UPandComing32's Collection Post

Dope collection Joe, nice rotation and variety
Nice collection man! I'm loving the Oxy's, Kay Yow Hyperdunks, and Posites.

Don't worry about the quality over quanity haters. Just do and get what you like.
Great stuff Joe..nice collection. Joe Is a good guy and willing to help nt's out if he is able too..met him during the Kobe road finals release and hehelped me obtain the 4 rings iv's..legit as they come..props to you brother.
nice collection....made me realize that i need black foams, blue hypermax, and freshwater griffs asap.
word foams are crazy, you got some heat.. keep up the good work brother, you ever trying to get rid of some foams holla at me...
Quantity critisism?????

You have NO need to write that. You got PLENTY QUALITY to not worry about quantity flaming.

You forgot to post your SJ shirt though? lol
whatever you do for a living i want to do that. and then spend it all on at least half of what you have. excellent collection i am truly dumbfounded.
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