True Blue III Video in HD

NICE THANKS SUCKS JB made the Int'l releash only they lost so much money cosidering the fact DMP 2 packs and nubucksare still sitin and Space jams areQS's and u can get that crack fixed go to shoe repair shop or even u putty or super glue
Nice Vid SneakGeekz. You need to Organize that shelf bro. Some kicks are suffocating more than others hahah.
Shoe tree was a bad bad idea man but hey live and learn. Those True Blue's look dreamy. PLEASE JB release here in the FLA
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Hugeeeeee vid man
I was wondering when I would see a post from you about this. It's a shame about the non US release but I'll get them somehow.
wow....I clicked on this thread with only 4 replies and now

Thanks for the vid
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