UNI4RM clothing!!

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Hola fellow NT members. I would like to present to you a new clothing brand called UNI4RM (pronounced uniform):

Representing an independent company deeply rooted within the California culture, UNI4RM intertwines art and lifestyle through the medium of fashion. Meticulously crafted with pride and finesse, each state-of-the-art design is a bold statement with an aesthetic appeal. Every concept is designed to enlighten, provoke, stimulate, and challenge your mind.

Love it or hate it, ALL constructive criticism is wanted. Check it out! Thanks~


Censorship--#@#% Clear Channel
"Media conglomerates own a huge percentage of the market, so they limit the open exchange of free thought and expression by imposing their own agendas, fears, and whims on the public. Haven't you learned about the First Amendment? Don't let the media brainwash you with their mainstream $*$@%$!! and propaganda. Keep your third eye wide open and protect yourself from glaucoma. It's time to UNI4RM and fight for the independent thinker. See you on the flip side..."

Censorship Front side

Censorship Back side

Uni4rm > Clear Channel

Pager code: FCC stands for Clear Channel


Screw the Right Wing--Vote 4 Uni4rm
*Available in Black, Teal and White*

"They said that a Black man will become the President of the United States when pigs fly. Sure enough, 100 days into Obama's presidency, "swine flu"! The right wing seem to only care about advancing capitalism instead of socialism. Let's do the right thing and eliminate high levels of inequality. It's time to change...out of those rags and put this fresh tee on!"
*Right Wing = Republican = GOP symbol: Elephant = Elephant/cement crack = Spizike = Do the right thing*



.rugs A.re R.eally E.xpensive--Healthcare FTL
*Available in Black and Heather Gray; both GLOW IN THE DARK*

"#@#% the Health care system! Some 47 million Americans have no health insurance due to the smoke and mirrors behind pricing premiums, deductibles and co-payments. You can't put a price tag on health. We hope this shirt puts out a message of awareness regarding the fatal flaws of America's Health care program as well as give you a chuckle. After all, laughter is the best medicine.
p.s. Drugs are bad mmkay?"

DARE front side

DARE back side

Heathcare $uck$

*Each shirt comes with Uni4rm syringe highlighters*


Grindin'--Hustle in Uni4rm
*Available in White or Cream*

"It takes a well-grounded plan to achieve your wildest dreams. Don't let the economic downturn put a damper on your daily grind. So wake up and smell the coffee; it's time to get that cream.
Hustle in UNI4RM!"

Wake up and smell the coffee. Get your grind on...

Hustle in Uni4rm

Each shirt comes with 4 high quality coasters!


Hug Life--All armz on me
"Baby don't cry, keep your head up. Smile, I ain't mad at ya. Remember, Unconditional love aint hard 2 find. Life goes on. Better dayz are ahead, it depends how do u want it? So spread the california love until the end of time. Holla if you hear me, I get around. It's time to hit'em up with Hug life. All arms on me!"



Uni4rm x Crucial--Collabo with Yoyo World Champ Paul Yath
*Only 80 made: 1 Heavy Cream yoyo, 1 tshirt, 2 pins and a sticker in a milk carton box*

"In collaboration with our good friend and 4-time National Yoyo champion Paul Yath(Crucial), we are honored to debut the highly anticipated release of the "Heavy Cream". But don't take it lightly; this weapon of choice has one string attached...it comes with an irresistable shirt perfect for the next time you walk the dog."

Uni4rm x Crucial!




Heavy Cream 1 of 1, signed yoyo benefit auction!
100% of proceeds will be donated to the victims of Haiti through the American Red Cross.
OR you can text ‘HAITI’ to ‘90999′ to donate $10 to the American Red Cross  :up:


Peace, Love & Uni4rm!

Website: www.uni4rm.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/uni4rm
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/UNI4RM/136804548768

*Free shirts and goodies given away through contests and random blurbs so add us!*
Ok stuff, good photography but theres nothing there "challenging my mind"
Everything looks like everything else thats been done. Also, I wish brands would stop with these mission statements, the consumer could care less, your just making t shirts any one can do that, just come with the dope ++++ and rep what your really about,save your missions statements for the bank. Get your shirts into some stores and start challenging yourselves with cut and sew, Jackets, things you guys are interested in. Utilize all your talents all your loves, ripping off yo mtv raps is not original, having a naked girl on a tee been done a million times, the drug references are not for me but it doesn't look bad, right now your photography game is very on point, everything else is nothing new but i think you guys have potential (one of the few "brands" posted that does) keep at it and keep us posted
I'm liking alot of your designs but I'm not feeling the colorful text on a couple of them...might give the wrong impression (ie: rainbows)
The right wingseem to only care about advancing capitalism instead of socialism.Let's do the right thing and eliminate high levels of inequality. It'stime to change... out of those rags and put this fresh tee on!"
Why would I want the
advancement of socialism?  It's funny how you transitioned from a major topic of debate to 'buy my shirt'.  Give me one for free (hooray socialism
) and I might use it if I run out of toilet paper.

I'm not sure what's up with the DARE shirt/idea.  It's not a bold statement; at best it's a confusing one. 
You can't put a price tag on health.
Yes you can; private or public, there will a price tag.
We hope this shirtputs out a message of awareness regarding the fatal flaws of America'sHealth care program as well as give you a chuckle
Your description is an overly broad & vague statement about the health care system in the USA.  Most people that see the shirt will assume you're talking about illegal drugs.  If you're really trying to make a statement about the health care system, why is the model doing heroin?  That's definitely not a drug we need to subsidize... or do you want me to laugh at the juxtaposition? 

Originally Posted by trethousandgt

Ok stuff, good photography but theres nothing there "challenging my mind"
Everything looks like everything else thats been done. Also, I wish brands would stop with these mission statements, the consumer could care less, your just making t shirts any one can do that, just come with the dope ++++ and rep what your really about,save your missions statements for the bank. Get your shirts into some stores and start challenging yourselves with cut and sew, Jackets, things you guys are interested in. Utilize all your talents all your loves, ripping off yo mtv raps is not original, having a naked girl on a tee been done a million times, the drug references are not for me but it doesn't look bad, right now your photography game is very on point, everything else is nothing new but i think you guys have potential (one of the few "brands" posted that does) keep at it and keep us posted

We appreciate the feedback, the best one so far. But here's our take on what you addressed.

Everything looks like it's been done, which is very true. "No idea is original; nothing is new under sun" That being said, we purposely chose to use trends and flip popular logos that are easily distinguishable to the common consumer to grab their attention for our first line of shirts. Familiarity helps draw in attention, however, we believe that our concepts are thought provoking and not just some design slapped on the chest. Nonetheless, to each his/her own.

Second, the mission statement. Honestly, this is for us, not you. We're glad to share it though, in case the consumer wants to know what our vision is. We know it's somewhat redundant to read all these up and coming brands' mission statement which can be cliche, but this is for us to stay focused and stick to a set guideline.  It's interesting to hear that the consumer could care less what the mission statement is or what the brand stands for. Like @IhaveGout addressed regarding the rainbow colors and giving the wrong impression, what IF we were a brand that only sold to Homosexuals, would that be an issue? I think a big problem these days with the consumers and brands' is the lack of relationship. We don't want our customers to be walking billboards for us.

We'd love to move up to cut & sewn garments, jackets, etc...in due time. Since we are brand new, it will take some time to get our foot in the door. The formula is always to start with tshirts, so yes, we are "just making tshirts and anyone can do that".

All in all, we'll be here for awhile.
Keep the comments coming!!!! Thanks
Originally Posted by IhaveGout

I'm liking alot of your designs but I'm not feeling the colorful text on a couple of them...might give the wrong impression (ie: rainbows)

Thanks for the comment. As far as the colorful text, we cannot justify that, it's more making certain parts of the shirt stand out and communication through visuals. However, we don't think one should feel insecure about their sexuality and feel that they're giving the wrong impression. We understand that style is going to be different for everyone, some people simply just do not like what we are putting out at all, for those who are...we will be offering more colorways in the near future so stay tuned.

No disrespect to The Hundreds, but I highly doubt when one is wearing a shirt with a bomb on it that people think they may be a terrorist haha
Originally Posted by 443haplo

The right wingseem to only care about advancing capitalism instead of socialism.Let's do the right thing and eliminate high levels of inequality. It'stime to change... out of those rags and put this fresh tee on!"
Why would I want the advancement of socialism?  It's funny how you transitioned from a major topic of debate to 'buy my shirt'.  Give me one for free (hooray socialism
) and I might use it if I run out of toilet paper.

I'm not sure what's up with the DARE shirt/idea.  It's not a bold statement; at best it's a confusing one. 
You can't put a price tag on health.
Yes you can; private or public, there will a price tag.
We hope this shirtputs out a message of awareness regarding the fatal flaws of America'sHealth care program as well as give you a chuckle
Your description is an overly broad & vague statement about the health care system in the USA.  Most people that see the shirt will assume you're talking about illegal drugs.  If you're really trying to make a statement about the health care system, why is the model doing heroin?  That's definitely not a drug we need to subsidize... or do you want me to laugh at the juxtaposition? 

Thanks for your commentary, very refreshing indeed. This is why we pride ourselves with some of the concepts we put out...they are open to a great debate/conversation. It is only fair to somewhat justify our approach behind each design you have addressed, so bear with us.

OBAMA: This shirt was a project we did in 2008, during the Presidential election. As individuals, we all stood by the idea of CHANGE and HOPE, and felt that Obama could do the job. We printed a few to cater to the younger generation who weren't really into politics and didn't care to vote. Surprisingly our design was a big success! If one notices, we decided to use Spike Lee's classic DO THE RIGHT THING movie poster and flip it: SCREW THE RIGHT WING. Now, if you look closely to the metaphors behind this concept, you might be impressed. The GOP symbol for the Republicans(Right Wing) is the Elephant. Ironically, the Spiz'ike Jordan shoes utilize the elephant crack cement design on their kicks. Get it?
As far as the transition from a major topic of debate to "buy our shirt", that was more of a play on words and a joke(apparently not a funny one to some).

DARE: We totally understand how this bold statement can be a confusing one. And at best, it is open to discussion. We all know DARE is a program for kids to refrain from drug abuse. Stating the obvious, this design is only meant to provoke thoughts. The twist is, yes, it can be referred to legal or illegal drugs. This is open to interpretation, which makes it a bit fun. Nevertheless, we somewhat saved the design by adding the healthcare symbol on the back of the shirt to address an important issue that we're facing right now. "You can't put a pricetag on health" is a general statement saying there shouldn't be one, because health is priceless, but unfortunately there will always be one. Regarding the photo of the model doing heroin, it is actually a juxtaposition we decided to use to make a strong visual statement.

Bottom line is, we need more people like you! Comments like this help us develop our brand further...and we definitely would like to take some moral responsibility with what we do and put out there. Keep'em coming! THANKS
Originally Posted by 443haplo

The right wingseem to only care about advancing capitalism instead of socialism.Let's do the right thing and eliminate high levels of inequality. It'stime to change... out of those rags and put this fresh tee on!"
Why would I want the advancement of socialism?  It's funny how you transitioned from a major topic of debate to 'buy my shirt'.  Give me one for free (hooray socialism
) and I might use it if I run out of toilet paper.

I'm not sure what's up with the DARE shirt/idea.  It's not a bold statement; at best it's a confusing one. 
You can't put a price tag on health.
Yes you can; private or public, there will a price tag.
We hope this shirtputs out a message of awareness regarding the fatal flaws of America'sHealth care program as well as give you a chuckle
Your description is an overly broad & vague statement about the health care system in the USA.  Most people that see the shirt will assume you're talking about illegal drugs.  If you're really trying to make a statement about the health care system, why is the model doing heroin?  That's definitely not a drug we need to subsidize... or do you want me to laugh at the juxtaposition? 

lol wow. i think he is trying to tell you he doesn't like your tees. be easy. show us some shirts you like so we can bash you. relax

niketalk is full of haters

me on the other hand, would love that dare one. something i can relate to
PM me for some details on how to get one
Originally Posted by chrisk0

Originally Posted by 443haplo

The right wingseem to only care about advancing capitalism instead of socialism.Let's do the right thing and eliminate high levels of inequality. It'stime to change... out of those rags and put this fresh tee on!"
Why would I want the advancement of socialism?  It's funny how you transitioned from a major topic of debate to 'buy my shirt'.  Give me one for free (hooray socialism
) and I might use it if I run out of toilet paper.

I'm not sure what's up with the DARE shirt/idea.  It's not a bold statement; at best it's a confusing one. 
You can't put a price tag on health.
Yes you can; private or public, there will a price tag.
We hope this shirtputs out a message of awareness regarding the fatal flaws of America'sHealth care program as well as give you a chuckle
Your description is an overly broad & vague statement about the health care system in the USA.  Most people that see the shirt will assume you're talking about illegal drugs.  If you're really trying to make a statement about the health care system, why is the model doing heroin?  That's definitely not a drug we need to subsidize... or do you want me to laugh at the juxtaposition? 

lol wow. i think he is trying to tell you he doesn't like your tees. be easy. show us some shirts you like so we can bash you. relax

niketalk is full of haters

me on the other hand, would love that dare one. something i can relate to
PM me for some details on how to get one

Haha no worries. I commend him for actually speaking on behalf of his opinion and depicting his views instead of a simple "Not feeling it". It gives us better insight and allows us to explain our perspective a little better.

That being said, I'm glad you like the DARE shirt
You can cop one directly from our website: www.uni4rm.com/shop

Keep the comments coming please, they're very helpful! THANKS!
lol wow. i think he is trying to tell you he doesn't like your tees. be easy. show us some shirts you like so we can bash you. relax

niketalk is full of haters

He said he wanted all constructive criticism.  If I just said 'nice' or 'pass' that wouldn't really help him out with what I like or dislike about the products.  Companies routinely want feedback so they can improve.  Dominoes recently changed their pizza based on customer feedback, but I'm willing to bet that not all of the customers that participated in the survey have their own pizzeria.

niketalk is full of people who type before they think
Just got a chance to check out your site, looks real good, although once again you say your going for familiarity in your design understood but you won't achieve the status i know you wan't to by using designs that have been done to death, that is a short term strategy. While everything has pretty much be done, there's a lot of stuff that has not been brought back, some good stuff. Also, the use of multiple colors on a shirt is ok but kids are growing up, we are in a recession big bright colors all over a shirt while still acceptable is taking a back seat to simple color combo's, people care more about originality, fit, design and less about a specific message with multiple colors on it. Regarding cut and sew, for now i would look for a legit designer that you can work with to help you get one or two statement pieces done (just my opinion). I'm sure you guys have books on design, fonts, t shirt books, there are so many things that haven't been done YET or brought back YET. Anyhow like i said before so far you guys have the greatest potential i have seen of anyone on niketalk to do something with your brand good luck and keep us posted.
Originally Posted by 443haplo

lol wow. i think he is trying to tell you he doesn't like your tees. be easy. show us some shirts you like so we can bash you. relax

niketalk is full of haters

He said he wanted all constructive criticism.  If I just said 'nice' or 'pass' that wouldn't really help him out with what I like or dislike about the products.  Companies routinely want feedback so they can improve.  Dominoes recently changed their pizza based on customer feedback, but I'm willing to bet that not all of the customers that participated in the survey have their own pizzeria.

niketalk is full of people who type before they think

hop off deez. seriously. what do you do for anyone? it just gave me a good laugh to see how people are so quick to tell everyone what they don't like on niketalk. maybe the way you wrote it gave me a negative energy so i felt i had to defend someone that is obviously passionate about their craft and some bozo like you comes in knowing you have nothing good to say about someones hard work. you sound like one of those guys that got his thongs in a bunch cause they changed infrared to varsity red. yeah, go ahead, we know you got something for me.
Thanks to Bud Roberts of Arizona for winning the Heavy Cream #0 benefit auction for Haiti. The ending bid came in at $207.50. 100% of the profit will be donated to the Red Cross where it will go to help the people affected by the earthquake. Thanks to everyone who placed a bid. A “DXL crew
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