Unbelievable comparison of oppression by Germany and Israel. *Warning - VERY Graphic*

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by eutum

I've always been curious about this war.  Can someone let me in as to why there is war in Gaza?  I know it has more to do with just the holy land/city
Imagine my house burned down, and I have no place to live. I decide to just stroll into your house and occupy your guestroom because an old family folklore said I was entitled to the land your house is on. And the courts side with me saying I have the right to be in your house. I decide to take over your kitchen next, then your living room, dining room and soon the entire lower level of your house. Does that sound fair to you?
Sounds fair if I had a fight with you (6day war) for this house and I whoop your !@+ and kicked you out of your house. But instead of playing by the rules, you're a spoil sport and want it back.  So you throw rocks at my window to anger me and I come out with a shotgun and blast you. 
dude, who fights for houses? are u high?
dude, did you not read the 2 previous posters above me? 

However, you posting this idiotic comparison of Nazi Germany who blatantly slaughtered millions of Jews to the situation between Israel and the Palestinian people did make me high though.
im not the OP

btw u should read the whole post before coming thru with them awful analogies

PS that lindsay lohan gif is wack
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Yen2dro3

Biggest Mass murder in the "HISTORY OF MANKIND"? 
  have you ever heard of slavery? you know back in the day

Genocide doesnt exactly equal slave trade. I mean, the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade is the worst of it's kind, and comparable to the Holocaust in numbers, but it wasnt exactly a systematic mass murder. Apples and oranges.

The largest genocide of all time was during the Great Leap Forward in China an estimated 49 to 78 million died plus stalin is also responsible for 23 million deaths. 
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by eutum

I've always been curious about this war.  Can someone let me in as to why there is war in Gaza?  I know it has more to do with just the holy land/city
Imagine my house burned down, and I have no place to live. I decide to just stroll into your house and occupy your guestroom because an old family folklore said I was entitled to the land your house is on. And the courts side with me saying I have the right to be in your house. I decide to take over your kitchen next, then your living room, dining room and soon the entire lower level of your house. Does that sound fair to you?
Sounds fair if I had a fight with you (6day war) for this house and I whoop your !@+ and kicked you out of your house. But instead of playing by the rules, you're a spoil sport and want it back.  So you throw rocks at my window to anger me and I come out with a shotgun and blast you. 
dude, who fights for houses? are u high?
dude, did you not read the 2 previous posters above me? 

However, you posting this idiotic comparison of Nazi Germany who blatantly slaughtered millions of Jews to the situation between Israel and the Palestinian people did make me high though.
im not the OP

btw u should read the whole post before coming thru with them awful analogies

PS that lindsay lohan gif is wack

This is Lindsay Lohan?

Son.. let me guess..  you wake and bake don't you?
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by eutum

I've always been curious about this war.  Can someone let me in as to why there is war in Gaza?  I know it has more to do with just the holy land/city
Imagine my house burned down, and I have no place to live. I decide to just stroll into your house and occupy your guestroom because an old family folklore said I was entitled to the land your house is on. And the courts side with me saying I have the right to be in your house. I decide to take over your kitchen next, then your living room, dining room and soon the entire lower level of your house. Does that sound fair to you?
Sounds fair if I had a fight with you (6day war) for this house and I whoop your !@+ and kicked you out of your house. But instead of playing by the rules, you're a spoil sport and want it back.  So you throw rocks at my window to anger me and I come out with a shotgun and blast you. 
dude, who fights for houses? are u high?
dude, did you not read the 2 previous posters above me? 

However, you posting this idiotic comparison of Nazi Germany who blatantly slaughtered millions of Jews to the situation between Israel and the Palestinian people did make me high though.
im not the OP

btw u should read the whole post before coming thru with them awful analogies

PS that lindsay lohan gif is wack

This is Lindsay Lohan?

Son.. let me guess..  you wake and bake don't you?

do u even read any part of a thread before posting ur opinion?
Originally Posted by Yen2dro3

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
ur on the outside looking in. Don't u think the Israelis consider themselves superior to the Palestinians and vice versa? The general opinion is that the Israelis/Palestinians want the other one gone from their "(holy) land." The Nazis wanted the Jews gone from their land. Both are using force, violence and extreme methods. U guys cant see the similarities? 
The person, of course, that made those comparative pics wanted to provoke a reaction of outrage...and he succeeded. 

no, the difference is that what the nazi's did was infinite times worse. 


israeli palestinian conflict = atrocities on both sides, death toll in the high thousands. 
nazis  = killed 6 million jews plus about 5 million soviet P.O.W.s, homosexuals, Poles, and gypsies. 

you really can't see a difference between the biggest mass murder in the history of mankind and and the ongoing gaza strip conflict? 

yes, the gaza conflict is very unfortunate and there is innocent blood on the hands of both parties involved, but even the worst atrocities commited by Hamas or the Mossad pale in comparison to what Hitler and his men did.

i cringe anytime someone makes a Hitler/Nazi Germany comparison because it just shows so much ignorance. 
Biggest Mass murder in the "HISTORY OF MANKIND"? 
  have you ever heard of slavery? you know back in the day
Stalin's regime killed 25-30 million... Mao killed millions... Pol Pot killed millions... Hell the United States murdered, raped, and is still mistreating Native Americans. Damn near wiped them out. We had internment camps here for Asian people. Slavery period

And there's STILL MASS MURDER GOING ON in more than one place in the world. Why is no one trying to stop the ongoing murder that's occurring right now?

A human life is a human life. I don't even know why these things are being compared like one event has more significance than another. 
Because Palestine isn't doing the same thing? Sending rockets into towns along the border cities of Israel?

Originally Posted by magikmike

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Of course America sends billions each year, the Jewish people control a lot here in America.
Wheres the humor in that? Maybe it doesnt pertain to the thread but regardless, its far from untrue.

Wow.  Yes, we go to our secret meetings every Saturday (we call that Sabbath as a cover) and determine the fate of everything we control in the country. 
Someone stated that there is no ehtnic cleansing of Palestinians, and that is so far from the truth. What that statement fails to realize is that Israel owes its very existence as a Jewish State to massive ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

Not touching upon other instances which happen daily towards Palestinians on Israeli soil and in the Occupied Territories, the transfer of Palestinians from their lands and expulsing them from their land through different methods or means whether through violence or forcible deportation is part of the whole Israeli government's agenda of ethnic cleansing the Arabs. Basically, the Israeli government, who are a people that suffered both deportation and extermination during the Holocaust, support similar measures against the Palestinians.

Some of you are missing the bigger picture here. In comparing it to the Holocaust, it does not mean that it has to be on the same grand scale but rather that some of the same tactics used during the Holocaust to kill and segregate Jews from the German population are now used by the Israeli government towards the Palestinian people. This is disregarding to what extent or intensity that it is done. It does not take away the fact that bulldozing homes, taking away their lands, depriving Palestinians of their basic and fundamental human rights, making them second class citizens, or even giving them identity cards to walk through checkpoints, harassing them, killing some of them just because of their ethnicity, or basically just treating them like cattle cannot be compared to some of the tactics Nazy Germany implemented on not only Jews, but other groups as well.

Many of the Palestinians in the refugee camps in Israel have no homes, they have no lives, they have no rights, they have no protected existence, they have no voice, and they have no place to go. They are openly beaten, shot, and terrorized all in the name for Israel to "defend" itself.

It is not on a huge grand scale like how the Holocaust was carried out, but some of the elements can for sure be compared to what is happening to Palestinians.
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

TeamJordan79 wrote:
DaNiKeRhiNo wrote:
Seriously, you can't compare Nazi to the Israeli's. The Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for years and Nazi wanted to take over and they referred to themselves as supreme humans. Israel=Racist, Nazis=Facist/Elitists. In Israel, the conflict is all about the holy lands. In WWII, the Nazi's goal was dominance over Europe and the genocide of the inferior "race"(ethnicity). I'm not at all justifying Israel's mistakes but to compare them to the Nazis is way too extreme.
ur on the outside looking in. Don't u think the Israelis consider themselves superior to the Palestinians and vice versa? The general opinion is that the Israelis/Palestinians want the other one gone from their "(holy) land." The Nazis wanted the Jews gone from their land. Both are using force, violence and extreme methods. U guys cant see the similarities? 
The person, of course, that made those comparative pics wanted to provoke a reaction of outrage...and he succeeded. 

no, the difference is that what the nazi's did was infinite times worse. 


israeli palestinian conflict = atrocities on both sides, death toll in the high thousands. 
nazis  = killed 6 million jews plus about 5 million soviet P.O.W.s, homosexuals, Poles, and gypsies. 

you really can't see a difference between the biggest mass murder in the history of mankind and and the ongoing gaza strip conflict? 

yes, the gaza conflict is very unfortunate and there is innocent blood on the hands of both parties involved, but even the worst atrocities commited by Hamas or the Mossad pale in comparison to what Hitler and his men did.

i cringe anytime someone makes a Hitler/Nazi Germany comparison because it just shows so much ignorance. 

 I know and understand that this doesnt equal up to the millions (not sure how many) that were killed by the Nazis in Germany but note in my title that I did put:

'comparison of oppression.'

 The UN have continuously condemned what the Israelis have been doing. They have been labeled as International War Criminals. Former President Carter wrote a book called 'Peace, not Aparthied'; as an testiment and eye opener to what he believes in unfair and unbalanced justice. There has been an ethinic cleasning throughout parts of the West Bank where Palestinians have claimed home for thousands of years.

During the Gaza war in 2008, Israel killed 1,400 CIVILIANS. Women, boys and girls of young ages.

Some people have to realize what this OPPRESSION does to young kids and adults. You force these kids in barbaric conditions for their whole lives, stripped them of a free and open opportunities and take away their precious childhood - creating anger as they grow up and becoming rebelious and unforgetful to what the people responsible for are doing which than leads to killings and battles with the Israelis.

This crude act of oppression and neglecting needs to stop once and for all, this country of ours (USA) needs to stop sending and "AID" and support for a country that truely terrorizes people day by day...

Obama's administration is SLOWLY making concessions against Israel...they know the deal and they know that Israel is increasingly rejecting international requests that tehy calm down...they're starting to move past the realm of appropriate action...
Originally Posted by Mr Cool Grey

What I found very ironic was that the Jewish people - who have every right in the world; were recently mourning those who lost their lives in the Holocaust, a very sad and inhumane time in history.

Yet, I discover things like this which baffles me because of the contradicting thats going on by those who know exactly how it feels to be oppressed.

Still though, its very sad to see things like this in mankind's history. Lets also not forget the Hiroshima bombings and other incidents involving killing of innocents.
Governments rarely represent the people anymore.
Also, the Nazi's are used in every political analogy these days from Obama's Heath Care to Iran
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by eutum

I've always been curious about this war.  Can someone let me in as to why there is war in Gaza?  I know it has more to do with just the holy land/city

im in the same boat. I knew/know about what Noskey said but the Isrealies must have a reason to support themselves as well...

After WW2 the Jews didn't have there own land so the British decided to give them part of Palestine without any permission.
Fast forward - the Jews have taken the Palestine with the help of America.
Menacin Methods wrote:
jthagreat wrote:
eutum wrote:
I've always been curious about this war.  Can someone let me in as to why there is war in Gaza?  I know it has more to do with just the holy land/city

im in the same boat. I knew/know about what Noskey said but the Isrealies must have a reason to support themselves as well...

After WW2 the Jews didn't have there own land so the British decided to give them part of Palestine without any permission.
Fast forward - the Jews have taken the Palestine with the help of America.

Basically. It was the UN partition; with the help of the Government of Jordan (go figure).

OptimusPrime, you're right on. The Obama administration has been playing hard-nose with Israeli government...a change in America's foreign relations with Israel.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Of course America sends billions each year, the Jewish people control a lot here in America.


one of the many things the Jews have a TON of control over in America is media, hence why these things aren't covered in the news. Instead, Palestine is painted out to be the bad guys...
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by eutum

I've always been curious about this war.  Can someone let me in as to why there is war in Gaza?  I know it has more to do with just the holy land/city
Imagine my house burned down, and I have no place to live. I decide to just stroll into your house and occupy your guestroom because an old family folklore said I was entitled to the land your house is on. And the courts side with me saying I have the right to be in your house. I decide to take over your kitchen next, then your living room, dining room and soon the entire lower level of your house. Does that sound fair to you?
Sounds fair if I had a fight with you (6day war) for this house and I whoop your !@+ and kicked you out of your house. But instead of playing by the rules, you're a spoil sport and want it back.  So you throw rocks at my window to anger me and I come out with a shotgun and blast you. 
If the law states that a country cannot take land during this conflict, then no it isn't anywhere near fair.

It's clear a lot of people don't know much about this when they need to so maybe our government would finally take a more even handed approach.
We had very little clue or even care on what the Natzis were doing during that time. We now know after 50 years that they were doing inhumane and just monster-like things. I don't think many of us here in North America have the whole picture as to what is REALLY happening over there but I pray that the Israelis/Palestinians are not conforming to acts close to that of the Germans.
I am on the position where I think the Israelis are acting out in a manner that is unlawful and appropriate, the Palestinians are throwing rocks while the Israelis are throwing bullets.
As much as the Palestinians are getting a raw deal. They are not getting rounded up and put into work and killed.

Making such a comparison is pretty much ridiculous. Thing like this make it even harder to have a honest conversation about whats going on there.
That article lost all of its credibility as soon as they compared the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the holocaust. What right do the Palestinians have to that land over Israel? They don't. All territories on earth were occupied by somebody else before they became the way they are today. Whoever can has the bigger guns gets the land. Is it right? No. But that's reality. Besides, theres not a genocide going on in Israel the way the Nazis were trying to eliminate all Jews. In this case, both sides have guns. Both sides have funding, one by the US, the other by Iran.
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