TSA steals deaf man's candy

Another L for them

they deserve a punch in the face

TSA needs to be put in their places, most of them have this attitude about them like they are working for the FBI and have top secret government clearance. I've had countless experiences where TSA agents are either ignorant to me for no apparent reason, or are ignorant to others around me. They need to take their attitudes down a notch.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by Method Man

I'm at home right now and I'm posting on my internet that I pay for.

Ah, I suppose I was just confused - since you're using the exact same ISP in the same city at home as you do at work.   

Cmon, he only has like 10 posts. I don't want to tell you what he thinks of NT.
Then he won't miss his access.  

There, that seems to have improved our acoustics a bit.  I don't hear that troublesome echo anymore.  Carry on.

How is that possible? I'm at home now at 10:03 and I live in a different city than my workplace.


Where's your guy?
Do you dudes really think the stories Pig Love posts are really apart of the TSA agenda or something??
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Ahh damn wait till the deaf community hears about this.

They cant hear, they're deaf.
Haha so wrong but so funny.  In all seriousness though that is absolutely terrible and hope these people all lose their jobs. 

'' Yakub, maker and creator of the devil. swine merchant, your time is near at hand, !*## with me and your time will be now. Your presence here effects the mind of my people like a fever. You, Yaku, are the bearer of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine diseases, evil, corrupt, porkchop-eatin' brain!''
Being a Pakistani Muslim, I don't F with the TSA or any airport officials. No matter how dumb they are, I'm always like yes sir please look through everything, with a smile on my face. I'm not trying to get detained

M favoirte run-in was at Puerto Rico Customs, I was stopped for questioning and it went something like this:

Customs: Sir, it says you visited Pakistan last year. Did you land in Lasure airport?
Me: Do you mean Lahore Airport?
Customs: I don't know. I've just been doing some reading, just wanted to try it out.
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