True Life: I'm homeless

Fam your bath water dirty af [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] non shower taking mofo
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] you're wrong for that
Youre a big guy in that bathtub b.
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]. We all should enjoy a batch every now and then especially when ur body is stressed from hard work or going from pillar to post.
slept in my car for a week about 3 years ago .......i had left my BM and i was at my grandpas and he woke me up one morning acting like a **** so i grabbed my stuff and said f it and my boys have a spot here in miami that we do whatever we want , its a field at the back of some trailer homes , grandpa ended up calling me though and we talked it out , went back to my own little place now and trying to do everything i can to move forward . be safe OPEE , srs 
Fam your bath water dirty af [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] non shower taking mofo
Lol...nah, it was the lighting that made it look brown

Spent the night with my regular and told her my situation. She made some suggestions but I wasnt comfortable with them.
Left the hotel around 2pm next day. So then she texts me
View media item 1865585 smh

Honestly, this woman takes all the stress out of my situation. Im glad shes around to keep me sane. After the gym, I got some bread and lunch meat and made and sandwich. So now im in the car ready to sleep and I must say, this sleeping bag is pretty warm.
Been following this since you posted, be easy tonight fam. Tomorrow's another day of getting closer to the end of this situation.
Dude I was working outside most of the day and :smh: :smh: :smh: at the cold air & wind chill.
I wouldn't wish sleeping for 8-9 hours in the dark on no one. Especially in these northern/ mid west states that cold is deadly af
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OP make a go fund me for some hotel rooms stays. I'll put 20 on it, I'm sure others can kick in a few. NT gonna have you in a 4 star every night b. Srs tho. You don't need to be sleeping outside, it's not safe.
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Fam your bath water dirty af [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] non shower taking mofo
Lol...nah, it was the lighting that made it look brown

Spent the night with my regular and told her my situation. She made some suggestions but I wasnt comfortable with them.
Left the hotel around 2pm next day. So then she texts me
View media item 1865585 smh

Honestly, this woman takes all the stress out of my situation. Im glad shes around to keep me sane. After the gym, I got some bread and lunch meat and made and sandwich. So now im in the car ready to sleep and I must say, this sleeping bag is pretty warm.

I have a heavy heart and your situation saddens me bro. I know you'll be good though
Stay safe out here since you spending the night out in these streets OP , you know the city crazy ...I hope you find some type of shelter asap
They got taco trucks where you at? Order a burrito a chimichanga, and a large horchata and just dip
Where do you know food trucks that give you your food before you pay? You pay when you order then they cook your food genius.

Pretty much every food truck owner I know will put hands on you for that. At the same time I can't think of one who wouldn't give you free food if you kept it 100. Being a scumbag gets you no where and you better believe you aren't running fast enough to get away with a handful of food and a horchata. Think that one through before you try it champ. :lol:

On my construction jobsites they always give the food first. I would never steal from them though, they hold me down with some stuff that I hope is chicken and this one delicious coconut aloe drink :pimp:

OP make a go fund me for some hotel rooms stays. I'll put 20 on it, I'm sure others can kick in a few. NT gonna have you in a 4 star every night b. Srs tho. You don't need to be sleeping outside, it's not safe.

word, I'm in for this as well. Nothing like helping your people. :pimp:
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Am I the only one understanding whats goin on.

OP has a car.

A gym membership.

Cell phone.

Takin bubble baths.

Parents who will take him in.

And on top of that has a chick thats joking about him being homeless?

What am I missing?
I dont know OP, to me sound like u putting the 10 over the 2

you got alot to be thankful for. count your blessings.
OP if there's a carrabbas in your area they're giving away free food. Peep the link.
Thanks. Got a free appetizer and small plate

I dont know what her income is like. And ive never been to her home. But she does have BMWs a Porche and I believe a Ninja. She also has a daughter. She said she would have me stay there, but she doesnt allow men around her unless its a very serious relationship, which I 100% agree with especially since the father is not in her daughters life.

What were her suggestions?
Go to NY to my moms and she was tempted to ask one of her friends. I have no idea who they are

I dont know OP, to me sound like u putting the 10 over the 2

you got alot to be thankful for. count your blessings.
I still consider myself fortunate. Though I dont have a home right now, im thankful for everything else I have

This morning I woke up around 530 am. Went to the gym, chilled in the lounge area for about an hour then did cardio and showered for the first time in a gym. I packed my clothes I planned on wearing for the day in my gym duffle, changed there and brushed my teeth. After, I ate a sandwhich and mixed a protein shake. a few hours later I sold some extra rims I had for a few hundres to some guy on CL. Then after, went to my fav jamaican spot for some warm food. Now im here in DC waiting on this woman. The sleep last night wasnt too bad. I woke up twice to switch positions cause my *** hurt but overall not too bad. It hit around 23° last night. Sleeping bag plus thermal blankets kept me somewhat warm.
You pass by alot of homesless people is DC and I pass them a dollar or what ever. I would give homeless people money before, but now I feel so much more compassion
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Am I the only one understanding whats goin on.

OP has a car.

A gym membership.

Cell phone.

Takin bubble baths.

Parents who will take him in.

And on top of that has a chick thats joking about him being homeless?

What am I missing?
I have $ saved up. But I still need to pay certain bills like car note, cell phone etc. I cant lose my car so it must be paid for. I also nees to keep as much funds aa possible just incase, so using money for a room or rent is out of the question. To sum things up, I am sacrificing to make sure my son has a roof over his head. Why?.because my ex wife lost her job also because of me.

The girl im seeing now, in the text message, has a very ****** up sense of humor but a very kind heart. Her joking about it just reminds me things could be worse.
Bro u should eat at diners in the morning..their food is relatively cheap and u could sit there for hours while drinking coffee and reading the newspaper..

If I had nowhere to go during the day I guess I'd be at Barnes and noble lol
Tough situation to be in my man..

I'm glad you're keeping a positive outlook and plan on beating this... Shows alot about your character man..

I'm rooting for you op, straight up.. I don't got much but I got an extra room down in the 757.. You welcome to crash on the futon family..
my man you have a son with you as well? i have a 2 year old daughter and idk what id do if i was in ur situation bro....

If i was living in my own crib and not my parents honestly id help you bro, keep pushing forward bro ill be checking up on this.
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