people in general lack many basic food staples and comforts we take for granted here. Back when Castro first came to power one of my relatives had put all her money into starting a Christian greeting card/stationery store and the government confiscated all her stuff and forced her to shut down. Not like Batista was a saint either, but that doesn't mean Castro isn't that bad just because he replaced him.
That being said, while I can see why some people would be offended by Guillen's comment, I know what he was trying to say and it doesn't really bother me. He's outspoken and phrases things oddly all the time. He was just trying to say like "Well you gotta hand it to the guy, people have wanted him dead for 60 years and he's still around." Which may be slightly insensitive, but I don't think it's worth making a huge deal over. 
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Explain why? Castro is not the evil guy Americans paint him out to be...

I've tried to refrain from posting on this topic but this is absolutely right. Luckily, my pops had some books on Castro that I was able to read while I was younger. People here will just hate who America tells you to hate.

I don't really care what books you've read; I have cousins in Cuba and I've gotten a good enough picture of how they live life down there to know that Castro is not a good dude and that political/economic system is a total failure. My dad's cousin is an engineer and makes $30/ a month and people in general lack many basic food staples and comforts we take for granted here. Back when Castro first came to power one of my relatives had put all her money into starting a Christian greeting card/stationery store and the government confiscated all her stuff and forced her to shut down. Not like Batista was a saint either, but that doesn't mean Castro isn't that bad just because he replaced him.
That being said, while I can see why some people would be offended by Guillen's comment, I know what he was trying to say and it doesn't really bother me. He's outspoken and phrases things oddly all the time. He was just trying to say like "Well you gotta hand it to the guy, people have wanted him dead for 60 years and he's still around." Which may be slightly insensitive, but I don't think it's worth making a huge deal over.
QFT, but how much of the embargo is Castro's fault? The United States has essentially said as a political power we are above Cuba because we don't like their leader. Because Cuba isn't looking to be a threat in that aspect then they still have this abusive embargo on the country. China, and Russia have both supported and perpetuated Castro yet we have relations with these 2 countries.  Meanwhile I look at Castro and see him as someone with a lot of balls and suddenly I'm wrong.

Nah man that's BS. Ozzie is trill, real, smarter than you want to think and at the same time was sincere about his apology. But lets face it the Cuban Americans situation is no different than when Nicholas II was killed and his regime was systematically destroyed. People escape and they maintain a culture and a way about themselves. They move on holding ill will toward those who forced them to leave / committed other albatrosses against them. That's more than fair game, but for our country as a whole to have to share this ill will is at best political correctness, and at worse systematic propaganda .
We accept you ,we love you ,we respect you , we do not have to feel the same way as you in your individual circumstances. Our baseball coach as a person who's home country has been supported by the doctors Cuba turns out does not have to hold and or express the same ill will toward someone because of your bad experience with him.

Hes sorry for offending you, but hes sorry that your offended too.
thats an ignorant stance for Guillen to have when one of the reasons the Marlins brought Guillen in was to help boost their standing in the latino (Mostly Cuban) community down south

Yes He can say whatever he wants and offend who ever he wants, but he represents a company/team/city who must answer to said community for his "free speech"
same community who buys tickets, who supports the team he is employed by, also including Stadium and team sponsors who could feel the negative backlash.

again anyone who feels castro isnt as bad as we are lead to believe, please let me know how many Cubano people or families you have spoken to or know with 1st hand experiences of their homeland

It's one thing to read a couple books or take a 3 credit college course, but its another to couple what you've read with 1st and 2nd hand Life experience from people who fell under Castro's subjugation

back on topic, if being an ignorant, uneducated human being is what's defined as "trill" then yeah, Ozzie's your guy
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

ozzie doesnt deserve a

nothing "trill" about him
Explain why? Castro is not the evil guy Americans paint him out to be...

You really going to sit there and argue the merits of Castro when the fact of the matter is there are hundreds of thousands, to millions of Cubans who have fled their country over the years to the states (and other parts of the world) BECAUSE of his dictatorship? 

I get that there are people who do like his ideals and what have you, but don't sit there and play dumb or devil's advocate like you don't know why there is a contingent of people upset at what Ozzie Guillen said. 

He's (Guillen) an idiot.  He's free to believe in whatever he chooses, but he needs to learn to keep his damn mouth shut.  He's there to manage baseball...NOT give his opinions on politics etc.  Marlins are in a tricky spot because of this and they are hoping and praying that this whole thing will blow over.  With such a huge Cuban population in the Miami area, I can't believe Guillen was stupid enough to say what he did.  He offended his own fanbase.  Guillen was part of the equation to lure in more Hispanic fans to the new stadium.  He now put the team in an awful spot because of what he said and they are now running the risk of alienating themselves from that very fanbase that they wanted to bring in.  

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

ozzie doesnt deserve a

nothing "trill" about him
Explain why? Castro is not the evil guy Americans paint him out to be...


People would rather risk getting eaten by sharks than to live another day in that man's country.
The white cubans who populate this country agree...a lot of others wouldn't.  Don't believe everything America tells you, cause the Cubans who originally fled to America from Cuba, those responsible for the Bay of Pigs and profited under Batista (an American pawn, who is 1,000 worst than Castro) are telling you that.  Cuba has done pretty well for itself considering that it has no relationship with what should be its biggest trading partner (the U.S.).
Why do you think hispanics almost always are liberal voters in America except for the Cubans in Florida? Many of the Venezuelan baseball players are supporters of Chavez who is very much a modern day version of Fidel aka prolly why this is the second time Ozzie made these comments.

I hear ya, but even you had to qualify your original statement with that evil. Anytime you have to do that, it's clear the subject i(Castro) s still pretty terrible.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

thats an ignorant stance for Guillen to have when one of the reasons the Marlins brought Guillen in was to help boost their standing in the latino (Mostly Cuban) community down south

Yes He can say whatever he wants and offend who ever he wants, but he represents a company/team/city who must answer to said community for his "free speech"
same community who buys tickets, who supports the team he is employed by, also including Stadium and team sponsors who could feel the negative backlash.

again anyone who feels castro isnt as bad as we are lead to believe, please let me know how many Cubano people or families you have spoken to or know with 1st hand experiences of their homeland

It's one thing to read a couple books or take a 3 credit college course, but its another to couple what you've read with 1st and 2nd hand Life experience from people who fell under Castro's subjugation

back on topic, if being an ignorant, uneducated human being is what's defined as "trill" then yeah, Ozzie's your guy


Over the decades there have been hundreds of thousands of Cuban lives lost at Castro's hands -- be it by firing squad, sickness and famine, or drowning trying to swim over here.

To that Cuban community in South Florida, the dude is bad.  Plain and simple.

It's not our place to try to qualify how "bad."
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