UNCC Shooting - multiple fatalities

Damn. RIP to the victims.

Was out with a shorty from Charlotte and she got the news.

Evil *** people in this world man
:lol: at y’all lames
Saying it’s racist
That I asked were the shooters white
Y’all don’t even know what racism means
And it’s weird to me
How they always seem to take these WHITE TERRORIST
into custody peacefully
Why is it there police training
Let’s them take white folks into custody without killing em

Rip to the victims and families effected by it
When we say "white people" you feel a certain way?


It's just a reminder to you how it feels to hear "black people, Mexicans, Muslims"

But that's just the start.

It may not be personal.

But it is to trigger some thought.

We don't hate because of you're skin color.

As a member of the Caucasian delegation. That stuff would admittedly annoy me when I was younger.

But the older I got, man, if the worst thing I’m hearing toward my way is some school shooter jokes and nothing that actually impacts me personally, I got it good when jokes don’t have any impact compared to other stuff that’s actually going on in this country.
Shooter looks like Super Fly Jimmy Snuka

:lol: at y’all lames
Saying it’s racist
That I asked were the shooters white
Y’all don’t even know what racism means
And it’s weird to me
How they always seem to take these WHITE TERRORIST
into custody peacefully
Why is it there police training
Let’s them take white folks into custody without killing em

Rip to the victims and families effected by it
Keep saying it my dude. F if they’re mad
Two words
“White fragility”
Lol no one has the structural power in the US to be racist towards white folks...

News flash this country is a white supremacy so while there is no white devil, whiteness does get you some extra coins at the arcade of life.

That’s not racism that’s facts lol
Shooters in America tend to be white males. That’s not up for debate. They’re usually odd looking dweebs too
So...he is white?

I don't understand how people can be up in arms about us immediately asking if the shooter is white. Lets not play dumb here.
Willful ignorance is the new Yeezy.
not racist yall. it is just usually a white guy doin all this crazy sh**. am i right or am i right?
Don't be facetious, if he had said what he said but replaced white with black, the reaction would be completely different. Don't hit me with any spiel about the power dynamics or intersectionality of racism either, I'm well aware of that. It doesn't make the double standard any less hypocritical.

Practice what you preach or don't preach that **** at all.
Don't be facetious, if he had said what he said but replaced white with black, the reaction would be completely different. Don't hit me with any spiel about the power dynamics or intersectionality of racism either, I'm well aware of that. It doesn't make the double standard any less hypocritical.

Practice what you preach or don't preach that **** at all.
You’re wrong and you just need to move on to be honest
Don't be facetious, if he had said what he said but replaced white with black, the reaction would be completely different. Don't hit me with any spiel about the power dynamics or intersectionality of racism either, I'm well aware of that. It doesn't make the double standard any less hypocritical.

Practice what you preach or don't preach that **** at all.

I'm not, I'm genuinely curious what double standards you see. I think you misunderstand the reason that question is asked in situations like this. It's not even about bashing "white people" it's about preparing yourself mentally to see the President of the United States of America and his crew go on a rampage against a black or brown shooter and make sure we know how every other black or brown person is just as capable of such violence and that "we" need to protect America from the black and brown menace, but if the shooter is white we MIGHT get a tweet addressing it but whomever does speak about the event will make sure to let us know that this young white angel was a victim of bullying and of mental health issues that although he is heavily affiliated with white supremacy and follows Trump and the alt right he is a lone wolf who acted out all by himself with no prior indication that he would be violent.

So let's get past your desire for things to be fair and even in whatever world you reside, in the real world the double standard that should truly upset you is that what I just typed has happened time and time again. They will find a way to make this young white man to look like he just made a bad decision due to pressure and abuse from the other people in his school. What are you preaching in here? Are you preaching that there are obvious racial disparities in the treatment of shooters? Or are you preaching that you just don't wanna hear it?
Can't be a double standard if all things aren't equal, especially in regard to race based perception. I can't wait until a Black person can call the cops on some white people that are having a barbecue in a public park.
So it racist, you just don't want to admit it.
People who live with privilege do not have the right to talk about things being unfair.
So it racist, you just don't want to admit it.
People who live privilege in a society geared toward them, do not have the right to speak of things being unfair for them. That, is not only hypocritical but also tactically stupid.
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