
i know how you feel im on the latest version of ubuntu studio, smooth as $@$t never going back to windows and wont be dumb enough to drop a g on a mac.
I run mint in a VM on my mac
I'm sticking to 11.04 for the time being on my main desktop, but I have the most recent update on my netbook.

I have very little complaints about it, and I've been using Ubuntu since 09. Every problem I've had was solved by some quick searching on Google. Biggest problem is I haven't been able to get my ipod to recognize recently. It's an older 30GB classic. It won't even recognize when I plug it in, much less sync.. so that's kind of sucked. And I don't recall changing any settings, it just stopped one day.
I'm running Ubuntu with XFCE on my laptop and love it, it's super fast and functional. Once Steam gets released on Linux, I'll switch my desktop over.
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