Tyga Crashed His Lamborghini Aventador

I must be getting old. I can't keep up with all of these new lame rappers that seem to pop up every other month and disappear after a year or 2 at most.
Tyga's been around for a while.

Dude makes bangers man. Might not be lyrically deep or anything, but not every song needs to. Go listen to ______ if you want some lyrics to rustle your inner rapper. Just need something that sounds nice in the whip.
Can I get it with a salvaged title? 


Im sure your probably kidding but a salvaged title on any car means an insurance company decided it would cost more than it was worth to repair it, which also means that those that are repaired are often done with some questionable, cost-cutting parts and skill. And if you drive a to-the-limits sports car that has not been repaired right, it can kill you in a hurry.

The running costs will surely be above average as it will have more problems than a clean car. Even if you can find a one dirt cheap the repair and maintenance costs for a salvage car are still full price. Replacement parts prices range from expensive to truly obscene :x
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Is that snow? That's got to be the worst car to drive in those conditions. Super wide tires and tons of hp don't mix well with slippery surfaces.
To the dudes wishing they could buy a salvaged lambo.

Good luck finding insurance on a ford focus w/ a salvaged title.  I doubt you would have any luck at all trying to find an insurer for a salvaged aventador
To the dudes wishing they could buy a salvaged lambo.

Good luck finding insurance on a ford focus w/ a salvaged title.  I doubt you would have any luck at all trying to find an insurer for a salvaged aventador

If you buy Lambos, what do you need insurance for?
If you buy Lambos, what do you need insurance for?

If you can afford a Lambo....couldn't you also afford to have insurance?

Insurance is a great thing to have, esp. when you drive your Lambo off the side of a hill.
ya act like homie didn't just tow da damn thing out da ditch and repairing it as we speak.
If you buy Lambos, what do you need insurance for?

If you can afford a Lambo....couldn't you also afford to have insurance?

Insurance is a great thing to have, esp. when you drive your Lambo off the side of a hill.

Insurance is to help pay for any major, high cost repairs.

If your buying cars that cost the same as nice houses, you shouldn't need any help repairing or replacing.
Is that snow? That's got to be the worst car to drive in those conditions. Super wide tires and tons of hp don't mix well with slippery surfaces.

AWD + Snow Tires = :pimp: :x :smh: :pimp:

The low rideheight is a problem though

While not ideal awd lambos are still actually somewhat usable in ****** weather compared to a rwd exotic

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If you buy Lambos, what do you need insurance for?

So you won't lose your investment. "Most" rich people got to be that way because they aren't dumb with their money. Buying a lambo and not protecting that investment from catastrophic loss would be stupid.
insurance is there to cover others, are some of like 12 years old? i hope your strike it rich and hit someone and watch them sue you and every dime will come out of your pocket :lol:
If you buy Lambos, what do you need insurance for?

So you won't lose your investment. "Most" rich people got to be that way because they aren't dumb with their money. Buying a lambo and not protecting that investment from catastrophic loss would be stupid.

Its only an investment if you plan on keeping it 15+ years, even then, its a gamble that it even becomes a "classic", word to the Ferrari 308.
If you buy Lambos, what do you need insurance for?
If you can afford a Lambo....couldn't you also afford to have insurance?

Insurance is a great thing to have, esp. when you drive your Lambo off the side of a hill.
Insurance is to help pay for any major, high cost repairs.

If your buying cars that cost the same as nice houses, you shouldn't need any help repairing or replacin
The real question would be.... what kind of multi-millionaire doesn't have adequate liabillity, car, home, life, health insurance????  None.  They are insured to the helm my man.... why?  because they are protecting their bank account, their monthly earnings, their future earnings.... yes, you could have a judgement put on future earnings (look it up)

Say you have 10 million dollars and a 300k lambo....   you total your lambo, it is your fault, you have no insurance.... since you are rich, you just chalk up the L?  You just buy a new one like it never happened. What your *** is gonna be doing is wishing you would have paid that 5k a year in insurance for your lamby. Even though your a multi-millionaire 300k ain't exactly pocket change. 

Insurance isn't only to protect your car from physical damage.  There are several other coverages which are far more important than your comprehensive/collision coverage.

Such as liability coverage.... Liability coverage would pay in the case you are in an at fault accident and you cause another party to be injured.  Well guess what?  if you have a lambo, you got bread.  If you got bread and you injure someone, they gonna sue your *** brah.  If they sue your *** for millions and you are without insurance.... I doubt a judge would decide in the favor of a millionaire who's careless acts injured another party, and who is too cheap to even carry insurance.
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