Unreal deals on Kixify, anyone trust these great deals?

I purchased a size 12 paranorman for $900 and size 12 galaxy foam for $850.  The seller said 100% authentic with everything included.  I'll update as soon as I receive them.  It'll be an unbelievable deal if they're legit.  I'll post pics when they arrive.
i got his galaxy foams and the mags. you probably eont know but before he listed your galaxies for 850 he listed 3 for 450$!!!!! thats a damn steal for me if they real. the mags are 1700 thats also low. idk he said he made a large shipment and cant sort out whose tracking is whose so hasnt given me the tracking but he did say he shipped it
inthose picture of the south beaches and copper foams and stuff his name tag is actually in the pic, all walks of life, so i think he actuallychas the shoes but it says he has 6 pairs of miami nights in stock tthat aint possible but ill let u know when i get a tracking or they get here
Yes, the tag to me looks a little pixelated, so I'm a little unsure. I saw the galaxies at $450 for just a little while after I bought my size 12's. hopefully we lucked out with a great deal and didn't get ripped off.
I was going to buy more to resell but just wasn't sure. Hopefully you got a great deal and get to pay off the ones for you and make even more profit after.
Lol at all these people buying from them. Practically you guys do realize it impossible to get a real pair at those prices AND the seller having multiple pairs
. Clear scam guys, it just practically a ebay for shoes really.
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Yes, he might just be selling authenticates on consignment from sellers who just want to get rid of their collections. He seems to be getting in random kicks in random sizes. He's not just putting up every foam or Jordan possible. I guess we'll find out. Plus he wants to be paid PayPal and doesn't ask for gifting or any other weird type of payment. If he ends up selling fakes, he'll have like 20k or more to refund people. I don't think he or she is that dumb.
Are those really unbelievable deals though?

I mean, the list prices of the shoes in question are often higher than what you saw here, but if you are familiar with buying high-end kicks, you know that very few pairs actually sell at those prices. Most of the prices that are posted on ebay for like $1,500+ are sellers who don't really care if they sell or not and who are just hoping to catch a thirsty noob mark who thinks that these are the "real" market prices.
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well, I know that I can't find paranorman's anywhere for under 2k and galaxies rarely go under $1300 DS.  The fact that he's throwing out random low numbers is questionable.
man I hope it works out for you, don't have that kinda money to throw out cause gotta pay my mortgage first.  All my recent purchases are on credit
I hear you.  I've been buying, trading, and reselling to save up for these.  Can't pay the FlightClub prices so I'm taking a chance here and maybe I get lucky.  The galaxies and paranorman's pretty much complete my collection for now and then I can calm down for awhile.
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Are those really unbelievable deals though?

I mean, the list prices of the shoes in question are often higher than what you saw here, but if you are familiar with buying high-end kicks, you know that very few pairs actually sell at those prices. Most of the prices that are posted on ebay for like $1,500+ are sellers who don't really care if they sell or not and who are just hoping to catch a thirsty noob mark who thinks that these are the "real" market prices.
But it should still be close
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alright guys the 450$ galaxy foams he sold me i got refunded. i asked him if he shipped it or not and if he has a tracking on wednesday and he said he shipped it, but on friday he still wouldnt give me a tracking so i told him id file a case if he doesnt give it to me. i filed it, and the reply was that he hasnt shipped it so i guess ....hes just not a real seller
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