Trying to Get in The Shoe Game

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Welcome, just buy what u like, and what u can afford.. Don't worry about getting every release or every "hot" shoe..cause chances are u probably won't get it..

I wish they would announce and confirm an entire years worth of releases with pictures and what not, that way one can plan ahead and really decide. The more comments I get the more I realize I'm not looking for every Jordan shoe. It's opening my eyes to be a little more diverse when shoes shopping, thank you for welcoming me in.
Some words of wisdom... there is literally a release every week now.  You can spend a couple thousand a month easy.  In between new releases and trying to cop old releases you can look back over a year and realize you have spent over 5 figures on just tennis shoes.  Like every other hobby those with the most money and best connects will always have the best collections... just like life....never get caught up in the Jone's syndrome.  Buy what you love, buy what you remember you couldn't get as a child, buy the colors you love, don't buy because of the hype.  Also being a reseller is only profitable if you have solid connections and you are actually running a business.  Too many people think flipping shoes is easy money... it's not..... there is a right way and wrong way...don't be fooled. :nthat:  

Thank you for your wise words, you make a great point, at the end of the day I don't want to commit all my money or become obsessed over material objects. Like I said on my previous reply, I wish companies would announce and confirm with great quality pictures a whole years worth of releases so buyers can make more informed decisions and not just live off of the hype trying to get everything because everyone is getting it. I'll probably just try to get a few old deadstock releases throughout 2014 to slowly get the pairs I've always wanted in a smart way (even though I won't be paying retail which isn't so smart) to be honest I don't like every Jordan shoe, especially not every colorway whether it's hot or not. I like shoes that represent me and I can wear without going out of my comfort zone. That's why I'll probably hold out on most of the releases this upcoming year if the rumors so far come out to be true, that there's going to be a lot of 2's. If anything I'll get a dope 6 here and there, but I do realize that I came off sounding crazy with my original first. About the whole reseller thing, that isn't for me. Like you said, it isn't as easy and lucrative as it is especially if you're the average person with a low bank account or paycheck, cause trying to cop multiple hundred plus dollar pairs of shoe's at one time is crazy. The only smart way is if you're just filthy rich and can invest enough to have a mini store without denting your bank. But most people won't buy from someone who isn't reputable which takes a long time in itself to establish (ebay resellers) or an established store like Flight Club or RifLA.
Welcome and just start posting like bigj said.

That's what I'm gonna do, it'll help me learn and I really like this community. I said in my original post that I would basically stalk these threads and just follow the different conversations and topics, especially the different views everyone has about one shoe in particular, it's amazing to say the least. It kinda renews my faith in originality, that we're not all robots liking the same exact things and feeling the exact same way.
you're probably a hypebeast too

how much 'research' (if it even matters) has been done with 100 opinion questions to follow?

i mean, why not just do a little statistics in the 'what's your fav jordan' thread if one is really motivated?
^a free common sense tip i shouldn't even be giving

how is this different than any other 'what should i buy' thread?
you're probably a hypebeast too

how much 'research' (if it even matters) has been done with 100 opinion questions to follow?

i mean, why not just do a little statistics in the 'what's your fav jordan' thread if one is really motivated?
^a free common sense tip i shouldn't even be giving

how is this different than any other 'what should i buy' thread?

I'm sorry, I'm new to Nike Talk and I just thought I'd introduce myself and just ask for opinions. It really helped me change my approach as to how I was thinking of going about it. But this will be my first and last "what should I buy" thread. I'm sorry if my thread offended you.
He's not a hypebeast. But you are a idiot.
Everyone has to start somewhere, and it's nice to see someone new to the game who has done their research. Good luck on future releases homie.

Thanks man, it's nice knowing there's people understanding where I'm coming from. I probably could have worded my original post a lot better now that I look back at it, but I got a lot of great feedback in return. It helped me change the way I was thinking of approaching this. All of the positive or constructive feedback kept me from going head first and buying the first Retro available. Now I know that I'm better off buying exactly what I want and sticking to my individuality. I knew people would call me a hypebeast, it's a trendy word to use against new people or confused people like me. Hopefully as time goes by it'll die down.
'first and last' - thank you

To be perfectly honest though, I wasn't about to buy shoes I didn't like. So I wouldn't say my thread was about "what shoes I should buy." I was trying to introduce myself and get feedback to see how different people approached the culture. I could have worded my original post better, hut it was 5 or 6am I was up all night and I wasn't thinking clearly. But I got what I needed out of this thread, people helped me get an idea of what way would be best for me.
Welcome to NT fam.
Sounds like you have a fairly good idea on where to start reading your previous replys etc.
As far as getting into the "game" just chat, post, meet other heads, build connections, friendships. You'll find some really loyal people in this sneaker community (as some not so loyal but it is what it is) help always around the corner if your looking for shoes and if you help others the sneaker karma will be returned to you i find.
Buy whatever you like, dont just buy something cos you got a itch even if your not 100% on the shoe, trust me youl find a better shoe the day after if you just buy whatever you look at.
Enjoy, there just sneakers, and welcome to club bankrupt! lol
Welcome to NT fam.
Sounds like you have a fairly good idea on where to start reading your previous replys etc.
As far as getting into the "game" just chat, post, meet other heads, build connections, friendships. You'll find some really loyal people in this sneaker community (as some not so loyal but it is what it is) help always around the corner if your looking for shoes and if you help others the sneaker karma will be returned to you i find.
Buy whatever you like, dont just buy something cos you got a itch even if your not 100% on the shoe, trust me youl find a better shoe the day after if you just buy whatever you look at.
Enjoy, there just sneakers, and welcome to club bankrupt! lol

Thank you for the warm welcome to club bankrupt bro lol I really like the vibe I'm getting from most of the people I've had the pleasure of encountering on this site. I really do feel like it's a community, and with that there will always be a few bad apples. I'm sure it'll take me some time to get acquainted, but time flies by, and I have all the patience in the world. I believe in loyalty, I'm one of the few loyal people around, which can be good and bad depending on how you see it, but so far I'm really happy and looking forward to incorporating NT into my life. At first my original post probably gave me a bad look, and I'll admit that, but I'm glad most of the people who spoke to me got to pick my brain and really understand what I was trying to say. I love shoes, I feel like shoes are more important than someone's outfit. As long as I have a clean cut and some dope shoes I'm a happy camper regardless of what anyone else thinks. A lot of the people I had the pleasure of talking to helped me open up my eyes and really understand how I want to go about buying these shoes. Of course, I was never going to buy shoes I don't like, but you know when you're on the fence about a shoe and to everyone else it's a really dope must have shoe so you end up getting it? That's what I'm not going to do, I feel like shoes are the one thing that really can express one's individuality. I'm not going to buy shoes just because everyone thinks they are a "must cop" sneaker. I mainly like the 1's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's, 7's, 10's, and 11's that's about it for the Jay's. I mean I like 8's but due to my disability I can't really get shoes that are high tops and come with a strap because I use these plastic like braces on my feet to right below my knees called AFO'S I believe is the professional name, even though I just call them braces. As of right now my collection consists of the all white and all black low and mid AF1's, the black and gold Spi'zikes, Fire Red Black Tongue Retro Fives, and some grey $80 basically no name Jordan's from Foot Locker (I guess they're part of the new school of Jordan's but no one really rocks them). What I'm really going after right now though is the Oreo's that are coming out on the 29th (hopefully they have the 23 on the sides like the Fire Reds do, and mainly 4's before any good 6's come put cause I'm not diggin all the Retro 2 release rumors for the beginning of the year. I wish Jordan would release an entire year worth of confirmed releases with high quality pictures haha.
U have your head screwed on, your gonna be fine young chap haha.
You say now you dont like jordan 2's and some other numbers, itl change the longer you collect and more you buy trust me. With exception 8's etc due to reason stated above.
Oreos dont have a 23 and rightfully so, but thats a discussion for the oreo thread. And im with you i rock plain tee's, let the kicks do the talking. Nice to see a newbie with the 100% correct attitude to all this, refreshing.
U have your head screwed on, your gonna be fine young chap haha.
You say now you dont like jordan 2's and some other numbers, itl change the longer you collect and more you buy trust me. With exception 8's etc due to reason stated above.
Oreos dont have a 23 and rightfully so, but thats a discussion for the oreo thread. And im with you i rock plain tee's, let the kicks do the talking. Nice to see a newbie with the 100% correct attitude to all this, refreshing.

Man, Oreo's not having that 23 to match is disappointing,I guess some of the pictures circulating are fakes. But either way they are dope in my opinion. You're right about changing my mind, I'm feeling the Taxi's and the 13's more and more that I see them. I'm kind of starting to be a little more open minded about Lebron's, Kobe's, and KD's as well, something I never thought would happen. But we'll see what I end up buying down the line. What shoes are you mainly into if I may ask or what's some of your prizes in your collection?
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The game is simple. Just always cop quality over quantity

I first stated buying retro jordans at the beginning of this year even though I been into shoes for years. My favorite jordan since I found out about jordans was the aqua 8 since they were charlotte hornets colors and im from NC and becuase Kanye wore them tbh. At first I wanted just to cop the new retros that were coming out this year but I decided against that and instead saved up to buy the Aquas as my first jordans and even though my pair now has paint chipping all over the place I dont even care cause they are my favorite shoe of all time and im glad i saved up to get them instead of just buying random retros.

So all Im basically saying is I think its good to focus on building a collection with shoes you absolutely love instead of copping whatever drops that week like some people do.

Oh and cop dem Lebron 11s. Those are the GREATEST SHOE OF ALL TIME 
Man, Oreo's not having that 23 to match is disappointing,I guess some of the pictures circulating are fakes. But either way they are dope in my opinion. You're right about changing my mind, I'm feeling the Taxi's and the 13's more and more that I see them. I'm kind of starting to be a little more open minded about Lebron's, Kobe's, and KD's as well, something I never thought would happen. But we'll see what I end up buying down the line. What shoes are you mainly into if I may ask or what's some of your prizes in your collection?

Good idea, keep ya options open as they can be, that way u dont cop something you like purely cos its not "Jordan" for example. Cetain numbers will grow on you, i did not like 13's before, i now own every CW so i guess thats my prized set there. Along with some of my 5's i have. Honestly i dont own a shoe i dont love, i did once but i sold them and since then i only cop what i LOVE if i only like i dont cop. Smartest thing ive done
keep your eyes on the coupon thread and buy what you like the look of on discount.

flyknits are very comfortable.
Man, Oreo's not having that 23 to match is disappointing,I guess some of the pictures circulating are fakes. But either way they are dope in my opinion. You're right about changing my mind, I'm feeling the Taxi's and the 13's more and more that I see them. I'm kind of starting to be a little more open minded about Lebron's, Kobe's, and KD's as well, something I never thought would happen. But we'll see what I end up buying down the line. What shoes are you mainly into if I may ask or what's some of your prizes in your collection?

The game is simple. Just always cop quality over quantity

I first stated buying retro jordans at the beginning of this year even though I been into shoes for years. My favorite jordan since I found out about jordans was the aqua 8 since they were charlotte hornets colors and im from NC and becuase Kanye wore them tbh. At first I wanted just to cop the new retros that were coming out this year but I decided against that and instead saved up to buy the Aquas as my first jordans and even though my pair now has paint chipping all over the place I dont even care cause they are my favorite shoe of all time and im glad i saved up to get them instead of just buying random retros.

So all Im basically saying is I think its good to focus on building a collection with shoes you absolutely love instead of copping whatever drops that week like some people do.

Oh and cop dem Lebron 11s. Those are the GREATEST SHOE OF ALL TIME :pimp:

I like your story, it's very relatable to mine. I mean I've always known about retro's, but never really took them serious because my parents couldn't afford them, I couldn't afford them, and with my disability I'm not in a position to be at the mall risking any kind of harm the way things are nowadays. I'm glad you waited out and got your favorite shoe. If I had to pick my favorite shoe, it would be the 5's and then the 4's in every color. I tend to like black better, but I saw a good deal on the Fire Red Fives w/Black Tongue two days ago so I bought those and the Oreo's are coming out next week so it wasn't that off. Hopefully I can get some dope deadstock 4's within the next 6 months in pretty much any colorway. I just love the design. I'm glad I got to talk to a lot of you today and heard great things. Since I'm from Chicago and love Michael Jordan, before today buying some Lebron's or Kobe's wasn't even an option even though I secretly loved some of the shoes that came out. So if I can't get a 4 for a good price anytime soon I'll just get a Lebron probably. By the way, I'm glad NC is getting their official Hornets name back, it should have always been that in my opinion.
Man, Oreo's not having that 23 to match is disappointing,I guess some of the pictures circulating are fakes. But either way they are dope in my opinion. You're right about changing my mind, I'm feeling the Taxi's and the 13's more and more that I see them. I'm kind of starting to be a little more open minded about Lebron's, Kobe's, and KD's as well, something I never thought would happen. But we'll see what I end up buying down the line. What shoes are you mainly into if I may ask or what's some of your prizes in your collection?

Good idea, keep ya options open as they can be, that way u dont cop something you like purely cos its not "Jordan" for example. Cetain numbers will grow on you, i did not like 13's before, i now own every CW so i guess thats my prized set there. Along with some of my 5's i have. Honestly i dont own a shoe i dont love, i did once but i sold them and since then i only cop what i LOVE if i only like i dont cop. Smartest thing ive done

That copping only if you love idea is the smartest thing I've probably been told. I guess that's why I'm going with back to back 5's and hopefully a nice colorway in the 4's for the price. I much rather have a closet full of shoe's I love and enjoy wearing than a closet full of shoe's I'm hesitant to wear, cause it can affect your whole confidence level and everything. I remember as a kid my mom making me wear certain things made me feel un- confident about how I looked and thats when I started picking out what clothes I was going to wear. It was rebellious at the time, but I knew who I was. I never went through phases trying to discover myself like most people jumping from category to category. About the Lebron's, before today I would have never even imagined myself buying a pair since I'm from Chicago and a die hard Bulls and MJ fan, but there's a lot of dope shoes out there and not just Nike either. But I ain't about to jump ships that easily on Nike either, I'd cop a Lebron, Kobe, KD, before I copped anything non-Nike lol.
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