UFO Sighting on January 8th in Texas

If I throw something up into the air and no one can identify it then it too becomes a UFO.
larry king did a feature on it the other night, it was pretty amazing how the sightings were all so similar. THey def saw a UFO now I don't know if it wasaliens or some sort of U.S. military aircraft or something but they saw something.
Yeah I was watchin that thing on Larry King

with that one dude, shootin down every possible idea of their being any UFO's

I dont know if its aliens or it's the government doin somethin that isn't being told...there are definitely some things out there
I've been hearing of a lot of these lately in the news and from people I know. My friend called me all frantic the other night after she supposedly saw onecoming home from work. She's the last person I would think to believe in things like that too.
oh yea i saw that old guy on larry king too. he was a former air force pilot (i believe). They also had two girls on there too who reported being right underit. but everything anyone said, the skeptic guy was just like "no, no way" with nothing to back it up. he might have said it was a weather balloon ora military flair which clearly isnt a mile long as everyone described it as. pretty cool.
the government has to know something about UFO's by now, been going on for decades, but whatever they know probably not going to release to the generalpublic, people would probably freak out
Its always skeptical but it said over 200 people saw it.

To clear that up, it wasn't 200 people that saw the ufo that day...it's, 200 people report seeing ufos permonth, mostly in California, Colorado and Texas.

There were only "Several dozen people" that saw the same ufo from that story.
Originally Posted by oFLUo

Its always skeptical but it said over 200 people saw it.

To clear that up, it wasn't 200 people that saw the ufo that day...it's, 200 people report seeing ufos per month, mostly in California, Colorado and Texas.

There were only "Several dozen people" that saw the same ufo from that story.
even so "several dozen" sounds like a lot to me, especially in a rural texas town where theres not that many people to begin with. any timemore than 20 people see it, id probably believe it more than skepticize.
The universe is too big for us just to be the only forms of intelligent life. There has got to be more out there. I wish I'd be able to witness that in mylifetime.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

The universe is too big for us just to be the only forms of intelligent life. There has got to be more out there. I wish I'd be able to witness that in my lifetime.
Yeah some crazy $!#% going on..with how the world is today and technlogy advancing we might have a chance to see
yea, this wasnt too far from San Antonio (where i live). It was reported that a few dozen people saw a red glowing thing in the sky and it was estimated to beapprox. 1 mile in length and around a half mile wide. Some scary+%+! !%*! man.
There's too many people to identify the same craft in the air in that town. It had to be something, though. I think the US is honestly withholdinginformation on these unidentified objects. Just imagine what would happen if one was legitimately caught on tape and was released to the general public
There would be a media frenzy, something like what's going on with Britney Spears.
The US and Germany both have been working on UFOs since WW2 (1932-?) They were said to have developed one and test flew it... i froget the site i read it from


Russia has a UFO crash that they tried coering up, similar to roswell

type in UFO on google, you'll find something
i just read something about a UFO crash in brazil and they said an alien was running around the government officials were trying to catch it while blocking thepublic away. i thought that was
My question is why don't the millions of amateur astronomers have photographic proof, since they constantly search the skies.
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