Typical Daily Show Awesomeness: Fox News pwn3d again...

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

jon stewart is always attacking fox news. cnn is just as bad


Did you not just watch that video. Its not like these attacks are done in malice like say........................The Obama attacks by Fox.
John Stewert gets at everyone. I can recall a number of times him bashing CNN as well.

This was hilarious. Not the first time I've seen Fox try to throw some fake clips together.

TEAM CONSERVATIVE, Where you fools at?

Losyankees, t-bone

I can only imagine what these fools are going to say in response to this
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

John Stewert gets at everyone. I can recall a number of times him bashing CNN as well.

This was hilarious. Not the first time I've seen Fox try to throw some fake clips together.
They showed an abandoned hospital

"im waiting to see the patients"
"well theres the patient's bed"

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

jon stewart is always attacking fox news. cnn is just as bad
yes, CNN has a sordid past of implementing fake footage.
Dude Stewart gets EVERYONE. You must not be watching. Hes gotten CNN more in the past year than ever before...
Honestly all these news stations are BS. MSNBC is just as bad as FOX for the left. Its all disgusting. Everyone has an agenda. Hell its called televisionPROGRAMMING. Its for a reason that its called that. They do these kinds of mistakes all the time and theyre never corrected, cuz that dont care to. Its justanother divide and conquer tactic.

"The game stays the same, the names change"
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Honestly all these news stations are BS. MSNBC is just as bad as FOX for the left. Its all disgusting. Everyone has an agenda. Hell its called television PROGRAMMING. Its for a reason that its called that. They do these kinds of mistakes all the time and theyre never corrected, cuz that dont care to. Its just another divide and conquer tactic.

"The game stays the same, the names change"
there is a difference between having a slant and 100% deception.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

John Stewert gets at everyone. I can recall a number of times him bashing CNN as well.

This was hilarious. Not the first time I've seen Fox try to throw some fake clips together.

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Everyone has an agenda. Hell its called television PROGRAMMING. Its for a reason that its called that.


although its still funny when theyre called on it
showing bias is different than using fake footage to lie. You can watch knowing that what you see will be biased. Fine. But fake footage is purely deception.That is different than a slant.
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