Unlocked Blackberry tour Internet

May 2, 2009
Whats good NT fam

My Iphone got run over 2 weeks ago and Ive looking to move to team blackberry seeing as apple wont replace my phone and I dont have the money to buy A new Iphone.
Ive been looking in to getting A unlocked Blackberry tour but im wondering if I do will I able to Use BBM and be able to the use the internet ?
I know ill be able to text and make calls but BBM is what makes a blackberry

Thanks NT
Whats good NT fam

My Iphone got run over 2 weeks ago and Ive looking to move to team blackberry seeing as apple wont replace my phone and I dont have the money to buy A new Iphone.
Ive been looking in to getting A unlocked Blackberry tour but im wondering if I do will I able to Use BBM and be able to the use the internet ?
I know ill be able to text and make calls but BBM is what makes a blackberry

Thanks NT
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