Unbelievable comparison of oppression by Germany and Israel. *Warning - VERY Graphic*

mr cool grey

Feb 5, 2009
I was browsing online doing some research for a project of mine. 
While I was not specifically searching for what I found, I came accross this article made by a US Marine Veteren named Gordon Duff.

For those who are intersted, here is the article.

Apr-11-2010 21:40 [h1]Israel: Walking in the Footsteps of Nazi Germany[/h1]Tim King and Gordon Duff Salem-News.com
U.S. media wants you to ignore Israel's constant murderous genocidal campaign against people that takes place every day.

SALEM / CINCINNATI) - Gordon Duff published this amazing and uncanny set of photographs comparing the acts of the Third Reich in Europe, with the oppression of the Palestinian people under the hand of the occupying, militaristic state of Israel.

Duff said in regard to these images, "Normally pictures speak a thousand words but in this case, especially with a guy like me who loves to talk, these pictures leave me utterly speechless!"

The pictures tell the story of an oppressed group of people who "grew up" to become the oppressors they once perished under. Today's Israel relies on a Biblical philosophy calling Jews "the chosen people" and that is the excuse used to take almost all of the land away from the Palestinians.

Some say, "To the victors go the spoils", but Israel has only been able to become the polarized land of apartheid that it is, because of the support of the west.

In the beginning, the English helped establish Israel, shortly after which the Israelis turned on the British, starting an actual war; talk about biting the hand that feeds.

Today, the support for the Jewish state is almost completely attributable to the U.S. taxpayer. Americans hand over money by the billions, and Israel uses it to buy military hardware to illegally choke the Palestinian population. Israel's acts according to the United Nations are war crimes, but the United States ignores that.

As Russia was once the bad guy nation, so was Germany, and today those roles are filled by the United States and Israel, the truly dark nations that attack without cause, and are driven by the egos of men who never should have been placed in office.

Americans angrily crusade against their own President at "tea parties" and as recently as 63 years ago, blacks were still totally segregated in the military. There are parts of the country today where blacks still don't dare step out of line.

The land that gave birth to the KKK, eliminated the Native Americans, and allowed George W. Bush to serve two terms as President, has been one of the "bad countries" in the world's eyes for almost ten years. The U.S. is now walking literally in the footsteps of the failed former Soviet Union in an unwinnable war in Afghanistan.

Now it is Iran's suspected WMD's.

U.S. media wants you to ignore Israel's constant murderous genocidal campaign against people that takes place every day and is widely covered on the Internet. American reporters and newsrooms lack courage and gumption; many are nothing less than a waste of time and a joke.

WMD's don't exist in Iran, any more than they existed in Iraq; but the deceptive and literally evil government of Israel will spend millions and millions to restate and restate the lies, having learned the lesson under Bush that in order to sell a massive mistruth to tens of millions, it just takes great repetition and cooperative media.

Reporters are the safeguard for a society; the people who are the watchdogs of this type of activity, but their guts have spilled out all over the corporate meeting room floor, I guess. Thank God for the growing popularity of Salem-News.com in the U.S., though we may be too little, too late.

At any rate, I think it is easy to understand why the world hates Americans and is scared to death of them. It is sad in a way that al Jazeera is ten times the news source CNN or The BBC is, though it is accepted.

These are very graphic images, view with caution:

Spoiler [+]





Sad thing is, this very same idealogic method of oppression still goes on today.

My Palestinian people are becoming extinct, if you do some research - you might find some interesting things.

America sending BILLIONS each year to support this.  
Of course America sends billions each year, the Jewish people control a lot here in America.
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

the world we live in
and people still find ways to complain about living in the US.
we're part of the reason that those conditions exist... it's called thinking
What I found very ironic was that the Jewish people - who have every right in the world; were recently mourning those who lost their lives in the Holocaust, a very sad and inhumane time in history.

Yet, I discover things like this which baffles me because of the contradicting thats going on by those who know exactly how it feels to be oppressed.

Still though, its very sad to see things like this in mankind's history. Lets also not forget the Hiroshima bombings and other incidents involving killing of innocents.
you know, true as this may be, the author would do well to stick to facts and pictures to voice his opinion, because the type of language he uses will not only not convince people but may actually make people unwilling to see the truth
this is crazy....the analogy that came to me is: its like when someones father abuses them and they grow up to be an abuser as well. The cycle continues. 
SMH at anybody comparing anything to the holocaust. automatically discredits your argument. i completely agree that the US media gives our continued support of israeli brutality the pass but associating their conflict with an event which took the lives of over 6 million jews plus countless others is just a sorry attempt at sensationalizing something for your own benefit.

you can take pictures in countless places around the world and make it look like "nazi germany" to further your own agenda. barbed wire? walls? civilian casualties? those are products of war, not nazism. who ever made this is a joke.

f outta here with this crap.
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

SMH at anybody comparing anything to the holocaust. automatically discredits your argument. i completely agree that the US media gives our continued support of israeli brutality the pass but associating their conflict with an event which took the lives of over 6 million jews plus countless others is just a sorry attempt at sensationalizing something for your own benefit.

you can take pictures in countless places around the world and make it look like "nazi germany" to further your own agenda. barbed wire? walls? civilian casualties? those are products of war, not nazism. who ever made this is a joke.

f outta here with this crap.
u do know the holocaust occurred during wartime rite? 

this is to prevent anything similar to the holocaust from happening. you waiting for how many million to die until u see the similarity? what happened to "never again"? 
Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
ur on the outside looking in. Don't u think the Israelis consider themselves superior to the Palestinians and vice versa? The general opinion is that the Israelis/Palestinians want the other one gone from their "(holy) land." The Nazis wanted the Jews gone from their land. Both are using force, violence and extreme methods. U guys cant see the similarities? 
The person, of course, that made those comparative pics wanted to provoke a reaction of outrage...and he succeeded. 
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
ur on the outside looking in. Don't u think the Israelis consider themselves superior to the Palestinians and vice versa? The general opinion is that the Israelis/Palestinians want the other one gone from their "(holy) land." The Nazis wanted the Jews gone from their land. Both are using force, violence and extreme methods. U guys cant see the similarities? 
The person, of course, that made those comparative pics wanted to provoke a reaction of outrage...and he succeeded. 

no, the difference is that what the nazi's did was infinite times worse. 
its a good comparison until you realize the jews never really had an opportunity to actually attack the German people like the Palestinians do.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
ur on the outside looking in. Don't u think the Israelis consider themselves superior to the Palestinians and vice versa? The general opinion is that the Israelis/Palestinians want the other one gone from their "(holy) land." The Nazis wanted the Jews gone from their land. Both are using force, violence and extreme methods. U guys cant see the similarities? 
The person, of course, that made those comparative pics wanted to provoke a reaction of outrage...and he succeeded.
Yeah but the Nazis wanted control of Europe and Israel's strategy is defend themselves. There is no GENOCIDE, no ETHNIC CLEANSING, and no IMPERIALISTIC STRATEGY. Just a conflict for the holy lands that's been going on for a long time.
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
ur on the outside looking in. Don't u think the Israelis consider themselves superior to the Palestinians and vice versa? The general opinion is that the Israelis/Palestinians want the other one gone from their "(holy) land." The Nazis wanted the Jews gone from their land. Both are using force, violence and extreme methods. U guys cant see the similarities? 
The person, of course, that made those comparative pics wanted to provoke a reaction of outrage...and he succeeded. 

no, the difference is that what the nazi's did was infinite times worse. 

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
ur on the outside looking in. Don't u think the Israelis consider themselves superior to the Palestinians and vice versa? The general opinion is that the Israelis/Palestinians want the other one gone from their "(holy) land." The Nazis wanted the Jews gone from their land. Both are using force, violence and extreme methods. U guys cant see the similarities? 
The person, of course, that made those comparative pics wanted to provoke a reaction of outrage...and he succeeded.
Yeah but the Nazis wanted control of Europe and Israel's strategy is defend themselves. There is no GENOCIDE, no ETHNIC CLEANSING, and no IMPERIALISTIC STRATEGY. Just a conflict for the holy lands that's been going on for a long time.
What are u trying to prove? Whose agenda is/was more evil? Regardless, the effects are similar and that is what these pics are trying to show. 
Im guessing you didn't but read the text OP posted. Take everything with a grain of salt and consider the many sides of the issue and draw ur OWN conclusions from there. Im not trying to change ur opinion but please dont state what Ive heard many times before from biased media and american history books. I am well aware of these viewpoints and i do acknowledge them.  
The conflict in the mid-east is really a war on the media/informational levels.
I've always been curious about this war.  Can someone let me in as to why there is war in Gaza?  I know it has more to do with just the holy land/city
Originally Posted by eutum

I've always been curious about this war.  Can someone let me in as to why there is war in Gaza?  I know it has more to do with just the holy land/city

The whole thing was Palestinian land until Israel was established. Since then Israel has been slowly taking over the land, and segregating Jews and Palestinians with the walls and barbed wire and etc that were in the pictures, mostly in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinians homes are being destroyed while Israeli's build over the land. And a bunch of other reasons. Google is a good place to start searching deeper into all this.
Originally Posted by eutum

I've always been curious about this war.  Can someone let me in as to why there is war in Gaza?  I know it has more to do with just the holy land/city

im in the same boat. I knew/know about what Noskey said but the Isrealies must have a reason to support themselves as well...

As a Jew it's a daily struggle of the mind as to whether or not the state of 'Israel' is justifiable, but I can tell you that to compare the issues between the Palestinians and Israelis to that of the Nazis and Jews is ludicrous. I stopped reading the article though after it said the Israeli's fought the British. I don't seem to remember that at all, I remember the Israeli's accepting the British Mandate of Palestine for the division of Israel and Palestine into three separate entities, while the Palestinians declined inciting the Israeli War for Independence, which was between the Israeli's and the Palestinians.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
ur on the outside looking in. Don't u think the Israelis consider themselves superior to the Palestinians and vice versa? The general opinion is that the Israelis/Palestinians want the other one gone from their "(holy) land." The Nazis wanted the Jews gone from their land. Both are using force, violence and extreme methods. U guys cant see the similarities? 
The person, of course, that made those comparative pics wanted to provoke a reaction of outrage...and he succeeded. 

no, the difference is that what the nazi's did was infinite times worse. 


israeli palestinian conflict = atrocities on both sides, death toll in the high thousands. 
nazis  = killed 6 million jews plus about 5 million soviet P.O.W.s, homosexuals, Poles, and gypsies. 

you really can't see a difference between the biggest mass murder in the history of mankind and and the ongoing gaza strip conflict? 

yes, the gaza conflict is very unfortunate and there is innocent blood on the hands of both parties involved, but even the worst atrocities commited by Hamas or the Mossad pale in comparison to what Hitler and his men did.

i cringe anytime someone makes a Hitler/Nazi Germany comparison because it just shows so much ignorance. 
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
ur on the outside looking in. Don't u think the Israelis consider themselves superior to the Palestinians and vice versa? The general opinion is that the Israelis/Palestinians want the other one gone from their "(holy) land." The Nazis wanted the Jews gone from their land. Both are using force, violence and extreme methods. U guys cant see the similarities? 
The person, of course, that made those comparative pics wanted to provoke a reaction of outrage...and he succeeded. 

no, the difference is that what the nazi's did was infinite times worse. 


israeli palestinian conflict = atrocities on both sides, death toll in the high thousands. 
nazis  = killed 6 million jews plus about 5 million soviet P.O.W.s, homosexuals, Poles, and gypsies. 

you really can't see a difference between the biggest mass murder in the history of mankind and and the ongoing gaza strip conflict? 

yes, the gaza conflict is very unfortunate and there is innocent blood on the hands of both parties involved, but even the worst atrocities commited by Hamas or the Mossad pale in comparison to what Hitler and his men did.

i cringe anytime someone makes a Hitler/Nazi Germany comparison because it just shows so much ignorance. 
Biggest Mass murder in the "HISTORY OF MANKIND"? 
  have you ever heard of slavery? you know back in the day
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