U.S. loses AAA credit rating from S&P.

Tim Geithner is the biggest idiot.  Timmy couldn't even figure out his taxes properly & "somehow" missed paying $35,000. If he can't do his own taxes, how's he going to lead our nation out of this depression?
Originally Posted by HARM

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by HARM

None of this matters to the average american ..

Life goes on


Funny thing is I'm being serious ..
Maybe the rich and upper middle class ..

But the lower Middle and poor don't give no !#%+* about this

Quite the contrary. If the government has to pay a higher interest rate on the money it borrows and there is legislation to limit borrowing, it's going to borrow even less. This will result in cuts to public infrastructure, furlough's, etc.
Originally Posted by devildog1776


STACK GOLD and SILVER.. 1660 and 39 an oz respectively
...and guns...dont forget the guns
holy crap why is timothy geithner still secretary of the treasury

he is the most incompetent piece of crap i have ever seen and i dont understand why obama wants him to stay so badly
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

S&P is not some rogue, independent agency that gives out ratings as some stochastic impulse. They are part of the financial cartel network which is on the same page as the fed, gs, chase, moody's etc. This was deliberately orchestrated and obviously there is some strategy behind this against the backdrop of some larger picture which we do not have the privilege to see. Any insider to this info could have benefited greatly knowing it in advance, and perhaps some of it got leaked, resulting in the volatileness of the market in the past few days. 

I work on wall street. You don't know what you're talking about, so please stop talking.
Let me preface this by saying I'm a bleeding heart liberal. Having said that, President Obama has surrounded himself with terrible people. His chief of staff is blaming the Klu Klux Clan, I mean the Tea Party for the downgraded rating?! What the heck really?

These are not fear tactics my friends, what Destination Kicks said is correct. Think of this in your own terms. If your using 55-60% of your monthly income making the minimum credit card payments, then you really don't have money for much else. That's the state of our national debt in a nutshell.

The US dollar will be worth a frickin peso soon...
"What recession, dog we been stressing, @!+$ been a mess, and we been dealing with this depression since way back"

Talib said it best, but honestly this is a way of living if you’re a black person in this country. We've been struggling, so it's nothing new to us, we always have learned how to adapt to the struggle, give us lemons and you know the rest. Not only blacks, but also poor whites, Hispanics, etc. Live your life to the fullest...no way would I let any financial difficulties put a damper on my existence.
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