UFO shotdown over Alaska

Or we could be part of the higher intelligent species experiment for thousands of years!? If anything we coulda been an hybrid species from a different planet. The universe is so big and old that we have no understanding of it all. There been art painting and mythical stories telling in every culture about GOD like being that been flying around for thousands of years.. During that time, we call them Gods but what if they are just more advance species from another planet far from ours etc.. It be actually very likely that we are the only intelligent being in this universe is all im saying. With how big it is, the odds only make sense that there's many others out there and im not talking about couple thousands . I believe there's billions if different lifeforms if anything, some more advance some probably still caveman etc. Unless you believe God created us to be super special and there's nothing else but that lol

cool but no one is arguing there isnt anything out there think majority of people think there is something else out there. Just saying if you have the ability to travel to earth than you are far superior than us.

and why do these UAPs/UFOs always seem to crash with all this advance tech? like you flew light years across space to make it here just to crash on earth lol smh all that tech couldnt prevent you from crashing the last few miles of a few light years trip, cmon now.
cool but no one is arguing there isnt anything out there think majority of people think there is something else out there. Just saying if you have the ability to travel to earth than you are far superior than us.

and why do these UAPs/UFOs always seem to crash with all this advance tech? like you flew light years across space to make it here just to crash on earth lol smh all that tech couldnt prevent you from crashing the last few miles of a few light years trip, cmon now.
I mean **** happens tho right? Could be something in the atmosphere that they haven’t accounted for
What if aliens are what we perceive to be as ghosts this whole time? Like if they had the technology to make themselves invisible like predator. So all these cases where someone has seen or heard what they thought were ghosts, were really invisible aliens.

Or...what if our natural senses weren't capable of seeing or hearing their existence? Like they're naturally made up of stuff that we're unable to detect (without some sort of man made tech).
I'm ready to live amongst aliens like in futurama and pursue some interdimensional cheeks
What if aliens are what we perceive to be as ghosts this whole time? Like if they had the technology to make themselves invisible like predator. So all these cases where someone has seen or heard what they thought were ghosts, were really invisible aliens.

Or...what if our natural senses weren't capable of seeing or hearing their existence? Like they're naturally made up of stuff that we're unable to detect (without some sort of man made tech).
There's a a theory that says they exist with us here on earth but in the 4th dimension that we cant see or sense, and that the uap's that show up is them crossing between dimensions
For those that always use the, "Why does it only happen in the US" (faulty) argument as a way to dismiss, please refer to the video.

Seems like the world powers are hitting us with the slow reveal. Ease us into it. Maybe they know **** is about to go down 🥲
they basically acknowledged there are things in the sky that they do not know what they are.

So they established UAP investigation division for NASA, named a director and everything.

pretty interesting developments the last few years:

Space Force (Military)
Congressional UAP task force (Government)
NASA UAP investigative branch (Independent Science/NASA)

there's definitely something up
Ok the title of that IG post was just click bait???? We already knew all that. I kinda think Mexico did that weak *** reveal on purpose to steal the US government's thunder. We have spent the last half decade talking absolutely crazy about them.
Well it is the first time NASA has ever officially acknowledged UFO/UAP's

Up until that report they have always denied their exitance.

for people following this stuff, its basically opening the door for much much more to come...

the first step is Acknowledgement

and yeah the Mexico stuff is looking funny in the light, so much more credible stuff out there to focus on
The Mexican officials showing their “version” of alien was a terrible attempt for world wide attention.
As far as i'm concerned it's just another way for the government to mismanage funds & pay themselves.

Also in the next few years i fully believe a "alien attack" will happen coincidentally to a person/place of interest. at this point the government could pretty much say / do anything to cause hysteria & take more money from the people
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