True Life: I'm an Aggressive Driver

Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

Originally Posted by SlamCity

Danica Patrick
I'm guilty. I enjoy weaving in and out of traffic.

Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

I do this to people who tailgate me. I know Im pissing them off.

then I floor it, and I'm gooonneee...
I'm a !**#+!*!@

I enjoy this too!
i dont go too crazy with the whole speeding thing ... eventho ill do like 90 from time to time.. my thing is road rage...... anything that slows me downaggravate me ... i hate when ppl double park almost in the middle of the road or when ppl are turnin n the car behing em has the space to go around and wouldjust sit ther and *&^%'n wait for him to turn KNOWING you got enough space to go around !!!!!!
the list goes on & on.

*sigh* yeah i needed to vent.
Originally Posted by DRJordanFreak88

dawg i've had my provisional FOREVER. had it since 06 and kept on getting tickets. I even got up to the 3rd violation where you're supposed to be suspended for 180 days but i told the judge i needed it for school and work so he gave me 120 days limited to school and work only. When I went to get the limitations taken off the teller lady at mvq told me my provision is finished in June! Provisional licenses FTL...


I was caught in a speed trap once...I think 49 in a 30. Luckily, dude gave me a warning. I really didn't want to start the period all over, especially beenabout a year into it. My 18 months should be up soon.
I'm definitely not an aggressive driver unless people do something stupid like cut me off or make some dumb mistake. Then I get pissed and do the same tothem.
raises hand o/

i'll try and stay 5 over the speed limit...and before i know 15-20 over and bobbing and weaving like a boxer thru traffic.
Originally Posted by DRJordanFreak88

most of the time i drive chill, like an old man but sometimes if i'm in the mood I'll wring out the engine and let the suspension/chassis dance a little. gotta get it outta my system once in a while, but def not aggressively like cutting off and tailing people and revving high all the time..
Man, preach. We're on the same page, bro. I'm usually in the slow lane just going the speed limit. It was the high gas prices and metrying to get optimal mileage for each tank of gas that made me start driving this way. I accelerate slowly and break early. But like you said, from time totime, when I'm on 95 at like midnight or so, I just go nuts when there's nobody there. I just go fast... so I wouldn't really call it aggressivebecause I've learned to be calm when others would be pissed in the same situation. Getting in front of the slow drivers won't save me but like 2minutes as far as getting to my destination, so I don't even trip over really slow drivers.
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

drive behind slow cars

i noticed when i started to drive slower, i didnt have road rage anymore

plus i save gas

I do this to people who tailgate me. I know Im pissing them off.

then I floor it, and I'm gooonneee...
I'm a !**#+!*!@

This. I'm guilty of.
OP get a motorcycle.
it's cheaper than a car. and you can take it to the tracks for about $250 for a day to hit curves.
knee draggin on the curves is teh shizzle nizzle.
Im pretty much always late to wherever im going so im usually rushing in traffic. Hate when i get stuck behind slow cars or i just miss a light.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Living in VA you learn real fast. Dudes is talking bout jail time for me.
I've been pulled over 3 times and got ZERO tickets

and once I realy deserved it since I was doing 100+ down I64 racing my friend

But those one horse hick towns be the worst
setting up speed traps, unfair trials and racial profiling FTL
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

drive behind slow cars

i noticed when i started to drive slower, i didnt have road rage anymore

plus i save gas

I do this to people who tailgate me. I know Im pissing them off.

then I floor it, and I'm gooonneee...
I'm a !**#+!*!@
This. I'm guilty of.
And its not because we're Asian.

asians cant drive stereo type

I have a lead foot but I'm a good driver (contradiction much). The stuff I've seen on the road
i don't understand how people think doing 90+ is amazing or's obviously stupid, but only because of the chances you might get's not like it's a lot harder driving 90 than it is 65. i live in VA and i've gotten one ticket. state cop pulled me and had me clocked at 86,but he dropped it to 79, because i immediately slowed down and got into the right lane after i saw him hiding with his radar gun. he said i was speeding, but iwas being aware since i realized he had caught me before he actually caught up and turned his lights on. i avoided the reckless, but i can't afford to getanother ticket. since then, i try to avoid going over 75 during the daytime. at night it's a completely different story though. they can't hide withtheir radar guns and catch up to you and know for sure which car they clocked so as long as you don't pass a cop car driving, you should be fine.
only time i drive slow is when im coming home and have nothing to do, and its nice driving weather.

i cant stand driving slow for one reason...i always get stuck behind some douche going 50, then i try and try to chill...then combine the impatience, anger,and that im feeling the song im playing...i just book it going 75-80

speed limit in ny is 55 so its relatively fast for u NTers driving on the autobahn.

edit: im not really aggressive though. im the type who lets ppl go first at a stop sign...but i just get bored and find fun in driving fast when im on thehighway.
im famous for aggressive driving, tip to speeders if you didnt already know iff you car has lower gears shift down when you see a cop automatic slow down
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Living in VA you learn real fast. Dudes is talking bout jail time for me.
I live in NoVa and can say that I've never recieved a ticket. It's always on the back of my mind though, whenever I do a couple spirited runs I always look at my rearview mirror hoping there are no cops behind me
. My friend on the other hand, has received numerous tickets for no reasons at all. One time this cop followed us for 2 miles, until she finally pulled my firiend over for expired tags

Daemacho- I know in Va, cops have started to use the zg4 radar detector. Most radar detectors are only programmed for the zg2 model, not the zg4 so radar detectors are most likely useless. This even includes the Valentine 1 which is considered a great product by many car enthusiasts.
fairfax cops make me
Aggressive drives in crappy cars FTL.

Dudes barely pushing 200hp in the civic trying to cut you off = unappreciated. Son i hear you redlining, engine is begging for air. Your car aint built forthat. Return it, get a car with a bigger engine, try again tomorrow.
Same im both aggresive and a speeder. I was going 107 ina 65, got caught, got two points and paying monthly. The ticket was 768 to 606, now down to 550. Yeah istop speeding now.
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