True Life NT - I'm 20 Yrs Old And Never Had A Fight In My Life....Tips?

Originally Posted by LoveForTheAir23

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"DAUNT CHU EVerr doo thiis"
When I was quite young, and small as @#!#, I never backed down. I got props for it all the time, and still I stand against no matter the numbers (unless I for sure don't know what I'm dealing with (people w/ guns/weapons/bad intentions). I'm not a big guy at all but it def. makes me feel better knowing how to stand up for myself. 
Originally Posted by J23Diego

Guy said he saw him on the street so he hopped of the car and beat his %#$

back in 7th grade my dude Terrence was crossing the street and some dude honked and started cussing at him.
So my dude opened the passenger door and dragged the kid out and it was a wrap
I'm not the type that gets into fights...simply because I never have the reason to
. I just get along with all types of different people and rarely have problems with them. I would never begin a fight...Only time when you'll see me physically attacking another dude is when I'm in the situation to defend myself...But I'm smart enough not to get into fights in the first place.
And to me, fights are dumb,stupid,and waste of time..But I like watching MMA, which is sports

"Only the weak lose their anger, the strong knows how to control it"
Trust me my man, thats a good thing.
I been fighting all my life and all i got to show for it is scars and a record.
Last fight was 2 years ago...i got scraped by 3 dudes

Im only 21 but i feel like im too old to be fighting now.
Besides, im too pretty to fight.
Originally Posted by akidnamedmarcus

what are you? not human... do you not experience anger?
Do you not know how to control your anger?
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by akidnamedmarcus

what are you? not human... do you not experience anger?
Do you not know how to control your anger?
Controlling your anger is one thing, but if someone swings on you, do you turn your back and hope he doesn't continue and risk getting stomped out?

I just come from a different school of thought I guess.

I came home with a black eye in Kindergarten and my dad told me straight up that if I ever let someone whoop my #%@ again, he was going to beat the **@% outta me.

I remember that day clearly and I cried out of fear, but I never let a dude whoop me again or put his hands on me without unleashing hell on him.

Bad parenting, I know,
but my dad is old school.
I am turning 23 on saturday and i have NEVER been in a fight never really had beef with anyone, and naw this def dont make u less of a man
u must be passive, i have been in countless of fights, even if it has nothing to do with me, you fight my patnah u fight me. By the way it helps to be big, just toss little dudes around
I have been in a fights, last one I got in I had some fool break a bottle over my head 9 staples. And I won the fight but I dont feel more of a man. I felt stupid paying a 100 dollar copay and explaining to my boss I got in a bar brawl.
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