Trip to Mexico DF, ANY ADVICE


I literally live 5 minutes from the border (S.D) and it's not the safest place to go right now. Drug cartels and the police don't play around. Any signof wealth and your in trouble. People getting kidnapped for ransom and getting limbs chopped off. If you get pulled over by police you better make sure youhave money because if not your getting locked up.
Dress like a mexican [damn that sounds racist

as in, not like an American basically. I think a random sports cap [non fitted] and a maybe a soccer jersey or chespirito shirt can make you blend in fo shooo.Don't take drinks from females, you will get robbed and wake up in the wrong neighborhood
Originally Posted by tru2theegame

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

damn... everyone beat me to the RIP comment

but forreal, mexico isnt a safe place to visit at the moment..... u dont want to be held hostage and get ur limbs chopped off do u?

dont look like a tourist. oh btw mexicans tend to go for blonde hair blue eyed people because apparently, mexicans believe in a myth that killing blondes can make them invulnerable/invincible towards any form of higher power (police, government e
This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read on niketalk, stop stereotyping...

I've read many dumb things on Niketalk, but that one takes the cake. I was born and raised in Mexico and not once have I ever heard that, notonce.
Originally Posted by Ortega03

put your wallet in your front pocket..
true that! you'll be in chilangolandia, you know those lil chilangos gonna be feeding on you like paranas. Front pockets all the way.
Originally Posted by JayMosEnvied


I literally live 5 minutes from the border (S.D) and it's not the safest place to go right now. Drug cartels and the police don't play around. Any sign of wealth and your in trouble. People getting kidnapped for ransom and getting limbs chopped off. If you get pulled over by police you better make sure you have money because if not your getting locked up.Th
This is no lie either. Stay away from Tijuana, this place is so dangerous right now no joke. Don't go to La Revolucion at all. Surely be takenfor ransom if you look caucasian.

Becareful at bars or clubs as well with the drinks. I cousin went to Ensenada not to long ago and the bartender slipped a rufy and they took his money, luckilynot his truck though.
You will be cool, Zona Rosa es like the second best part on DF, bussines-like zone, La Condesa is the richest part, where all the wealthy (like ex-presidents,company presidents, etc) live.

Go to Teotihuacan, el Zocalo, the Museo Antropologico is one of the best in the world. A crazy place to visit but being careful is El Chopo, is a cultural spotwhere al types of people are there, you see punks, rastas, cholos, skate, everything with live music in the streets and stands with music, t-shirts and thingslike that.

Don't be afraid, the worst you can do is having that shook look = no bueno. Nothing will happen, I think it's safer here in México than any city of theStates.

Yeah, tepito ain't a good place, if you go deep there everyone will force you to buy they're stuff, Tepito is a mini-city, there's nothing to see,just stands and stands of things...
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

dont look like a tourist. oh btw mexicans tend to go for blonde hair blue eyed people because apparently, mexicans believe in a myth that killing blondes can make them invulnerable/invincible towards any form of higher power (police, government etc.)
How ignorant can one be?
Originally Posted by JayMosEnvied


I literally live 5 minutes from the border (S.D) and it's not the safest place to go right now. Drug cartels and the police don't play around. Any sign of wealth and your in trouble. People getting kidnapped for ransom and getting limbs chopped off. If you get pulled over by police you better make sure you have money because if not your getting locked up.
Don't speak on stuff you don't know about.
Haha ok. I'm not making this up. I have friends that live down there and they tell me stuff all the time. And I did go to school with one kid who did getmurked down there. Cops there are crooked and will pull you over to get ends. It happened to my friends when they went clubbing. Haven't been back in yearsand don't plan on returning.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

JayMosEnvied wrote:


I literally live 5 minutes from the border (S.D) and it's not the safest place to go right now. Drug cartels and the police don't play around. Any sign of wealth and your in trouble. People getting kidnapped for ransom and getting limbs chopped off. If you get pulled over by police you better make sure you have money because if not your getting locked up.
Don't speak on stuff you don't know about.

There is a big difference between Tijuana and el D.F... Just imagine TJ as Oakland and DF as L.A
I'm heading to Cozumel,Mexico on Sunday and staying for a few nights..should I have anything to worry about?
Ignorance is bliss on NT.

People in here (excluding E-R) DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.

One thing I can say: TEPITO is no joke. Be cautious.
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Ignorance is bliss on NT.

People in here (excluding E-R) DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.

One thing I can say: TEPITO is no joke. Be cautious.
And you do? rightttttt........
ive been there a few times, I stay in some place called La Preza, nothing has happened to me the times ive been there.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

ive been there a few times, I stay in some place called La Preza, nothing has happened to me the times ive been there.
but im sure you werent wearing a usa jersey
Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

ive been there a few times, I stay in some place called La Preza, nothing has happened to me the times ive been there.
but im sure you werent wearing a usa jersey

if your goin to visit fam out there you should be good to go, if your going on your own or with a group of friends than becautious....very cautious...
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